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End of the Year Seventh-Grade Social S tudies Review

End of the Year Seventh-Grade Social S tudies Review. The following presentation was developed to help the student review multiple world events through 1400-1800. Students will be taking the MSL Common exam and can be tested on anything in world history 1400-1800.

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End of the Year Seventh-Grade Social S tudies Review

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  1. End of the Year Seventh-Grade Social Studies Review The following presentation was developed to help the student review multiple world events through 1400-1800. Students will be taking the MSL Common exam and can be tested on anything in world history 1400-1800. This is the best review we could come up with given that the common exam could include anything in world history from 1400-1800.

  2. Short Essay Tips Make sure you answer the question. Make sure you use facts to back up your statements If it is an opinion use evidence or facts as your reason why Argue your point using facts

  3. Exploration Reasons for European Exploration desire for wealth, to spread Christianity, desire for land, new sailing technology, God, gold, and glory

  4. Prince Henry of Navarre started navigation school, spread Christianity, traded cold and ivory and capitves

  5. BARTOLOMEU Dias Sailed first European ship sailed past the tip of Africa, now known as Cape of Good Hope

  6. Vasco de Gama sailed up the East African coast searching for a direct route to Asia

  7. Christopher Columbus was sailing west from Europe in hopes of reaching Asia, instead landed in Caribbean

  8. Line of Demarcation issued by Pope Alexander VI, preventing disputes and war over land, Spain= West of Line and Portugal= East of Line

  9. MING Dynasty Dynasty that Ruled China following end of Mongol rule


  11. Yonglo launched the 7 voyages, moved capital to Beijing

  12. ZHENG HE CHINESE MUSLIM EXPLORER WHO WAS captain of the 7 voyages

  13. QING Dynasty Dynasty Confucian beliefs, had rulers Kangxi and Qian-long, Founded in mid 1600's

  14. KANGXI Ruler of China for 60 years who lowered taxes, gave intellectuals government positions

  15. Qian Long Emperor of the Qing Dynasty who oversaw the expansion of China to its greatest size and a huge population boom, sponsored voyages of exploration

  16. Sengoku "warring states", wars between the daimyo in Japan

  17. DAIMYO In Japanese feudalist society, like a warlord, provided security

  18. Oda Nobunaga defeated and seized Kyoto, eliminated enemies

  19. ToyotomiHideyoshi best general, invaded Korea against Mings

  20. TOKUGAWA Iyeasu brought order in Japan, sole ruler for 3 years, introduced the "alternate attendance policy" requiring that Daimyo spend every other year in capital

  21. TOKUGAWA Shogunate Military Government that was very structured, emperor the shogun then daimyo then samurai then peasants then merchants

  22. ITALY Country that profited most from traded with East right after Crusades

  23. TREATY OF Tordesillas agreement /compromise between Portugal and Spain to decrease conflict over claiming of new lands

  24. KABUKI Japanese theatre/drama, with simple music

  25. GATHER WEALTH Major reason for European Exploration

  26. SPREAD CHRISTIANITY Another Major reason for European Exploration

  27. PORTUGAL European Country famous for sailing innovations in 1400's (15th century)

  28. PORTUGESE SAILORS These shipwrecked explorers were the first to land on Japanese soil

  29. SPICES Most important trade good from the East in 1400's

  30. CARAVEL Ship developed by Portuguese which could sail against the wind

  31. HAIKU a Japanese form of poetry, EXPRESSING IMAGES

  32. CLOSED COUNTRY POLICY Japan's policy of banning foreign missionaries and traders to Japan. This allowed Japan to have the favorable balance of trade AND TO CONTROL FOREIGN IDEAS.

  33. KOREA Was a vassal state of China during Ming Dynasty

  34. YONGLO Built the Forbidden City, Hongwu's son who continued the Ming Dynasty.

  35. DUTCH this country won favor with Chinese by kowtowing to them

  36. AFRICAN COAST Portugal explored the ____________ ___________ to find an all-water route to Asia.

  37. Trial of Joan of Arc (1431) Look up info

  38. RENAISSANCE (1400-1600) Know info

  39. The reformation, scientific and industrial revolution in Europe Martin Luther contributes to the Reformation---how? Galileo and Newton contribute to the scientific revolution—how? -industrial revolution The industrial revolutions impact on cities, lifestyles and agriculture The Renaissance affects arts in Europe

  40. 1450-1500 The rise of the princes in Germany

  41. 1453 Heavy artillery (cannons) helps Turks capture Constantinople and end Hundred Years War

  42. 1469 Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella

  43. 1485-1603 Look up about the strong TUDOR dynasty in England

  44. Defeat of Spanish Armada 1588

  45. British East India company established 1600

  46. Study all major world events in the years 1400-1800

  47. Links to help you study /References http://worldhistoryforusall.sdsu.edu/eras/era6.php http://departments.kings.edu/womens_history/witch/wtimlin.html

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