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Bibliometric Analysis in Social Sciences and Humanities: paradigm shift and mutual challenges. João Costa Investigação e Ensino na NOVA June 29, 2012. OUTLINE. Bibliometrics in SSH: a paradigm shift and the response of the area .
Bibliometric Analysis in Social Sciences and Humanities:paradigm shift and mutual challenges João CostaInvestigação e Ensino na NOVA June 29, 2012
OUTLINE Bibliometrics in SSH: a paradigmshiftandthe response ofthearea. Thechallengetakenbyinstitutionsandindividuals (the case of FCSH). Theshortcomingsofbibliometrics. Thechallenge for SSH. Thechallenge for bibliometrics.
A Paradigm Shift Common (andold) assumptions for evaluatingscience in SSH: (Double-blinded) peerreview as a standard; Booksandbookchapters are as important as journalarticles; Major journalseditmonograph series for longerarticles; Major conferenceseditbookswithselectedpapers; Citation in anytypeofformatsignalsimpact; Impactcomparedwithinareasanddomains. BOOKS are a major signalofacademicachievement. CITATIONsignalsimpact.
A Paradigm Shift New assumptions/concepts: Impactfactors; Journalswithhigherrelevancethanbooksorbookchapters; No clear place for “cultural” products; Comparabilityacrossdifferentareas. BOOKSlostrelevance. MARKERS OF IMPACT suddenlychanged. SSH suddenlyperceived as areaswithlittleimpact.
The SSH response Perceptionthatadherence to paradigmshiftiscondition for access to funding; Investmentondiversificationofpublicationtypes. LEIDEN STUDY witnessesthegrowthof SSH in therelevantpublicationtypes.
The SSH response – the case of FCSH Rapidincreaseandinvestment in publicationsindexed in CI (source: Converis)
The SSH response – the case of FCSH Institutionalstimulus for investment in indexedpublications: Individual productivityprizes; Productivityprizes to I&D centers; Membershipassessmentbasedon CI publications in certain I&D centers. Clear assumptionofchallenge.
The shortcoming of bibliometrics Leiden Study:
The shortcoming of bibliometrics Coverage: FCSH productivity in 2011 (including: articles in peer-reviewedjournals, books as author/editor, bookchapters, peerreviewedconferenceproceedings, journalissue) Total: 1170 Indexed: 55 (4,7%)
The shortcoming of bibliometrics Coverage and weakness in assessing impact (R. Santos): Quadro 1. Numbers of cited references and proportion indexed in WoK. Source: Random sample of articles in WoS published in 2011.
The shortcoming of bibliometrics Hiding relevant work: Three examples: INET-ID: production of materials supporting the promotion of FADO to World Intangible Heritage by UNESCO.
The shortcoming of bibliometrics Hiding relevant work: Three examples: IELT: Collection of oral patrimony.
The shortcoming of bibliometrics Hiding relevant work: Three examples: CHAM: Underwater Archaeology
The shortcoming of bibliometrics Coverage: highly cited authors Book citations in 2007 (source: Times Higher Education with Thomson) Anthony Giddens (sociology) 1303 Noam Chomsky (linguistics) 812 Judith Butler (philosophy) 960 Ulrich Beck (sociology) 733 Jurgen Habermas (philosophy) 1049
The shortcoming of bibliometrics Coverage: highly cited authors Occurrences and citations in WoS Anthony Giddens (sociology) 3 / 1 Noam Chomsky (linguistics) 19 /79 Judith Butler (philosophy) 21 / 57 Ulrich Beck (sociology) 0 / 0 Jurgen Habermas (philosophy) 3/0
The challenge for SSH Precise identificationofmarkersof research performance. Clear adherence to evaluationof research (peer-reviewing, etc.) Ranking ofscientificproducts.
The challenge for bibliometry Developmentofspecifictools for different research areas; Identificationofcorrespondencesacrossareas(e.g. what’sthe SSH correspondentof a short article in Chemistry in termsofimpact/work volume?)
The challenge for bibliometry Inclusionofdomain-specificproducts (e.g. patrimonycollections, materials for languagepolicy, educationmaterials, research-based cultural products, etc.)
The challenge for evaluation Makesurethatevaluation takes intoaccounttheactualproductivityinsteadoffocusingonimposing a newtypologyof research products.
Conclusion: mutual challenges More impact, widercoverageandstrongerinternationalprofile for the SSH will come aboutifbibliometricsistakenseriously, andifthespecificityof SSH istakenseriouslybybibliometrics.