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Baseball stars. Ernest Scott Thomas O'Dennis CONNOR JONES KATIE CARR. Image 1. Image 1. I wanted to create a picture that had players from different time periods player on the same baseball field. I found pictures of different baseball players.
Baseball stars Ernest Scott Thomas O'Dennis CONNOR JONES KATIE CARR
Image 1 I wanted to create a picture that had players from different time periods player on the same baseball field. • I found pictures of different baseball players. • I learned how to crop each player out of the pictures. • Sized the players and placed them on the baseball field. • Added the black and white baseball to the picture and added some effects using the paintbrushes.
Image 1 babe-ruth.jpg – 1241x968 http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-literally-larger-than-life-athletes.php/babe-ruth baseball-field.jpg - 485x200 http://www.ualbanysports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=15800&ATCLID=839036 black-and-white-baseball-rob-hans.jpg – 900x797 http://fineartamerica.com/featured/black-and-white-baseball-rob-hans.html calripkin.jpg – 150x250 http://espn.go.com/endofcentury/s/century/kurkjian.html mikeschmidt.jpg – 267x400 http://bleacherreport.com/articles/600573-the-most-beloved-player-on-every-mlb-franchise-team-history roger_clemens_pitch.jpg – 400x384 http://www.thepitchingacademy.com/articles/pitching-mechanics-articles/ baseballscoreboard.jpg 450x301 http://www.jalc.edu/athletics/facilities/pages/baseball%20scoreboard.html collegeplayer.jpg 500x350 http://www.ecutigers.com/article.asp?articleID=702
Image 2 I wanted to create an image that showed future baseball players seeing the accomplishments of past baseball players so I picked the baseball hall of fame and place black and white players in ghost like appearances and added a father and son in the baseball hall of fame. • Found black and white pictures of baseball players and cropped them out of the original pictures. • Added them to the hall of fame and changed their opacity so the background could be seen through them. • Found a father and son picture and cropped them out and add them walking in the baseball hall of fame.
Image 2 halloffame.jpg – 500 X 371 http://www.flickriver.com/photos/bill_in_stl/2043327943/ Baseball player Billy Joe Davidson sitting alone in the dugout reading a newspaper before a game.jpg 470 X 600 http://annakrentz.blogspot.com/2012/04/reading-papers.html ac3a98669d8c3dc2c987145800effeb7_width_640x.png – 640 X 454 http://www.funnyordie.com/articles/68ccdb1f34/old-timey-baseball-players-and-their-amusing-nicknames picture-of-an-old-baseball-glove.jpg – 400 X 300 http://addins.whig.com/blogs/schucksclipboard/2011/12/baseball-is-about-the-game-not-one-player 032710FOTDparadeFull.jpg – 595 X 469 http://davidsonnews.net/blog/category/news/kids/page/6/ mikeschmidt.jpg – 267x400 http://bleacherreport.com/articles/600573-the-most-beloved-player-on-every-mlb-franchise-team-history
Image 3 I wanted to create an image that would show the different symbols of the baseball league. • I found pictures of the National and American League, MLB, baseball diamond. • I placed these pictures on the United States of America flag. • I cropped these pictures out of the original picture. • I removed there backgrounds by using the lasso tool from Photoshop.
Image 3 mlb.gif - 532 X 274 http://vintagegent.com/category/fashion-history/ usflag.jpg - 877 X 547 http://www.signstor.com/flag.htm American_League_logo.jpg - 199 X 208 http://www.braves-express.com/Braves_Express%20MLB%20page.htm National-League-Logo.jpg - 300 X 301 http://www.prorumors.com/2011/04/rumors/how-national-league-teams-got-their-names baseball_diamond.jpg - 400 X 400 http://www.zazzle.com/baseball_diamond_card-137212940362963815 bsbll.jpg - 512 X 509 http://dumais.us/newtown/blog/?tag=baseball
Image 1 • In my first image I used the Phillies Pictures of the past and present. One picture is of Pete Rose during the 1980 championship season. The other picuture is the 2008 Phillies championship season. • This image is a collage.
Image 2 • This image represents the Phillies again with all the uniforms of the past and present. Also I used some past and present Phillies players to be in this image. Two pictures were used for this image.
IMAGE 3 • In this Phillies image I removed some of the color in the picture. I wanted to see how that would look with a white background. This is the Phillies 2010 Roster of Players.
IMAGE 4 • My final image I made using four pics. One picture is of Barry Bonds. Second Picture is of Richie Ashburn. Third is a picture of Phillies warm up gear. The last picture is of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Websites Used for Images • Image 1- www.home.messiah.edu/~sm1370/ • www.sportsmansdaily.com/thescrum/?p=2753 • Image 2- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8a/NLE-Uniform-PHI.PNG • Image 3-http://www.google.com/imgres?q=philadelphia+phillies+team&num=10&um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1024&bih=547&tbm=isch&tbnid=rWGDZkWeLadHPM:&imgrefurl=http://www.discountpostersale.com/p336623/2010-Philadelphia-Phillies-Team-Composite.html&docid=uwu3lBd4FsYMIM&imgurl=http://img.discountpostersale.com/posters/PFSAAMD14901/1/2010-Philadelphia-Phillies-Team-Composite.jpg&w=400&h=493&ei=GLiJUO-6G-L10gHvy4HYCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=95&vpy=140&dur=912&hovh=249&hovw=202&tx=134&ty=123&sig=114793647383246629239&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=111&start=0&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:97 • Image 4-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Beiserebatedor.jpg • http://shop.mlb.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=1452849 • http://philadelphia.phillies.mlb.com/phi/history/alumni.jsp • http://www.ootpdevelopments.com/board/ootp-mods-rosters-photos-quick-starts/184046-gambo-t_wil1-photopack-574.html
Image 1 • Original players on field were taken out by matching the grass/dirt color and using brush tool • The lights were sharpened • People from the crowd were removed that were blocking view of the field. • Color of the pants was matched and blotted over to remove writing from the original photo • All the individual uniforms were sharpened to highlight the differences between the uniforms. The background was smudged around the crowds to highlight the players and the field.
Image 1 • Great players from the past were placed on one field with great players today. Image shows what the game would look like if players from the past could play with today’s stars of baseball.
Image 1 • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b3/D7K_4966_Roy_Halladay.jpg/250px-D7K_4966_Roy_Halladay.jpg • http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/568/776/104943655_display_image.jpg?1292446846 • ://www.planetgiant.com/details/1291162397UZFTVQ/Lou-Gehrig-taking-a-practice-swing?redirecturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.planetgiant.com%2Ftext%2Flou%2Bgehrig%3Fpage%3D2 • -http://1960sbaseballblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/one-tough-out.html • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/59/Baseball_diamond_marines.jpg/400px-Baseball_diamond_marines.jpg
Image 2 • · The picture size was increased • ·Visitors of the museum were taken out of the shot • · The color match and brush tool was used to touch up damaged colors • · Edges of the photo was smudged using the smudge brush • · The picture was lightened on the player • · Text was added to show the year the player is associated with
Image 2 • For image two I took position players from the 2012 starting lineup for opening day and placed them above the players their counterpart from starting lineup opening day 1980, with background as baseball hall of fame. • They played the game at different times but the goal is the same to end up in Cooperstown • The edges of all the photos were smudged to have them all blend into the background the same, to show they all have or at one time had the chances to end up in Cooperstown
Image 2 • http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/263/215/bobboone_display_image.jpg?1276866900 • http://www.freewebs.com/philliesautos/Carlos%20Ruiz.jpg • http://i.cdn.turner.com/si/2010/writers/tom_verducci/10/07/five.cuts.halladay/roy-halladay-ap2.jpg • http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/702/816/52121366_display_image.jpg?1297198530 • http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/adc/10105656B~Steve-Carlton-Posters.jpg • http://www.wilson.com/servlet/resize/94504/390/390/Polanco_Placido/ • http://www.dailyencouragement.net/images/sports/baseball_hall_of_fame_main_hall.jpg
Image 3 • Added a text layer stating the first year park was active • Image made small to 450 • Glowing edges under filter—stylize • Added text layer of first game played, date and opponent • Erased unnecessary sky from picture using background eraser • Added text layer for years park was active • Increased height of photo to 450x450 • Glowing edges under filter—stylize • Added text layer of first game played and opponent • Removed original white background using background easer • Reduced original picture size
Image 3 • Shows two most recent stadiums used Citizens Bank Park and Veterans Stadium • Veterans Stadium 1971-2003 • Citizens Bank Park 2004-Present • Phillies logo connects the different times of the stadiums with one team.
Image 3 • http://www.ballparksofbaseball.com/nl/vet706.jpg • http://www.thestadiumshoppe.com/images/citbank960.jpg • http://www.pitt.edu/~kmp113/phillies_logo.jpg • http://www.clubrunner.ca/Data/7430/6816/Story/254624/PhilliesLogo.jpg
Image 1 • Description: • This image shows a basic collage of myself playing baseball for Villanova University
Image 1 • To make this image I started with a basic photo of a baseball as by background. I then put a picture of the Villanova logo on top of that image. I then changed the opacity of both of these images so that neither one was too powerful. I then found two picture of myself playing baseball online. By using the Magic Eraser Tool I was able to remove the background from these images. With the background removed, I dragged these images into the background image I had created and placed them accordingly.
Image 2 • Description: • This image shows me playing baseball for the Boston Red Sox at historic Fenway Park with the Green Monster in the background. .
Image 2 • To create this image I started with a picture of the Green Monster as my background image. For my next layer of this image I found a picture of myself catching a ball on the Villanova Baseball website. I edited the image using the eraser tool to get rid of the background. I then placed the image on top of the Green Monster and resized myself to appear accurate in size. Finally, I wanted to make myself look as though I actually played for the Boston Red Sox. I removed the Villanova logo using the clone stamp tool, then replaced it with a Boston Red Sox logo. I adjusted the size, rotated slightly, and reduced the opacity to make it appear realistic
Image 3 • Description: • This image shows MLB superstars Buster Posey and Miguel Cabrera. • First time since 1979 that AL and NL MVPs faced off in World Series • Buster Posey’s team, the San Francisco Giants, went on to win this year’s world series in a 4 game sweep of Miguel Cabrera and the Detroit Tigers.
Image 3 • To create this image I started with a background image of a baseball with “MVP” lettering on it. I reduced the background opacity to 60%. I then added the World Series 2012 logo to the image. I removed the background color from the image before inserting it with the eraser tool. After this I added the logos from the National League and the American League to each upper corner of the image. I then went online and found pictures of Buster Posey and Miguel Cabrera swinging. I erased the background of each image and dragged them into my image. I resized both images so that both players fit and were the same size. Finally I added a picture of the famous World Series trophy and put it in the center of my image. Image complete.
Image 4 • Description: • This image shows MLB future superstar Mike Trout. • Mike Trout is an Outfielder on the Anaheim Angels. • Just recently Mike Trout was awarded the Rookie of the Year award for the American League. • He is an outstanding player with amazing potential .
Image 4 • To create this image I started off with a picture of Trout’s jersey with his number and name as the background for my image. I lowered the opacity to 50%. Then I found two pictures of Mike Trout in action. I used the eraser tool to get rid of the background in both images then inserted then on top of the background image. I resized and moved the images around to fit accordingly. After this I found a picture of the MLB Rookie of the Year Trophy. I removed the background color from the image once again, resized, and rotated the image slightly. After this I decided to add in the words “Rookie of the Year” in the bottom right hand corner of the image. I took this text from the title of a movie cover from the move Rookie of the Year. I cropped the image so just the title was present then used the eraser tool to get rid of the background color