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This report summarizes the key outcomes of the fifth ITU-T Review Committee (RevCom) meeting, including progress on SG activities, efficient transfer of FG deliverables, standardization strategy function, vertical study group, principles of SG restructuring, and review of current SG structure.
SGLA2015 ReportofITU-T Review Committee(RevCom)Key results of the fifth RevCom meeting held in 29 May-1 June, 2015 in Geneva Yoichi MAEDA, TTC Chairman of ITU-T Review Committee Chairman of APT/ASTAP 12 October, 2015
Key outcomes of the fifth RevCom The list shows the relevant TDs on the topics in the ITU-T RevCom. • Draft meeting report of the fifth RevCom meeting: RevCom-R5-E • "Guidelines for the efficient transfer of FG deliverables to its parent group" : TD187R2 • Updated work plan: ANNEX B to RevCom-R5 • Outcomes of CTO meeting: TD173 • Restructuring principles: TD133 • Updated SG activity statistics : TD164R1, TD179 and TD177R1 which include the numbers of participants, input contributions, incoming and outgoing Liaisons, Rapporteurs activities, etc. • Download statistics for ITU-T Recommendations: TD177 • Draft executive report of the Review Committee to TSAG (June 2015) : TD174R2
Keyprogress on RevCom activities to be reported to WTSA-12 (1) 1. Monitoring of SG activities Several statistics-reporting tools were developed by TSB to facilitate the regular monitoring of SG activities.RevCom recommends that the monitoring should be continued as a TSB automatic data monitoring system. The monitoring data of current ITU-T activities should be reported regularly to TSAG meeting. 2. Review of working mechanisms A review of the effectiveness and efficiency of the current ITU-T structure and groups (SG, FG, JCA, GSI, etc.) is in progress.FGs were identified as a key tool in ITU-T to trigger new work in the various SGs. 3. Efficient transfer of FG deliverables The creation of FG guidelines could facilitate the efficient transfer to the parent group of FG deliverables aimed at becoming draft Recommendations or Supplements. RevCom proposed to TSAG that ITU-T issue guidelines as an appendix to ITU-T A.7 and the appendix was approved in TSAG in June 2015.
Keyprogress on RevCom activities to be reported to WTSA-12 (2) 4. Standardization Strategy Function (SSF) RevCom agrees on the need to implement a new ITU-T standardization strategy function created by TSAG, in line with TSAG's responsibility for strategic planning. This function would study and coordinate standardisation strategy based on the dynamic developments in the technical markets taking into account the dialogue among the leadership of ITU-T working groups (e.g., SG and FG Chairmen) on the identification and initiation of new work topics that are of strategic importance to industry and governments. RevCom agreed at basic terms of reference for this function, but still need further discussion on three principle aspects as described later. 5. Vertical Study Group RevCom agrees that a vertical Study Group could be beneficial and suggested topics for such a Study Group including Intelligent Transportation Systems (“ITS”), Internet of Things (“IoT”) and Future 5G Mobile. RevCom encourages TSAG to consider the establishment of a new SG focused on IoT topic. TSAG agreed the establishment of SG20 on IoT and its application in June 2015.
Keyprogress on RevCom activities to be reported to WTSA-12 (3) 6. Principles of SG Restructure RevCom developed a summary of restructuring principles, including those already adopted by TSAG in the preparation process for WTSA-04 and WTSA-08, grouped by similarity as in TD133/RevCom. The following set of restructuring principles that could be adopted to assist in its future restructuring discussions: A: Optimized structure, B: Clear mandates, C: Enhanced coordination and cooperation, D: Cost-effective and attractive, E: Efficient and productive working methods, F: Timely addresses standardization needs, G: Assists in bridging the standardization gap 7. Review of current SG RevCom requested each SG chairman to review the current SG structure aiming at making efficiency gains, and also to identify opportunities for collaboration and co-location between SGs. RevCom proposes that TSAG begin the process of considering the detailed SG structure for the 2017-2020 study period and the Rapporteur group on work programme and study group structure was established in June 2015.
Principles of SG Restructure(1) http://www.itu.int/md/T13-REVCOM-150119-TD-GEN-0133/en
Principles of SG Restructure (2) http://www.itu.int/md/T13-REVCOM-150119-TD-GEN-0133/en
Keyfuture issue: Proposed SSF (Standardization Strategy Function) The suggested terms of reference for this function are as follows; • Advise SGs and TSAG on strategies for the Sector by identifying the main technological trends, and market, economic and policy needs in the ITU-T's fields of activity, • Develop standardization strategy requirements, • Identify possible topics for standardization in ITU-T. There were differing views on the open or closed nature of the group, the chairmanship and positioning for SSF. By way of summary, the RevCom Chairman summarized the aspects that still require further study and consensus: • Should the group be chaired by TSB Director, an ITU-T member, or a non-ITU-T member from industry? • Should the group be created under TSAG or independent of TSAG? • Should the group be open or closed to members of ITU-T only? Contributions were invited.
Future activities for the RevCom • ITU-T RevCom Rapporteur Group on Restructuring will have an interim E-meeting on December 8th 2015, 13:00-16:00 (Geneva time). • The sixth RevCom meeting is tentatively scheduled from 28 to 29 January 2016, and the seventh meeting from 21 to 22 July 2016 in Geneva, in coordination with the TSAG planned meeting.
Thank you very muchfor your attention ! If you have any comments,please contact to yoichi.maeda@ttc.or.jp
KeyTerms of Reference for RevCom defined in Resolution 82/WTSA-12 • Examine the adequacy of the current structure of the ITU-T to facilitate Sector’s continued evolution as well as deal with the increasing demands for timely and appropriate results to meet the market demand. • Review the current coordination and collaborations mechanisms with other standards bodies and propose improvements. • Review existing models for collaboration between ITU-T and other standards bodies, given the accelerated rate of change in the worldwide standardization landscape, and the rapidly evolving needs of consumers/users of global standards. • Identify and propose new modalities for cooperation and collaboration based on mutual respect and recognition of evolving roles and responsibilities in the standards sphere. • Develop and propose recommendations for a set of principles for standards development within ITU-T. • Develop a work plan by which to conduct the review and structure of the report. • Conduct its initial review in a timely manner so as to provide input to TSAG for the preparation of the ITU-T’s strategic plan.
Management of ITU-T RevCom http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/revcom/Pages/mgmt.aspx