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Getting started with ML. ML is a functional programming language. ML is statically typed: The types of literals, values, expressions and functions in a program are calculated (inferred) at compile time . Scheme, on the other hand, is a dynamically typed language.
Getting started with ML • ML is a functional programming language. • ML is statically typed: The types of literals, values, expressions and functions in a program are calculated (inferred) at compile time. Scheme, on the other hand, is a dynamically typed language. • ML has a general mechanismfor parameter passing: Patten Matching. • ML enables the definition of new types.
Getting started with ML • Working at home? Course web page >> Useful links >> download Standard ML. • Preferring the lab? SML is installed in the CS labs. INSTRUCTIONS: Not recommended:Open the SML Interpreter. Start working (Type any expression or declaration). Recommended: Create a *.sml file and edit it with any text editor. The file can be loaded to the interpreter in one of the following ways:A. While at the prompt (-), use “use”: -use(“C:\\ThingIDoForFun\\myMLCode.txt");B. Or just write your “load” function: -val load = fn (fileName)=>use(“C:\\...\\" ^ fileName); Load the file you’re working each time you add changes to it: - load(filename); NOTE: Notepad++ is recommended for editing. To highlight text, select: Language > Caml.
Recursive Functions: Example (1) • Recursive functions can be defined in the global scope using standard naming (using the global environment for binding). • ML introduces a keyword 'rec' for the declarations of recursive functions. • Given b≠0 and a natural number, n, calculate bn according to the following formula: ML: Would this work? Good old Scheme: (define exp (lambda (b n) (cond((= n 1) b) ((even? n) (exp (* b b) (/ n 2))) (else (* b (exp b (- n 1))))))) • val exp = fn(b, n)=> • if n = 1 • then b • elseif n mod 2 = 0 • then exp (b*b, n div 2) • else b * exp (b, n-1);
Recursive Functions • val exp = fn(b, n)=> • if n = 1 • then b • elseif n mod 2 = 0 • then exp (b*b, n div 2) • else b * exp (b, n-1); unbound variable or constructor: exp Error: Why is it yelling? ML’s compiler checks the function body at static (compile) time. When it reaches the recursive call to exp, exp is not yet unbound! So how come Dr.scheme was so nice not to yell? Because it does not read the function’s body at static time, and at run-time, the function is already defined!
Recursive Functions That’s how you comment (* Signature: exp(b,n) Purpose: Calculates the of a natural number Type: Int*Int-> Int*) valrecexp = fn(b, n) => if n=1 then b else if n mod 2 = 0 then exp (b*b, n div 2) else b * exp (b, n-1); - valexp = fn : int * int -> int The expression fn=> is the procedure value constructor in ML. It is equivalent to scheme’s lambda. Use the keyword rec for the declerations of recursive functions
Pattern Matching: • Clausal function expressions exploit ML's general mechanism for parameter passing:Pattern Matching. Pattern matching takes 2 arguments: a Patternand an Expression. • The only way to pass parameters is by pattern matching! • Examples: • Variable: a, b • Atomic value constructors: 1, true, “apple” • Tuplevalue constructor: (1, false), (a, b) • List value constructor: [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
Pattern Matching: Example (2) • The exp procedure was previously definedwith a single pattern (b, n). valrecexp = fn(b, n) => if n=1 … • We redefine exp function using two patterns: valrecexp = fn (b, 1) => b | (b, n) => if n mod 2 = 0 then exp (b*b, n div 2) else b * exp (b, n-1); - valexp = fn : int * int -> int • A call to exp with (2,8) may be regarded as a call with one argument. • The argument (2,8) matches the 2nd pattern: (b,n) and its “body” is executed. • The first clause whose pattern matches the argument is the one to execute. • The rest are ignored (like 'cond' evaluation in Scheme).
Pattern Matching: • Pattern => Variable | Value Constructor | Wildcard Character • Wildcard Character => _ • Value Constructor => Atomic | Tuple | List | User defined value • Atomic => Numeric | Character | Boolean | String constants • Tuple => ‘(‘ Pattern ‘,’,…’,’ Pattern ‘)’ • List => nil | Pattern::List • User defined value constructors=> • Constraints: • A variable may occur in a pattern only once: valfoo=fn (a,a)=> • The function constructor ‘fn' cannot appear in a pattern (a function is not an equality type). • Notevery ML expression is a pattern: In the exp procedure defined earlier, +, =>, (if 1 = a then true else false), are all ML expressions but are not patterns.
Data Types: • Problems that require data beyond numbers or Booleans require the extension of the type system with new datatypes (datatype: a type and its associated operations). • The introduction of a new data type consists of: • Type constructors: introduce a name(s) for the new type, possibly with parameters. • Value constructors: introduce labeled values. • In scheme we use tagged values to define new types. However, these tagged values have no special positions in the language, which is why they are not really new types. • In contrast to scheme, ML enables the extension of the typing system with new types.
Data Types: Atomic Types An atomic type is a set of atomic values, which are also its (parameter-less) value constructors. They are also called Enumeration Types: (* Type Constructor: direction Value Constructor: North, South, East, West Purpose: A datatype declaration that creates a new type to represent the compass directions. *) datatypedirection = North | South | East | West; • - valmove = fn((x,y),North) => (x,y+1) ; • |((x,y),South) => (x,y-1) • |((x,y),East) => (x+1,y) • |((x,y),West) => (x-1,y); • valmove = fn : (int * int) * Direction -> int * int West is a value constructor of type week and it has no parameters – it is a constant. • move((4,5), North); • valit = (4,6) : int * int
Data Types: Composite Types: Example – complex numbers A composite type is a (user defined) type whose values are created by value constructors that take as parameters values of other types. A concrete type is a non-polymorphic type. Example: A system that performs arithmetic operations on complex numbers: Rectangular representation: Convenient for addition and subtraction Polar representation: Convenient for division and multiplication. r real_part(z1 + z2) = real_part(z1) + real_part(z2) imaginary_part(z1 + z2)= imaginary_part(z1) + imaginary_part(z2) magnitude(z1 * z2) = magnitude(z1) * magnitude(z2) angle(z1 * z2) = angle(z1) + angle(z2)
Data Types: Composite Types: Example – complex numbers In ML, using the type constructors and value constructors (that act like type tags in Scheme), the problem is simple to solve: (* Type constructor: complex Value constructors: Rec, Polar. Data values of this type have the form: Rec(3.0, 4.5), Polar(-3.5, 40.0) *) datatypecomplex = Rec of real * real | Polar of real * real; (* auxiliary function: square*) - val square = fn x : real => x * x; val square = fn : real -> real
Data Types: Composite Types: Example – complex numbers In ML, using the type constructors and value constructors (that act like type tags in Scheme), the problem is simple to solve: - val real = fn (Rec(x,y) ) => x | (Polar(r,a)) => r * Math.cos(a); val real = fn : complex -> real - val imaginary = fn (Rec(x,y) ) => y | (Polar(r,a)) => r * Math.sin(a); val imaginary = fn : complex -> real - val radius = fn (Rec(x,y) ) => Math.sqrt( square(x) + square(y) ) | (Polar(r,a)) => r; val radius = fn : complex -> real - val angle = fn (Rec(x,y) ) => Math.atan( y / x ) | (Polar(r,a)) => a; val angle = fn : complex -> real
Data Types: Composite Types: Example – complex numbers • - valadd_complex= fn (Rec(x, y), Rec(x', y')) => ( Rec( x + x', y + y') ) • | (Rec(x,y), z) => ( Rec( x + real(z), y + imaginary(z) ) ) • | (z, Rec(x, y)) => ( Rec( real(z) + x, imaginary(z) + y) ) • | (z,z') => (Rec( real(z) + real(z'), imaginary(z) + imaginary(z') ) ); • valadd_complex = fn : complex * complex -> complex valsub_complex = fn (Rec(x, y), Rec(x', y')) => ( Rec( x - x', y - y') ) | (Rec(x,y), z) => ( Rec( x - real(z), y + imaginary(z) ) ) | (z, Rec(x, y)) => ( Rec( real(z) - x, imaginary(z) - y) ) | (z,z') => (Rec( real(z) - real(z'), imaginary(z) - imaginary(z') ) ); valsub_complex = fn : complex * complex -> complex valmul_complex = fn (Polar(r, a), Polar(r', a')) => (Polar(r * r', a + a')) | (Polar(r,a), z) => (Polar( r * radius(z), a + angle(z) ) ) | (z, Polar(r,a)) => (Polar( radius(z) * r, angle(z) + a ) ) | (z, z') => (Polar( radius(z) * radius(z'), angle(z) + angle(z') ) ); valmul_complex = fn : complex * complex -> complex
Data Types: Composite Types: Example – complex numbers (* Pre -condition: r' != 0 *) valdiv_complex= fn (Polar(r, a), Polar(r', a')) => (Polar(r / r', a - a')) | (Polar(r, a), z) => (Polar(r / radius(z), a - angle(z))) | (z, Polar(r, a)) => (Polar(radius(z) / r, angle(z) - a)) | (z, z') => (Polar(radius(z) / radius(z'), angle(z) - angle(z'))); valdiv_complex = fn : complex * complex -> complex
Data Types: Recursive Types: Example - IntTree Recursive types create infinite sets of values. The value constructors of a recursive datatypes accept parameters of the defined datatype. A recursive type definition needs a base case, i.e., a value constructor whose parameters are not the defined type. - datatypeintTree = Null | Leaf of int | Node of int * intTree * intTree; datatypeintTree = Leaf of int | Node of int * intTree * intTree | Null - Leaf(3); val it = Leaf 3 : intTree - Node(1, Leaf(2), Null); val it = Node (1,Leaf 2,Null) : intTree - Node(1, Node(2, Null, Leaf(3)), Leaf(4)); val it = Node (1,Node (2,Null,Leaf 3),Leaf 4) : intTree 1 4 2 N 3
Data Types: Polymorphic Types A polymorphic type is a type defined by a polymorphic type expression that consists of atype constructor and type variables (‘a, ‘b, …). For example, the ‘a List type is specified using type variables. Every instantiation of the type variables defines a concrete type. - 1::2::nil; val it = [1,2] : int list Instantiation of the ’a list type: - type intList = int list; type intList = int list - valmakeIntList = fn (x,y,z) => x::y::z::nil; valmakeIntList = fn : 'a * 'a * 'a -> 'a list - makeIntList(1,2,3); val it = [1,2,3] : int list - valmakeIntList = fn (x,y,z) => x::y::z::nil : intList; valmakeIntList = fn : int * int * int -> intList - makeIntList(1,2,3); val it = [1,2,3] : intList
Data Types: Polymorphic Types: Example – sequence ops Recall the scheme implementation for accumulate: (define accumulate (lambda (op initial sequence) (if (null? sequence) initial (op (car sequence) (accumulate op initial (cdr sequence)))))) (accumulate + 0 (list a b c d)) would accumulate the elements in the following manner: (a+(b+(c+(d+0)))) This is equivalent to the ML implementation for accumulate_right. The accumulate_left procedure would accumulate from right to left: (d+(c+(b+(a+0)))) • valrecaccumulate_left = fn (f, e, []) => e • | (f, e, (head::tail)) => accumulate_left (f, f(head, e), tail); • valaccumulate_left = fn : ('a * 'b -> 'b) * 'b * 'a list -> 'b - accumulate_left ((fn(x,y) => x - y), 0, [1, 2 ,3 , 4]); val it = 2 : int (4-(3-(2-(1-0)))) - accumulate_left ((fn(x,y) => x @ y), [], [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]); val it = [7,8,9,4,5,6,1,2,3] : int list ([7,8,9]@([4,5,6]@([1,2,3]@[])))
Data Types: Recursive Polymorphic Types: Example – tree • In scheme, trees are represented as heterogeneous lists: ‘(1 (2 3) (4 5)). • Heterogeneous list cannot be represented in ML using the list value constructor (:: ). • The reason is that in an ‘a list, once the type variable 'a is instantiated, the type of the list is determined. Scheme: (list 1 (list 1 2)) Ml: - [1, [2, 3]]; … Error: operator and operand don't agree [literal] operator domain: int * int list operand: int * int list list in expression: 1 :: (2 :: 3 :: nil) :: nil 5 How can we overcome this problem? 2 4 datatype 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree | Null; datatype 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree | Null val binnum = Node (5, Leaf(4), Node(2, Leaf(1), Node(8, Null, Null))); valbinnum = Node (5,Leaf 4,Node (2,Leaf 1,Node (8,Null,Null))) : int tree 1 8 N N
Data Types: Recursive Polymorphic Types: Example – tree Example: the function treefold (analogous to accumulate). valrectreefold = fn (f, e, Null) => e | (f, e, Leaf(n)) => n | (f, e, Node(node, left, right)) => f(node, treefold(f , e, left), treefold(f, e, right)); valtreefold = fn : ('a * 'b * 'b -> 'b) * 'b * 'a tree -> ‘b 5 • treefold((fn(a,b,c) => a + b + c), 0, binnum) => 20 • val it = 20 : int • - treefold((fn(a,b,c) => a + b + c), 0, t2) ; • val it = 5 : int • - treefold((fn(a,b,c) => a + b + c), 0, t3); • val it = 13 : int 2 4 1 8 N N