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Information System Architecture. Architecture des Systèmes d'Information. Définition d’un Système d’Information. On peut prendre comme point de départ un site web tel que celui de la SNCF, AIRFRANCE. Ces sites web ne sont que la partie visible de l'iceberg. L'iceberg, ici, c'est le :
Définition d’un Système d’Information On peut prendre comme point de départ un site web tel que celui de la SNCF, AIRFRANCE. Ces sites web ne sont que la partie visible de l'iceberg. L'iceberg, ici, c'est le : Système d‘Information (SI) Le SI reçoit et centralise des informations provenant de différentes sources (financières, clients, fournisseurs …) les traite, les transforme, les stocke puis les répartit en fonction des besoins des utilisateurs.
Définition d’un Systèmes d’Information Les Systèmes d’Information d’entreprise offrent un cadre unifié autour duquel s’articulent tous les services de l’entreprise. L’étude des SI couvre des aspects technologiques (gestion des données, intégration, sécurité, qualité de services), méthodologiques (architecture, modélisation, alignement métier et stratégique) et opérationnels (gestion de projet, aide à la décision..)
La couche métier Englobe l'ensemble des problématiques liées à l'exécution des tâches liées au métier que le système d'information est censé outiller. Il peut s'agir de la définition de "procédures" ou de "concepts d'objets métiers" qui peuvent être représentables dans le système d'information Concepts clefs : BPM, UML, Modélisation Opérationnelle…
Conception fonctionnelle Cette couche précise uniquement comment un utilisateur désirant accomplir un acte "métier", formalisé dans le système d'information, peut l'exécuter. Elle s’intéresse aux « fonctions » de la solution logicielle et pas à la nature des applications informatiques. Ces fonctions ont encore une sémantique métier identifiable. Concepts clefs : Modélisation fonctionnelle, UML….
La couche d'architecture du SI Essaie de comprendre quels composants logiciels peuvent s'assembler pour produire les "objets et procédures métier" attendues. Cette couche considère l'ensemble du système d'information comme une unité qu'il faut décomposer en modules. Ces modules sont des "produits" du marché ou des nouveaux développements qu'il faudra planifier. Concepts clefs :Conception d’architecture, Intégration, Urbanisation, Service, Middleware.
Ingénierie des SI? Ingénieurs SI ce sont des technologues ayant une bonne connaissance structurelle de l'offre en matière de solutions et de composants de solutions. Leur rôle est multiple : Spécifier les besoins liée à un métier ou une entreprise. Rechercher et concevoir des produits "candidats" à la réalisation de telle ou telle partie de la solution. Vérifier l’ adéquation aux besoins des solutions retenues. Superviser l’intégration de ces produits, ceci veut dire : Garantir que les informations peuvent circuler entre les différents produits. Garantir que les traitements peuvent être déclenchés de façon cohérente dans les différentes parties de la solution. Enfin, vérifier qu'il est possible de proposer un pilotage globale de toutes ses parties.
Role d’un SI Collecte: c’est l'ensemble des tâches consistant à détecter, sélectionner, extraire et filtrer les données brutes issues des sources multiples et potentiellement hétérogènes. Intégration: concentrer les données collectées dans un espace unifié, homogène, normalisée et fiable. Diffusion: met les données à la disposition de l’utilisateur, selon son profil ou son métier. SI le SI est décisionnel: Analyse prédictive: transforme les données en conclusions fiables sur les faits actuels et sur les prévisions futures en appliquant des techniques d'analyse sophistiquées.
Les qualités de l’ingénieur SI Solides connaissances en informatique Polyvalence (Métier, Technique, Technologique..etc.) Esprit d’analyse et de synthèse Grande curiosité Rigueur Savoir communiquer, argumenter…
Systèmes d'information Bases De Données avancées Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information Modélisation des Systèmes d’Information Gestion de projet Outils collaboratifs Ingénierie Logicielle et Qualité Technologie des SI Contrôle d’accès
Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information Enterprise Resource Planning Business Process Management Aide à la Décision Architecture et Urbanisation des Systèmes d’Information
Information system • The data is the raw material of any I.S. • Before becoming information, the data must be created, stored, processed, analyzed and distributed. • Information systems can be characterized by their functions: the generation, storage, presentation, exchange, interpretation, transformation, and transportation of information.
An application-centric view of IS • Applications, developed independently of each other, provided functionality that can only be used within the boundaries of each application. • Differences between platforms, programming languages, and protocols created technology boundaries that are not easy to cross. • As a result enterprises lost the flexibility the agility they need in the marketplace; IS stopped being part of a solution and became more of a problem; enterprises ISs locked them into specific ways of, and created barriers to, carrying out Business.
Architecture Design 1/3 • “An architecture is the fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, their relationships to each other, and to the environment, and the principles guiding its design and evolution.”IEEE STD 1471-2000 Is used to: • Make buy decisions. • Discriminate between options. • “Discover” the true requirements. • Drive one or more systems to a common “use” or purpose. • Develop system components. • Build the system. • Understand and conduct changes in the system as the BP is modified.
Architecture Design 2/3 • It focuses on the creation of new systems designed to play a role in some business environments. • A key factor is the systematic, controlled and coordinated development of systems’ components and the ability to keep overview over the complexity of the system. • The way to do this is to use models to describe parts or aspects of a system. A set of models that together define the essentials of a system is called the architecture of the system. • The architecture of a system plays different roles, in the development process and during the life cycle of a system.
Architecture Design 3/3 • Besides the development of totally new systems it becomes more and more important to consider the renewal or renovation of existing systems. This requires different approaches and introduces new challenges. • One of the major issues is that the systems engineers have to understand the system that has to be renovated. An existing system puts extra constraints on the development of new parts which makes renovation different from development from scratch.
Architecture Framework • “An architecture framework is a tool… It should describe a method for designing an information system in terms of a set of building blocks, and for showing how the building blocks fit together. • It should contain a set of tools and provide a common vocabulary. It should also include a list of recommended standards and compliant products that can be used to implement the building blocks.” [TOGAF 8, OpenGroup]
Resources management, enterprise organization, production management. Enterprise engineering
Business Management Economiy, cognitive, trust management… etc.
Computer science • Information system, decision making systems…etc.
Organizations Locations Functions Applications Entities Database/file Tech Platform Operational Node Name Needline Name Operational Activity Link Name/ID Systems Node Name System Name System Component Name Organizations Locations Functions Applications Entities Database/file Technology Platforms X X X X X System Function Name Component Interface Name X X X X X X Architecture Products:Graphic, Textual, and Tabular… Graphic Text Tabular Dictionary Relationships Use products to: Analyze Capture Communicate
Enterprise competitive edge • An enterprise’s competitive edge and ultimate success are enabled by its ability to rapidly respond to changing business strategies, governance, and technologies. • The competitive edge translates into higher levels of customer satisfaction, shorter work cycles, and reductions in schedules, maintenance costs, and development time, all resulting in lower overall cost of ownership.
Enterprise Architecture • Enterprise Architecture is the key facilitating ingredient providing a holistic view and a mechanism for enabling the design and development as well as the communication and understanding of the enterprise. • The goals of enterprise architecture are to manage the complexity of the enterprise, align business strategies and implementations, and facilitate rapid change in order to maintain business and technical advantages. • IS Enterprise Architecture is like urban planning.
Activities/ Tasks Operational Elements Operational View Identifies What Needs To Be Done And Who Does It Information Flow Standards Rules Data Flow Systems Systems View Technical Standards View Relates Systems and Characteristics to Operational Needs Prescribes Standards and Conventions X Y X Z Communications Conventions Y Y X DoDAF An Integrated Architecture with Three Views
DODAF Products • The DODAF describes a set of 26 work products to ensure uniformity and standardization in the documentation and communication of architecture • The 26 DODAF views are designed to document the entire architecture, from requirements to implementation
DODAF Products - Views • The list of products is refined into four views: • All Views (AV): is the overarching information describing the architecture plans, scope, and definitions • Operational View (OV): focuses on the behaviours and functions describing the enterprise mission aspects • System View (SV): describes the system and applications supporting the mission functions • Technical Standards View (TV): describes the policies, standards and constraints
DODAF Products - Essential • The current DODAF version indicates a subset of work products that should be developed at a minimum (essential) AV-1: Overview and Summary Information AV-2: Integrated Dictionary OV-2: Operational Node Connectivity Description OV-3: Operational Information Exchange Matrix OV-5: Operational Activity Model SV-1: System Interface Description TV-1: Technical Standards Profile
OV-3 – Operational Information Exchange Matrix • Table Headers Specified in Framework: • Name of Operational Needline Supported (from OV-2) • Name of Information Exchange • Nature of Transaction (Mission/Scenario, Language, Content, Size/Units, Media, Collaborative or One-Way?) • Purpose or Triggering Event • Information Source (ID of Producing Node Element, Owning Organization of Node, Name of Producing Activity, UJTL ID) • Information Destination (ID of Receiving Node Element, Owning Organization of Node, Name of Receiving Activity, UJTL ID) • Performance Requirements (Frequency, Timeliness, Throughput, Other) • Information Assurance Attributes (Classification Restrictions, Criticality/Priority, Integrity Checks Required, Assured Authorization to Send/Receive) • Threats (Physical, Electronic, Political/Economic) • Operational Environment (Weather, Terrain, Policy/Doctrine Constraints)
References Elements of this presentation are obtained from: Constructing Software For Service Oriented Architecture Jean-Jacques Dubray, The Pennsylvania State University, The Smeal College of Business Administration. DoD Architecture Framework Overview, Alessio Mosto, 2004. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/ http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/OS/wsbpel-v2.0-OS.html#SA00005_table 40
Enterprise Architecture Strategic Planning
Enterprise Architecture Enterprise Architecture provides a global view and a mechanism for enabling the design and development as well as the communication and understanding of the enterprise. The goals of enterprise architecture are to manage the complexity of the enterprise, align business strategies and implementations, and facilitate rapid change in order to maintain business and technical advantages. IS Enterprise Architecture is like the urban planning.
Urban planning …..What!!? Consists of cutting out IS in autonomous modules, of more and more small size, in a way similar to the city. Between these modules we establish zones of information exchange, which render possible to decouple the various modules.
Continuous changes! • Information system Tec., decisions, Markets …etc.
Urbanisation: the goal? They can be evolved/removed separately while preserving their ability to: Interact with the remainder of the system. Replace some of these subsystems (inter-changeability). Guarantee the possibility to integrate subsystems of various origins (integration). Strengthen the capability to interact with others ISs (Interoperability).
Important rules of Urbanisation The autonomy of functional system’s components. The crosscutting nature of the functionalities applied on all system components should be thought to provide an end to end homogenous solutions. Avoiding the “spaghetti” effect in the enterprise’s information system. These principles enable the agility of the information system to align with the changes in the enterprise organisation and strategy entrained by markets’ changes.
Urbanization, the what and why? City planning metaphor: How to re-organize or evolve a city while keeping a normal life for city’s inhabitants during the construction or re-construction? In the same way: how to re-organize the IS without totally destroying the existing applications and while maintaining IS functionalities during the re-construction; IS must be reorganized to facilitate its evolution while protecting its informational legacy.
Urbanisation : what else? Allows establishing the link between: mission of the organization, exchanges, internal and external actors, business event, business process, information, applications and infrastructure. Provide a complete description of IS on functional, organisational and technical levels. Being a decision-making support tool to understand change impacts during the evolutions (business, functional, applicative, and technical).