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PROCEDURE for Grade IX. Mr. Ari Nurrohmat, S.Pd. Present. PROFILKU. KD. TUJUAN. STRUKTUR. KEBAHASAAN. QUIS. HOME. KOMPETENSI DASAR. Mengungkapkan berbagai makna dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan Retorika yang benar didalam teks tulis terutama yang berbentuk Procedure. PROFILKU.
PROCEDUREfor Grade IX Mr. Ari Nurrohmat, S.Pd Present
PROFILKU KD TUJUAN • STRUKTUR KEBAHASAAN • QUIS HOME KOMPETENSIDASAR • Mengungkapkanberbagaimaknadenganlangkah-langkahpengembanganRetorika yang benardidalamtekstulisterutama yang berbentukProcedure
PROFILKU KD TUJUAN • STRUKTUR KEBAHASAAN • QUIS HOME To tell someone how to do or make something. Memberi petunjuk cara melakukan sesuatu melalui serangkaian tindakan atau langkah. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
PROFILKU Organizational Structure KD TUJUAN • STRUKTUR KEBAHASAAN • QUIS HOME • The aim (what we are telling people how to do) • The materials (what people need to carry out the procedure) • The steps (how to do it) For some procedures a materials section in not needed. ( For example making friends and influencing people)
PROFILKU KD TUJUAN • STRUKTUR KEBAHASAAN • QUIS HOME What are you instructing some one to do ? How to ___________________________ Material (What is needed?) ( E.g. Tools, ingredients, etc ) _________________ _________________ _________________ Steps ( Method ) Firstly, ___________________ Then, ____________________ Next, _____________________ After that, _________________ Finally, ___________________ Generic Structure
PROFILKU KD TUJUAN • STRUKTUR KEBAHASAAN • QUIS HOME • pola kalimatimperative, misalnya, Cut, Don’t mix, dsb. • action verbs, misalnya turn, put, don’t, mix, dsb. • connectivesuntuk mengurutkan kegiatan, misalnya then, while, dsb. • adverbialsuntuk menyatakan rinci waktu, tempat, cara yang akurat, misalnya for five minutes, 2 centimetres from the top, dsb. Ciri Kebahasaan:
PROFILKU KD TUJUAN • STRUKTUR KEBAHASAAN • QUIS HOME Answer these questions based on the video about Crane origami before !!! • What do we need to make origami crane? • What first must we do to make origami crane? • Why do we need a scissors ? • How many papers do we need to make origami crane? QUIZ
PROFILKU KD TUJUAN • STRUKTUR KEBAHASAAN • QUIS HOME • select the song you want . • insert the disc into the drive disc. • plug the wire into the socket. • turn off the power button to finish theprogram. • turn on power button. • turn up or down the volume you want. LOOK AT THE JUMBLED SENTENCES!!!Arrange the sentences into a good order“How to play CD or VCD on your player?”
PROFILKU KD TUJUAN • STRUKTUR KEBAHASAAN • QUIS HOME • … the button to decrease the volume or intensity . a. press b. turn on c. click d. turn off • … to start your computer on . a. plug b. click c. pause d. stop • Connect the wire … press the right button. a. before b. after c. then d. Next • Turn off the lamps … you finish studying a. stop b. turn on c. plug d. after • Push the door bell … entering my room a. before b. after c. then d. next Complete these sentences with the words above. Choose the correct words
PROFILKU KD TUJUAN • STRUKTUR KEBAHASAAN • QUIS HOME • NAME : Ari Nurrohmat, S.Pd • NIP : 198210032008011006 • ADDRESS : Warungasem Rt 10 / Rw. 04 • Warungasem Batang • C P : 085640307484 • OFFICE : SMP NEGERI 1 BATANG PROFILKU