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Point design and integrated experiments Convenors summary ( M Key , K Tanaka , P Norreys ). What is the status of integrated point designs for the various facilities and ignition concepts?. 1) Near term integrated study of electron transport in closer to FI
Point design and integrated experiments Convenors summary ( M Key , K Tanaka , P Norreys ) • What is the status of integrated point designs for the various facilities and ignition concepts? • 1) Near term integrated study of electron transport in closer to FI • relevant preformed dense plasmas • UK. RAL has new Vulcan TAW with 4 beam 400J total cylindrical compression and • 400J ps pulse - design completed for integrated study of electron transport along cylinder • axis of imploded plasma. Experiment scheduled late 2008 ( see J Pasley vugraphs ) • US. Omega EP auxiliary chamber being commissioned in 2008 • Two integrated studies of electron transport in pre-heated foam plasma will use indirect • x-ray heating ( approved ) and direct laser heating ( proposed ) to prepare planar plasmas • using two 3w UV long pulses with up to 10kJ total and two orthogonal short pulses up to • 2 kJ each for transport study and diagnostic probing (P Patel vugraphs ) • France. Petal laser with 4x5kJ UV beams for one-sided drive and 7 PW ,2.5 kJ short • pulse will be used to study electron transport in planar preformed plasma (planned) • (G Shurtz )
What is the status of integrated point designs for the various facilities and ignition concepts? • 2) Mid term major sub - ignition integrated implosion experiments • leading to new coupling efficiency data . • Japan. Firex I ,10 kJ, 2w, 12 beam implosion facility coupled to 4 beam short pulse facility • with eventual coherent operation - CD target with cone designed for ‘repeat’ of prior direct drive • integrated expt anticipated Feb. 2009 then advance to wetted foam cryo DT • (K Tanaka and H Atzeni vugraphs ) • US. Omega/OmegaEP , 20 kJ, 60 beam, 3w, UV implosion facility will be used for direct drive • Implosion of CD shells with cone coupled electron heating in 2009 and later cryo-DT implosion . • 2.5 kJ short pulse will be deployed in cone coupled design and also twin 100ps/10ps • short pulses in hole boring channeling design (C Stoeckl vugraphs ) • US. NIF will be used for full scale indirect drive CD and later wetted foam DT fuel assembly • at approx 0.5 MJ, 3w, UV . 1D design close to optimized - cone design issues are WIP - • expts will determine coupling efficiency using combination of neutron yield , short pulse • radiography and fluor images . (M Tabak and P Amendt, also vugraphs M Key)
What is the status of integrated point designs for the various facilities and ignition concepts? • 3)Long term high gain FI and IFE oriented designs • Europe Hiper - developing IFE oriented point designs and reviewing options • with broad base ranging from indirect drive compression with two sided direct • drive shock ignition (LMJ compatible, G Shurtz ) to 2w direct drive compression and • cone coupled ignition including possibility of 2w or 3w short pulse ( Honrubia vugraphs ) • Hiper may go directly to rep rated technology if major integrated expts and NIF ignition • succeed (M Dunne vugraphs ) • US LIFE study -hohlraum design options being developed for two-sided indirect-drive • compression with cone ignition on same axis - compatible with liquid/dry wall power plant • (Amendt vugraphs ) • US HAPL study broadly based investigation of ignition options including shock ignition • 2w indirect drive CHS and KrF 250 nm UV direct drive CHS (Perkins vugraphs ) • Japan iLIFE power plant concept under development (H Azechi vugraphs )
What are the most important issues needing further work to bring numerical point designs to readiness for experiments? • Many unresolved hydro design issues particularly cone tip survival (Tabak ) • no data at all on transport cone angle in FI relevant situations • -need data from next phase of large scale integrated studies (Key) • No fully integrated codes used for ab initio point design yet .Current designs • therefore include un-verified assumptions . Integrated models will link explicit • PIC for the laser plasma interaction, hybrid PIC electron transport, and radiation • hydrodynamic modeling of the fuel assembly
What are the near term mid term and long term prospects for construction of facilities and for associated integrated experimental tests of point designs?
What are the critical laser technology and target fabrication issues for ignition point designs? • Targets too complicated for bullet style injection and require impractical multi axis • precision tracking (J Davies). • Requirements are not beyond future capability(R Stephens) • Making good focal spot from multiple beams is beyond capability • Counter argument that coherent multiple apertures and phase front control are • rapidly developing new technologies and focal spot requirements can be met • with engineering effort
What is our overall confidence level for the feasibility of fast ignition? Do we have a credible vision for IFE based on FI ? • Scaling from original Gekko expt to full scale suggests transport • distance will be longer and coupling eff. less - implication is that required ignitor • may be in 150 to 250 kJ range rather than 50 to 100kJ but larger ignitor may be OK • if engineered for better laser efficiency, e.g., one NIF quad can generate • 80kJ long pulse at 1w cf 10 kJ in short pulse ARC quad (Key) • Larger ignitor may make FI unattractive ( Davies ) • US LIFE and HAPL IFE scenarios being developed (Storm and Perkins vugraphs) • Japan iLIFE power plant concept being developed (Azechi vugraphs ) • IFE studies are only at concept level so far