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To detect small faint KBOs (several kilometers in diameter,) we need to use an indirect way, occultation. As figure 1 show, when a object pass in front of a far star, it will make a shadow in the earth and we’ll see the star become faint.
To detect small faint KBOs (several kilometers in diameter,) we need to use an indirect way, occultation. As figure 1 show, when a object pass in front of a far star, it will make a shadow in the earth and we’ll see the star become faint. Because of the short occultation time, we use a special data mode to do observation. It’s zipper mode (figure 2). And after doing photometry, we can get the light curve of stars (figure 3) to see if there is an occultation. 遠方的KBO小而暗,為了偵測到它們,我們必須使用間接的方法----掩星.(如圖一),當一個KBO 從地球與某顆恆星中經過,將會在地球上形成一個陰影,而使背景星星變暗. 因掩星的時間很短,所以我們使用了一種特別的觀測方法----zipper mode( 如圖二). 經由光度分析後,我們可以得到星星的光度變化圖以觀察是否有掩星發生.