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Sierra Anseeuw, ‘11, and Grace Kellogg, ‘13, Beloit College Sustainability Fellows Program.
Sierra Anseeuw, ‘11, and Grace Kellogg, ‘13, Beloit College Sustainability Fellows Program Energy audits are used to assess a building’s energy use. We performed audits of heating and cooling loads in more than 30 campus buildings, generating data which helps determine cost-effectiveness of energy saving modifications Performing an Energy Audit: Energy Use on the Beloit College Campus Beloit College Human Resources; WAP uses many foundation characteristics to determine its impact on heating/cooling loads Heat Gain 9.1 kBtu/hr From Ceiling Heat Loss 37 kBtu/hr From Windows and Doors Beloit College Human Resources; A window’s orientation and shading affect incident solar radiation and impact the cooling load 72.9 kBtu/hr From Walls 1.2 kBtu/hr From Floor Beloit College Human Resources World Affairs Center; Insulation in attics and walls reduces the rate of thermal transmission. Adding insulation can reduce the cost of both heating and cooling Bushnell Hall; Windows and doors are a significant source of heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer Building Load = ∑UAWall+ ∑UAwindow+ ∑UA attic+ ∑UAfoundation+ ∑ UA infiltration Whitney Hall; Measurements of a building’s wall area are used, along with its construction materials, to calculate heat transmission Blaisdell Hall; Energy audits can assist in decision making when replacing or adding equipment to a house. *Where UA is equal to the conductance of a component