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World War I

World War I. Mr. Owen AP – Euro Spring 2010. Causes of the Great War. Nationalism Pride in one’s country Imperialism Stronger nation takes over weaker nation Militarism Military power and keeping an army prepared for war Alliances. Toward Mass Armies and Industrial War.

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World War I

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World War I Mr. Owen AP – Euro Spring 2010

  2. Causes of the Great War • Nationalism • Pride in one’s country • Imperialism • Stronger nation takes over weaker nation • Militarism • Military power and keeping an army prepared for war • Alliances

  3. Toward Mass Armies and Industrial War • Industrializations effect on War • Weapons • Transportation • Naval Power • Arms-Race • KEYPOINTThe outcome of a protracted war between industrial powers depended less on rifle strength in the first battles than on industrial might and financial stamina.

  4. Assassination in Sarajevo • Gavrilo Princip assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914

  5. Austria-Hungarian Response • Austria-Hungary issues a 10-Point Ultimatum to Serbia • Serbia accepts all but 1 of the demands • July 28th Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia • Starts World War I

  6. Franco-Prussian War

  7. Lost Land

  8. The Great War • Expectation • Unexpected War • Introduction to Total War

  9. The Alliance System Triple Entente: Triple Alliance:

  10. Two Armed Camps! Allied Powers: Central Powers:

  11. The Major Players: 1914-17 Allied Powers: Central Powers: Nicholas II [Rus] Wilhelm II [Ger] George V [Br] Victor Emmanuel II [It] Enver Pasha[Turkey] Pres. Poincare [Fr] Franz Josef [A-H]

  12. Militarism & Arms Race Total Defense Expenditures for the Great Powers [Ger., A-H, It., Fr., Br., Rus.] in millions of £s.

  13. The Battle Front

  14. Schlieffen Plan • Why • Plan • Goal

  15. Schlieffen Plan

  16. Indecisive Offensives: 1914–1915 • The Break down of the Schlieffen Plan • Overly Calculated • Belgian Resistance • British Support

  17. Indecisive Offensives: 1914–1915 • Initial Strategic Set Back • Westward swing fails • British and French Attack • Result

  18. The Race to the Sea • Allies and Central Powers try to out flank each other

  19. A Multi-Front War

  20. Trench Warfare

  21. Trench Warfare

  22. Trench Warfare “No Man’s Land”

  23. Trench Warfare

  24. Artillery

  25. Artillery

  26. Conditions in the Trenches Lice Hunting

  27. Conditions in the Trenches

  28. The Industrial and Geographic Factors • Strategic Mobility • Use of RR • Immobility • Lack of Transport • Supplies run out • Defenders always faster • Communication

  29. The Industrial and Geographic Factors • Industrial Might • Geographic Factors • Central Powers  Advantage • Central Powers  Disadvantage

  30. War of Attrition 1915-1916

  31. Western Front • Western Front • German failed offensive • Allied goal • 1915 Death toll: • French  1,500,000 • Britain  300,000 • Germany  875,000

  32. Western Front • Battle of Verdun • February 21, 1916 • German Offensive • Characteristics of Fighting • Death toll

  33. Western Front • Battle of Somme • July 1916 • British were ineffective • 60,000 die in one day! • Over 1,000,000 in 5 months • Death Toll

  34. Advancements In War

  35. Machine Guns • Defensive Weapons • Trench Warfare • Suppressing fire • Offensive Weapons • Lewis Gun • 600 rounds per minute • 47 round clips • Effective up to 600m Vickers Lewis

  36. French Renault Tank

  37. The Tank

  38. Airplanes and Aircraft

  39. Airplanes and Aircraft

  40. The Zeppelin

  41. U-Boats

  42. Chemical Weapons

  43. The Home Front

  44. Curtis-Martin U. S. Aircraft Plant

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