Subaru Instruments, Science, & FutureMasanori Iye (National Astron. Obs.)1990(Site for Subaru),1995(GTC review),1997(Obs WHT), 20091)Subaru Intrument Suite- Parameter space coverage, - Operational Aids2)Science Achievements- Probing the cosmic dawn – - Study on GRB – Hypernovae connection3)LGSAO and Wide field instruments- Subaru’s future in the ELT era
Subaru Telescope History ・Design Study : 1984-1990 ・Construction : 1991-1999 ・Engineering FL : Jan.1999 ・Open operation : Dec.2000- Cost ・~300MEuro for construction, ~20MEuro/yr Science (last five years) ・proposal award rate 1/3 => 80 refereed papers/yr
Subaru Telescope image size statistics 1 arcsec = 5 μrad λ/D=0.06 arcsec (@λ=2μ) =0.015arcsec(@λ=0.5μ) Miyashita et al. Best image ~0”2(K、R)Median seeing ~ 0”6 (R) FWHM size distribution すばる 岡山 ▼ 0.“65 Median Okayama 2.“2 Kiso 2.”7 Best image w/o AO
Instrument Phase Space (2009) Wavelength resolution Wavelength
Operational Aids • 8 instruments at 4 foci, • 5(7) top units : 4 M2s, Suprime-Cam, (LGSLT, FMOS) • Semi-robotic Exchangers Many massive components to exchange! Suprime-Cam, (FMOS) M2 (Opt-Cs, Opt-Ns, IR-Ns, IR tip-tilt) HDS AO188, IRCS, (HiCIAO) FOCAS, MIRCS, CIAO, COMICS
2. Science Achievements • 1) High redshift galaxies Narrow-band imaging to survey for Lyman Alpha Emitters • 2) Hypernova – GRB connection Spectrophotometry of core-collapse SNe
World record of the most distant galaxies redshift 8m telescope CCD Redshift 4m telescopes IOK-1 (Iye et al. Nature 2006)
The most distant galaxy 12.8 Gyr ago (z=6.964). Iye et al. 2006, Nature, 443, 186 1 / 41,533
Guinness record (for 1052 days)*New record will arrive at 95% confidence level at earliest in 27 days and at latest in 112 years. @July 25, 2009
Cosmic Dawn Beginning of reionization LAEs are decreasing in number from z=5.7, z=6.6, to z=7.0 => Due to intergalactic absorption fo Lyman α photons by neutral hydrogen. End of re-inoization
SN 2003dh/ GRB 030329 SN 2002ap Connection of GRB and Hypernovae Polarimetric Spectroscopy Kawabata, Mazzali,…. • SN 2002ap • No GRB • Hypernova • Polarized SED shows high velocity GRB • SN 2003dh/GRB 030329 • Jet along the l-o-s. • Hypernova epoch back-dating coincided with GRB event • No polarization Jet visible only from its direction jet Asymmetric Explosion Polarized Scattered Light Jet
188 element AO: first NGSAO image 6M$ LGSAO improved the image quality of 400M$ telescope by 10 times. θ1 Ori C Orion Trapezium IR image Without AO (1999) With 188 NGSAO (2006)
Sum-frequency laser 13.5W(1064)+5.0W(1319)=>PPMgO:SLT=> 6.4W(NaD2)
LGSAO 2nd light movie • LGSAO-video : replay from 08:20
WFMOS: 4000 fibers, optical ASPEN intiative Wide field multi 103.5 fiber spectrograph for cosmology and Galactic archeology. (BAO, Dark energy,..) Gemini borad cancellation of WFMOS funding NAOJ fund raising effort for HFMOS …
Subaru Synergy with TMT ・TMT chose MK. ・Subaru is prepared to strengthen its wide field survey capability with HSC (+HFMOS?) for the ELT era. ・Time sharing among 8m class telescopes to be arranged.