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The Aurora: A Look from Above

The Aurora: A Look from Above. 1.Ground-based observations 2. Plasma: the fourth state of matter 3. The sun and interplanetary space 4. The magnetosphere 5. Auroral acceleration. An example of discrete aurora. Auroral striations aligned with the geomagnetic field.

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The Aurora: A Look from Above

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Aurora: A Look from Above 1.Ground-based observations 2. Plasma: the fourth state of matter 3. The sun and interplanetary space 4. The magnetosphere 5. Auroral acceleration

  2. An example of discrete aurora

  3. Auroral striations aligned with the geomagnetic field

  4. High altitudered auroraproduced by low energy electrons

  5. Pink lower borders produced by high energy electrons

  6. Aurora seen from the SpaceShuttle

  7. Types of aurora • Discrete: produced by active acceleration • Auroral patches: Precipitation caused by wave-particle interaction • Diffuse: Caused by inward convection and wave-particle interaction

  8. Aurora is magnetically conjugate

  9. The Auroral Substorm

  10. Seen from the all-sky camera

  11. Seen from a polar-orbiting satellite

  12. The Substorm • Growth Phase – convection and equatorward moving diffuse arc • Expansive Phase – Bright, rapidly moving aurora, magnetic disturbances • Recovery Phase – Patchy, diffuse aurora

  13. Other things that happen • Magnetic bays caused by auroral electrojet current. Transmission grid outages • Magnetic pulsations • Radio emissions - chorus and hiss • Ionospheric radio absorption

  14. Storm vs Substorm

  15. Plasma: The fourth state of matter • A gas made up of electrically charged particles, ions and electrons • Density differences between ions and electrons -> space charges -> electric fields • Differential motion between ions and electrons -> electric currents -> magnetic fields • Charged particle motion is affected by electric and magnetic fields • A plasma is distinguished by long-range collectiveinteraction

  16. Waves in Plasmas • Plasma Oscillation • Alfven waves: • Compressional mode: magnetic field has pressure • Shear mode: magnetic field has tension • Electron cyclotron waves • Electrostatic waves

  17. The Plasma Oscillation

  18. Effect of Collisions on Particle Motion

  19. Particle Trapping

  20. The Sun and InterplanetarySpace

  21. The Sun

  22. Poloidal and Toroidal Fields

  23. Chromosphere and Corona

  24. Corona and Solar Wind

  25. Rocket Motor Analogy of Solar Wind Expansion

  26. Properties of the Solar Wind at Earth’s Orbit • It blows by the Earth at speeds of about 400 km/sec • Consists primarily of protons, but carries multiply charged ions of other species, primarily O+++++++ and He++ • Typical densities of 5 cm-3 • Carries a highly variable magnetic field the order of 10 nT.

  27. The Earth’s Magnetosphere

  28. Substorm growth phase • Begins with southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field • Enhanced convection • Stretching of the magnetotail • Expansion of the auroral oval and equatorward movement of diffuse aurora

  29. Ionospheric convection

  30. Reconnection event

  31. Action of magnetotail field lines during substorm expansion

  32. Numerical Simulation Of Substorm Expansive Phase

  33. Magnetic Field

  34. Plasma Flow

  35. Turbulent generation and propagation of Alfven waves

  36. Field-aligned currents

  37. Other parameters

  38. Polar Satellite Observations

  39. Substorm expansive phase • Decrease or reorientation of interplanetary magnetic field (not always) • Extended tail magnetic field snaps back carrying plasma earthward • Turbulence in inner edge of plasma sheet and Pi2 magnetic pulsations • Auroral expansion • Auroral electrojet • Ring current injection

  40. Auroral Acceleration • We have presented circumstantial evidence linking shear Alfven waves and the aurora. • We now examine mechanisms for accelerating auroral electrons.

  41. First Satellite Observation

  42. The simulation domain

  43. Simulation Parametersdi

  44. Parallel Electric Fields

  45. Energy Spectra Run #1

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