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  1. IsnaNurlelaNasution Class of Consumer Behavior February 2012 Departement of Nutritions Community, College of Human Ecologi (DepartemenGiziMasyarakat, FakultasEkologiManusia) Class notes based on UjangSumarwan 2011. Consumer Behavior : Theory and Marketing Application. (PerilakuKonsumen :TeoridanpenerapannyadalamPemasaran). PT Ghalia Indonesia. Departement of Family and Consumer Sciences College of Human Ecologi Bogor Agricultural University DepartemenIlmuKeluargadanKonsumen, FakultasEkologiManusia, InstitutPertanian Bogor.

  2. PERILAKU KONSUMEN BAB X BUDAYA Oleh : IsnaNurlelaNasution (I14100002)

  3. ARTI BUDAYA Peter dan Olson (2010) Mowendan Minor (1998) We treat culture as the meanings that are shared by (most) people in social group. In a broad sense, cultural meanings include common affective reactions, typical cognitions (beliefs), and characteristic patterns of behavior One classic definition states that culture is a set of socially acquired behavior patterns transmitted symbolically through language and other means to the members of a particular society

  4. ARTI BUDAYA Budayaadalahsegalanilai, pemikiran, dansimbol yang mempengaruhiperilaku, sikap, kepercayaan, dankebiasaanseseorangdanmasyarakat

  5. SIKAP DAN PERILAKU YANG DIPENGARUHI OLEH BUDAYA KesadaranDiridanRuang KomunikasidanBahasa

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