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Beginner's Guide to Cryptography: Concepts, Algorithms, and Techniques

Explore fundamental concepts in encryption, decryption, cryptanalysis, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, key exchange, digital signatures, and cryptographic hash functions. Learn terminology, background information, types of encryption, and methods of cryptanalysis including substitution ciphers, one-time pads, Vernum cipher, and book ciphers. Discover the complexity of encryption and decryption, breaking encryption techniques, and various types of encryption algorithms. Enhance your understanding of encryption security practices.

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Beginner's Guide to Cryptography: Concepts, Algorithms, and Techniques

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  1. Chapter 2 –Elementary Cryptography Concepts of encryption Cryptanalysis Symmetric (secret key) Encryption (DES & AES) Asymmetric (public key) Encryption (RSA) Key exchange protocols and certificates Digital Signatures Cryptographic hash functions

  2. Terminology & Background • Sender (S), Recipient (R), Transmission media (T) • Interceptor / intruder (O) (availability) • O might block message from reaching R • O might intercept message (confidentiality) • O might modify message (integrity) • O might fabricate an authentic-looking message (integrity)

  3. Terminology & Background • Encryption – process of encoding a message • Decryption – transforming encoded message back to normal • Encrypt – encode , encipher • Decrypt – decode, decipher • Cryptosystem – system for encryption and decryption • Plaintext – original form of message • Ciphertext – encoded form of message

  4. Terminology & Background • Algorithms – rules for encryption and decryption • Key – value used to encrypt message • C = E(K, P) where P=plaintext, K = key, E = encryption algorithms, and C = ciphertext • Symmetric encryption P = D(K, E(K,P)) • Asymmetric encryption P = D(KD, E(KE,P)) • Keyless cipher • Cryptography (hidden writing) – uses encryption to hide message • Cryptanalysis – attempts to find meanings in encrypted messages • Cryptology – study of encryption and decryption

  5. Cryptanalysis • Attempt to break a single message • Attempt to recognize patterns in encrypted messages • Attempt to infer some meaning without breaking the encryption • Attempt to deduce the key • Attempt to find weaknesses in the implementation or environment of use of encryption • Attempt to find general weaknesses in an encryption algorithm

  6. Breakable Encryption • An encryption algorithm is called breakable when, given enough time and data, an analyst can determine the algorithm • May be impractical • A 25-character message of just uppercase letters has 2625 (1035) possible decipherments. A computer performing 1010 operations/sec would take 1011 years

  7. Types of Encryption • Substitution – one or more characters are replaced with another • Transpositions (permutations) – order of characters is rearranged • Hybrid – combinations of the two types

  8. Substitution Ciphers • Caesar Cipher • Each letter is translated a fixed number of positions in the alphabet • Ci = E(pi) = pi + 3 • Plaintext A B C D E F G H I J K L … • Ciphertext d e f g h i j k l m n o … • Easy to perform; easy to break • Look for double letters and then use common words with double letters

  9. Other Substitution Ciphers • Use a key to scramble the letters • A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O … • c i p h e r s a b d f g j k l … • Rearrange using a fixed distance between letters (e.g. every 3rd) • A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O … • a d g j m p s v y b e h k n r …

  10. Complexity of Substitution Encryption and Decryption • Substitution encryption algorithms can be performed by direct lookup in tables and are O(n) algorithms

  11. Cryptoanalysis of Substitution Ciphers • Brute force would require trying checking 26! permutations which at one permutation per microsecond would take over a thousand years • Look for short words, words with repeated patterns, common first and last letters • Look at frequency distributions • Could reduce time to hours

  12. One-Time Pads • The pad consists of a large number of pages where each page contains a non-repeating key • The sender would write the keys above the message (e.g. a 300 character message would require 30 pages of 10 character keys) • The message is scrambled using a Vigenere tableau built from the message and key (see Table 2-1 in book) • Problem is synchronizing the receiver’s pad with the senders pad

  13. Vernum Cipher • One-time pad consists of an arbitrary long non-repeating sequence of numbers that are combined with the plaintext • Each plaintext character is represented by its numeric equivalent and is added to one of the random numbers. The ciphertext character is computed from the sum mod 26 • Repeated characters are typically represented by different ciphertext characters

  14. Book Ciphers • Uses a passage from a book to form the letters at the top of a Vigenere Tableau • Computes ciphertext character by taking the intersection of the plaintext character and corresponding character at that position from the book passage • Relatively easy to break using frequency distributions

  15. Transpositions (Permutations) • Columnar Transposition rearranging plaintext message into columns and then reading it row by row • “YES COMPUTER SECURITY IS FUN” would be written • Y M R R S • E P S I F • S U E T U • C T C Y N • O E U I X is encrypted as “ymrrs epsif suetu ctcyn oeuix” where the X is just filler. • Transposition algorithms require a constant amount of time per character and are O(n) algorithms, but space required to store results and delay in waiting for all characters to be read are dependent on the size of the plaintext

  16. Cryptoanalysis of Transposition Algorithms • Compute letter frequencies of ciphertext; if appear with normal frequency, then assume a transposition algorithm was used • By shifting text, look for common digrams (e.g EN)and trigrams (e.g. ENT)

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