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This presentation discusses the production, storage, cooling, and detection of highly-charged radioactive ions. It focuses on the electron-capture decay of hydrogen-like ions and presents experimental results for decay of ions. It also explores hypotheses on the observed non-exponential decay.
New Instruments for Neutrino Relics and Mass CERN, 8 December 2008 Orbital Electron-Capture Decay of Stored and Cooled Hydrogen-like Ions in the Experimental Storage Ring, ESR • Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt • Outline: • Motivation • Production, separation, storage, cooling, and nondestructive detecting of highly-charged radioactive ions at the FRS-ESR complex • Two-body electron-capture decay of highly-charged ions. • Single-ion decay spectroscopy • Experimental results for EC of H-like 140Pr and 142Pm ions • Some hypotheses on the observed non-exponential decay
FRS/ESR Mass-and-Lifetime Collaboration G. Audi, K. Beckert, P. Beller†, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, Th. Bürvenich,L. Chen, I. Cullen, Ch. Dimopoulou, H. Essel, B. Fabian, Th. Faestermann, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, E. Haettner, M. Hausmann, S. Hess, P. Kienle, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, R. Knöbel, J. Kurcewicz, S.A. Litvinov,Yu. A. Litvinov, Z. Liu, L. Maier,M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, A. Musumarra, G. Münzenberg, S. Nakajima, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, Yu. N. Novikov, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, Z. Patyk, B. Pfeiffer, W. R. Plass, Z. Podolyak, M. Portillo, A. Prochazka, R. Reuschl, H. Schatz, Ch. Scheidenberger, M. Shindo, V. Shishkin, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, Th. Stöhlker, K. Sümmerer, B. Sun, K. Suzuki, K. Takahashi, S. Torilov, M. B. Trzhaskovskaya, S. Typel, D. J. Vieira, G. Vorobjev, P.M. Walker, H. Weick, S. Williams, M. Winkler,N. Winckler, D. Winters, H. Wollnik, T. Yamaguchi Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Bound-State β-Decay M. Jung et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992) 2164 Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Two-body β-decay of highly-charged ions Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Secondary Beams of Short-Lived Nuclei Storage Ring ESR Linear Accelerator UNILAC Fragment Separator FRS Heavy-Ion Synchrotron SIS Production target Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Production & Separation of Exotic Nuclei Highly-Charged Ions In-Flight separation Cocktail or one single nuclear species ≈ 600 MeV/u primary beams 400 MeV/u stored beams: fragments e.c. 140Pr, 142Pm, 205Hg, 207Tl, 206Tl, 122I
Experimental Storage Ring, ESR: 108.4 m, 10-11 mbar Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Stochastic cooling at the ESR Long. Kicker Transv. Pick-up Combiner Station Transv. Kicker ESR storage ring Long. Pick-up Stochastic cooling is particularly efficient for hot ion beams (Fixed energy: 400 MeV/u) Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Cooling, i.e. enhancing the phase space density at constant beam velocities Electron cooling: G. Budker, 1967 Novosibirsk The momentum exchange of the ions with the cold collinear e- beam leads to an excellent emittance Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
'Phase transition' to a linear ion chain ESR circumference ≈ 104 cm For 1000 stored ions, the mean distance amounts to about 10 cm. At mean distances of about 10 cm and larger the intra-beam-scatteringdisappears. M. Steck et al., PRL 77, 3803 (1996) Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Recording the Schottky-noise Real time analyzer Sony-Tektronix 3066 ____________________________ 128 msec →FFT 64 msec_____________________ → FFT
time SMS 4 particles with different m/q
Sin(w1) Sin(w2) w4 w3 w2 w1 Sin(w3) time Sin(w4) SMS Fast Fourier Transform Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Orbital EC-experiments, decay schemes Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Well-defined quantum states for parent and daughter ions I Well-defined states: → bare, 1, 2.. e- II Quasi 'free': → storage ring/ trap III Time-resolved decay: → single ions IV Correlated decay: → change of mass Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Cooling at ESR David Boutin, PhD Thesis, Univ. Giessen, 2005 Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Two-body beta decay f scales as m/q q does not change for the two-body β decay f changes only if the mass changes, or if the B-field changes. 260 Hz Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
EC in Hydrogen-like Ions Expectations: lb+/lEC (neutral atom) ≈1 lEC(H-like)/lEC(He-like) ≈ 0.5 FRS-ESR Experiment l(neutral)= 0.00341(1) s-1 G.Audi et al., NPA729 (2003) 3 lb+(bare) = 0.00158(8) s-1 (decay of 140Pr59+) lEC(H-like) = 0.00219(6) s-1 (decay of 140Pr58+) lEC(He-like) = 0.00147(7) s-1 (decay of 140Pr57+) lEC(H-like)/lEC(He-like) = 1.49(8) Yu. A. Litvinov et al., PRL 99, 262501 (2007) Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Electron Capture in Hydrogen-like Ions Gamow-Teller transition 1+ 0+ S. Typel and L. Grigorenko µ = +2.7812 µN (calc.) Theory: Z. Patyk et al., PR C77, 014306 (2008) The H-like ion decays by 20% faster than the neutral atom! Probability of EC Decay Neutral 140Pr: P = 2.381 He-like 140Pr: P = 2 λ(H)/λ(He) = (2I+1)/(2F+1) H-like 140Pr: P = 3 Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Nuclear Decay of Stored Single Ions Time/channel = 30 sec. Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
We restrict the analysis to 1 to 3 injected ions: 1. The Schottky areas have a very large variance. 2. The variance of the amplitudes is larger than the step 3→4. 3. Problem of 'delayed cooling' Daughter Amplitude Amplitude Mother N. Winckler Amplitude distributions corresponding to 1,2,3-particles; 1 frame = 128 msec. The final data occur within +- 400 msec. in both the computer as well as in the ‘manual’ evaluations; In all cases the ‘appearance’ time has been taken into account.
Examples of measured time-frequency traces ↕ Time/ch. = 640 msec Time/ch. = 640 ms Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
↕ Time/ch. = 64 msec 2 140Pr58+ 1 140Pr58+ 1 140Ce58+ Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Properties of measured time↔frequency traces 1. Continuous observation 2. Parent/daughter correlation 3. Detection of all EC decays 4. Delay between decay and "appearance" due to cooling 5. 140Pr: ER = 44 eV Delay: 900 (300) msec 142Pm: ER = 90 eV Delay: 1400 (400) msec from measured frequency:→p transformed to n (hadronic vertex) → bound e- annihilated (leptonic vertex) → ν created at td as νe = a │ν1 > + b ν2 > if conservation of lepton number holds Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
2. Experimental results for EC of H-like ions: 140Pr58+ Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Fast Fourier Transform of the data of 1.+2. run Frequency peak at f = 0.142 Hz Yu. A. Litvinov et al., Phys. Lett. B 664, 124 (2008) Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
140Pr58+all runs: 2650 EC-decays from 7102 injections Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
142Pm60+: 2740 EC decays from 7011 injections Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
142Pm60+: zoom on the first 33 s after injection Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Fits with pure exponential (1) and superimposed oscillation (2) • dNEC (t)/dt = N0 exp {- λt} λEC ; λ = λβ+ + λEC + λloss (1) • dNEC (t)/dt = N0 exp {- λt} λEC(t); λEC(t) = λEC [1+a cos(ωt+φ)](2) T = 7.06 (8) s φ = 0.4 (4) a = 0.18 (3) T = 7.10 (22) s φ = - 1.6 (4) a = 0.23 (4) Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
3.Some hypotheses on the non-exponential decays Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
EC in H-like ions for nuclear g.s. → g.s. transitions Decay identified by correlatedchange of atomic mass at time td Different delay due to emission characteristics of the neutrino Small total line width(s) Ћ / ΔtObs (≈ 0.1 s ) ≈ 10 -14 eV >>Ћ /T (≈ 7 s) ≈ 10 -16 eV No third particle involved → daughter nucleus and neutrino entangled by momentum- and energy conservation → EPR scenario Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Quantum beats from the hyperfine states ? Coherent excitation of the 1s hyperfine states F =1/2 & F=3/2Beat period T = h/ΔE ≈ 10-15 s µ = +2.7812 µN (calc.) Decay can occur only from the F=1/2 (ground) state Periodic spin flip to "sterile" F=3/2 ? → λEC reduced Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
"Classical" quantum beats Coherent excitation of an electron in two quantum states, separated by ΔE at time t0, e.g. 3P0 and 3P2 Observation of the decay photon(s) as a function of (t-t0) Exponential decay modulated by cos(ΔE / Ћ (t-t0)) -Δτ - if Δτ<< T = h/ΔE → no informationwhether E1 or E2 "which path"? addition ofamplitudes Chow et al., PR A11(1975) 1380 Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Beats due to neutrino being not a mass eigenstate? The electron neutrino appears as coherent superposition of mass eigenstates The recoils appear as coherent superpositions of states entangled with the electron neutrino mass eigenstates by momentum- and energy conservation M + p12/2M + E1 = E M + p22/2M + E2 = E "Asymptotic" conservation of E, p E, p = 0 (c.m.) νe (mi, pi, Ei) M, pi2/2M m12 – m22 = Δ2m = 8 · 10-5 eV2 E1 – E2 = ΔEν ΔEν ≈ Δ2m/2M = 3.1 · 10-16 eV Δpν ≈ - Δ2m/ 2 <pν> = 2.0 · 10-11 eV Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
cos (ΔE/ћ t) with Tlab = h γ / ΔE ≈ 7s • a) M = 140 amu, Eν = 3.39 MeV (Pr) • b) M = 142 amu, Eν = 4.87 MeV (Pm) • M =141 amu, γ = 1.43, Δ2m12 = 8 · 10-5 eV2 • ΔE = hγ/ Tlab = 8.4 · 10 -16 eV • ΔEν = Δ2m /2 M = 3.1 · 10 -16 eV Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI Darmstadt EC-Decay of H-Like Ions
Decay scheme of 118Sb Experiment was scheduled: 31.07.2008-18.08.2008
Decay statistics Correlations: 10.808 injections ~1080 EC-decays Many ions: 5718 injections ~5000 EC-decays Analyzed : I. About 60% of the overall data II. About 20% of the overall data Automatic analysis is delayed
For the two-body EC decays of H-like 140Pr and 142Pm periodic modulations according to e –λt [1+a cos(ωt+φ)] with Tlab = 2π/ω = 7s, a ≈ 0.20 (4) were found • Statistical fluctuations are not excluded on a c.l. > 3.5 σ • Oscillation period T proportional to nuclear mass M ?
Only a few out of many remaining questions • 1. Are the oscillations real ? → still modest statistics • 2. Can the coherence be maintained over some 10 s • keeping in mind the confinement in an electromagneticpotential, the continuous interaction, and thecontinuous observation ?? • How can we improve the statistics, what other systems can we probe,what other ESR settings can we use?