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Changing the Game: The GLSEN Sports Project

Changing the Game: The GLSEN Sports Project. Making K-12 Athletics and Physical Education Safe, Respectful and Inclusive for All Students. Pat Griffin, Project Director. Session Objectives. To understand the prevalence and consequences of anti-LGBT bullying in schools

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Changing the Game: The GLSEN Sports Project

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  1. Changing the Game:The GLSEN Sports Project Making K-12 Athletics and Physical Education Safe, Respectful and Inclusive for All Students Pat Griffin, Project Director sports.glsen.org

  2. Session Objectives • To understand the prevalence and consequences of anti-LGBT bullying in schools • To understand how physical education directors can prepare teachers to create an inclusive, safe class culture • To identify specific strategies and resources for physical education staff sports.glsen.org

  3. What Is Anti-LGBT Bullying? • Verbal, Physical, Psychological, Cyber • Based on actual or perceived sexual orientation • Based on actual or perceived gender identity • Enforces gender stereotypes for all students • Students and teachers can be bullies sports.glsen.org

  4. Why Leadership is Neededto Stop Bullying in Physical Education • Physical Education Should Be Safe and Fun for All Students • Teachers’ Active Role is Key • Teachers Need Resources and Education • Federal and State Laws Mandate Action sports.glsen.org

  5. GLSEN School Climate Survey Results The top two reasons students are bullied: • Physical Appearance • Perceived Sexual Orientation sports.glsen.org

  6. GLSEN School Climate Survey Results 9 out of 10 LGBT students (85%) experienced some kind of harassment at school in the past year sports.glsen.org

  7. GLSEN School Climate Survey Results 85% of lesbian and gay students reported being verbally harassed 64% reported being verbally harassed because of their gender expression sports.glsen.org

  8. GLSEN School Climate Survey Results 40% reported being physically harassed because of their sexual orientation 27% reported being physically harassed because of their gender expression sports.glsen.org

  9. GLSEN School Climate Survey Results 62% of students who were harassed did not report it believing it would do no good 34% of students who did report harassment said staff did nothing about it sports.glsen.org

  10. GLSEN School Climate Survey Results 89% heard derogatory remarks such as "faggot" or "dyke" frequently or often at school sports.glsen.org

  11. GLSEN School Climate Survey Results The presence of supportive staff contributed to a range of positive indicators Including: • Fewer reports of missing school • Greater academic achievement • Higher educational aspirations • Greater sense of belonging to their school community sports.glsen.org

  12. GLSEN School Climate Survey Results Only 54% of students could identify six or more supportive educators in their school sports.glsen.org

  13. Why Focus on Physical Education? • Physical, Psychological, Social Benefits of Sports and Physical Activity – Especially for “At Risk” Students • Sports and Physical Activity in Students’ Lives • Sport and Physical Education Contextual Factors sports.glsen.org

  14. Why Focus on School Sports and Physical Education: Contextual Factors Many Students Perceive Locker Rooms, Bathrooms, Gyms, Playing Fields as Unsafe Spaces sports.glsen.org

  15. Why Focus on School Sports and Physical Education: Contextual Factors Physical Appearance and Perceived Sexual Orientation are the Top Two Reasons Students are Bullied in School sports.glsen.org

  16. Why Focus on School Sports and Physical Education: Contextual Factors Sport Culture in Which Taunting, Name-Calling, Hazing, Bullying are Sometimes Seen as Part of the Game “No Homo” sports.glsen.org

  17. Why Focus on School Sports and Physical Education: Contextual Factors • Gender Stereotypes Associated with Sports Participation • Female athletes are lesbians • Gay men are not athletes sports.glsen.org

  18. Components of Successful Anti-Bullying Workshop For Teachers • Identify the Problem: It’s About Changing the Culture of Physical Education • Establish Personal Connection/Responsibility • Identify Practical Strategies • Identify Resources • Follow Up sports.glsen.org

  19. Creating A Culture of Respect, Safety and Inclusion in Physical Education • Teacher Role Modeling and Action • Curriculum Choices • Good Sport Expectations • Student Leaders • Teacher Approachability • Teacher Visibility • Physical Environment sports.glsen.org

  20. Be A Role Model sports.glsen.org

  21. Stop Bullying & Name-Calling sports.glsen.org

  22. Identify Good Sport Expectations sports.glsen.org

  23. Use Student Leaders sports.glsen.org

  24. Be Approachable: How Do Students Know They Can Come to You for Help? sports.glsen.org

  25. Be A Visible Supportive Adult sports.glsen.org

  26. Send A Message of RespectIn Your Physical Education Instructional Space sports.glsen.org

  27. Safe Sport Space Campaign Gym Wall Teachers’ Office Door Classroom Bulletin Board Locker Room Door To Order Safe Sports Space Stickers: sportsproject@glsen.org

  28. Our School’sSafe Sports Space Rules No Teasing or Taunting No Name-Calling No Bullying Play Within the Rules Treat Others With Respect Take Turns Cheer Others On Share the Ball Have Fun Win or Lose, Be A Good Sport

  29. Resources sports.glsen.org

  30. Changing the Game: The GLSEN Sports Project Respect. Are You Bringin’ It? sportsproject@glsen.org sports.glsen.org

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