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Technical Services: Economic Lens of Philippine Libraries

Technical Services: Economic Lens of Philippine Libraries.

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Technical Services: Economic Lens of Philippine Libraries

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  1. Technical Services: Economic Lens of Philippine Libraries Presented by Lourdes T. David at the seminar on “Superior Practices and World Widening Services of Philippine Libraries” sponsored by the Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians, Inc., on April 14-16, 2010 at the Function Hall of Dao Diamond Bed & Breakfast Hotel, Km. 3, Dao District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines.

  2. Economic Lens • Economic considerations has been an implicit and explicit part of acquisitions of library materials. Thus technical services are the economic lens of libraries. The Acquisition section has to be aware of • Its budget • The changing information environment • The changing information seeking behavior of users • The needs of the library as driven by faculty requests • Suppliers with low cost offers or discounts • Packages with low cost per title • Others

  3. Public Libraries • In the Philippines, public libraries have no materials acquisition budget. • Role of public libraries • “Members can re-skill themselves, enhance their knowledge, gain new capabilities and even save money while borrowing (instead of buying) popular books, study materials, novels and DVDs.”—(eHow)

  4. Special Libraries • Have budgets coming from the organization. Varies depending on the need. • Role of the special library • Support the research and marketing functions of the organization to make them more competetive.

  5. Academic Libraries • Have budgets from library fees. Must be used solely for the library • Role of academic library • Support the teaching, research and outreach functions of the school college, or university

  6. Objective of the Paper • To use the Rizal Library Experience in showing the process of change in its acquisitions that is driven by economic considerations • Print vs. e-journals • Print vs. e-books • Sharing through Networking • Acquiring Free e materials

  7. Rizal Library • An academic library whose acquisition of materials is user driven • “Within the next 5 years collection development as we now know it will cease to exist as selection of library materials will be entirely patron-driven. Ownership of materials will be limited to what is actively used. The only collection development activities involving librarians will be competition over special collections and archives.” - Taiga4

  8. Librarian provides selection tools to faculty Faculty selects materials Librarian processes and purchases materials Librarian informs the faculty and sends materials to readers services Librarian weeds collection and discards according to faculty plan Librarian evaluates collection and asks faculty for help in weeding the collection Faculty/students use the materials The Collection Maintenance Cycle of the Rizal Library

  9. Rationale • Nature of users—born digital and digital migrants—always connected • Shift of information packages to digital format • Availability of technology in and off campus • Availability of publications in both print and digital format.

  10. Economic Considerations • To save money by dropping print in favor of e formats • To acquire more titles by selecting packages that offer “low cost per title” arrangements • To save on shelf space and binding costs. • To save on personnel required for shelving. • To save on acquisitions costs by identifying free e-resources on the Internet.

  11. Strategy for Serials • Ensure access—perpetuity, off site and on site, IT infrastructure • Market e formats • List down all individual e journals and those with full text in databases • Compare list with print subscription • Send to faculty with costing and request for review/ dropping of print

  12. Strategy for Serials (2) • Review feedback • Meet with faculty if necessary • Finalize decision on what to cancel • Make a report and publish this on the Library Website • Catalog all journals • Make changes in the acquisitions policy

  13. Strategy for e-books • Identify suppliers of e-books

  14. Strategy for e-books(2) • Ask for trial access • Involve faculty and students • Calculate cost per title in the package • Evaluate • Why ebooks? You get more titles for the same amount of money. Some allow multiple access and loans

  15. How else can you acquire more materials without additional budget? • Use free e- resources • Network and share resources with other libraries • ILL • DDS

  16. Example of a free ebook resource

  17. Example of a free ebook resource

  18. Example of a free ebook resource

  19. Example of a free journal resource

  20. Example of a free journal resource

  21. Conclusion • The technical services can be used as the economic lens of Philippine Libraries even if the library has a huge budget. • Ways of getting more for your money is through • Dropping of print serials with online access • Purchasing e-books since the cost per title is lower • Identifying and making free internet resources a part of your collection • Networking and sharing resources • Ensure that only relevant items are acquired. Be user/patron driven.

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