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Explore the origins of names and delve into the DoDEA Multidimensional Administrator Performance Appraisal (MAPA) at the Assistant Principals Conference. Discover the components of MAPA and how it can be used for evaluation, professional development, and reflection.
From APE to MAPAWhat’s in a name? DoDEA/DDESS Assistant Principals Conference January 12-15, 2010
You first… • What’s in your name? How did you come to be called Jennifer or Ed or Carol or Linda? • For example, I am forever Christmas Carol even though I was born December 26…a few hours late of the target date. • Share your name with your nearest neighbor.
Our turn… MAPA Multidimensional Administrator Performance Appraisal
Objectives Participants will: • know the components of the DoDEA Multidimensional Administrator Performance Appraisal (MAPA) • know how to use the components as tools for evaluation, professional development, and reflection.
And I quote… Change is inevitable….except from a vending machine! Robert C. Gallagher
What’s in this for Me? 1. “They”won’t let me out of here until this presentation is finished. 2. I’m not ready toretireand I need to pay themortgage. 3. My mother andmybossmay be watching. 4. Supervising others is in myjobdescription. 5. I’m ateacherat heart. Any more?
And I quote… It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. W. Edwards Deming
MAPA…Why Change? • Current Administrators’ Performance Appraisal instrument implemented in 2004. • Need for stronger focus on changing role and demands of administrators as instructional leaders focused on student achievement (CSP, Goal 1). • Need to emphasize formative assessment. • Need to incorporate professionaldevelopment and reflection opportunities.
Survey…Give us you input! • January, 2009: DoDEA principals, assistant principals, and assistant superintendents were surveyed. • Of 353possible respondents, 239 replied. • That’s a68% response rate! Yippee!
Let’s Talk! • Turn to your nearest neighbor, the one with which you’ve been knocking elbows. • Ask this question. What do you now know about MAPA that you didn’t know 10 minutes ago? • Look interested and awed at his/her response. Stand when you have both shared. You have 3 minutes.
At the gate, down the stretch, crossing the line… At the gate… • An appraisal instrument for principals and assistant principals • Aligned to the four goals of the 2006-2011 Community Strategic Plan • Compatible with the 2008 Educational Leadership Policy Standards: ISLLC 2008 Down the stretch… • Use feedback resulting from the administrator survey of January 2009 • Imbed a rubric • Use ratings of Exemplary, Proficient, Progressing, and Not Meeting Objective • Include a professional growth and reflection component • How about an Individual Leadership Plan (ILP)? • Use of an approved individual plan for improvement • Develop using SMART format Crossing the line… • MAPA
…with purpose in mind! • To improve practices in instructional leadership and recognize effective practices • To self-assessment, set objectives, and increase proficiency in analyzing data • To provide a framework and purposeful direction for administrators • To address leadership skills that promote continuous and sustainable improvement
With your table group write a definition forrubric.You must include 5 of the following words: commentary judge quality clear criteria consistent explanatory defensible description performance scale scoring tool define You have 7 minutes. Lets’ Talk!
Rubrics ‘R Us! Review the rubrics and discuss each objective and how it relates to present job responsibilities. Discuss possible adjustments in job responsibilities to insure assistantprincipals are functioning as instructional leaders within the school. Highlight the differences in expectations among the ratings on the continuum. You have 20 minutes!
In the trenches… • Table groups select an objective other than 3.6 and 4.1. Review the ratings for the objective and note the differences between each rating. • Collaborate with your table group to review the list of evidencethat would demonstrate “proficient” for the chosen objective. Make a list of any additional artifacts or evidence. • You will have 30 minutes to review and to add to the list. • Choose a recorder and a spokesperson for your table.
Objective 4.1: Show Me the Evidence! • Show evidence of actively soliciting parental communications with coordinated responses. • …of evaluating and responding to ICE comments. • …of analyzing and interpreting survey results (customer satisfaction & employee). • …of communicating regularly with commands and military leadership. • …that SIP reflects input from multiple stakeholders. • …that school improvement meetings and notes document frequent and open communication. • …that logs/archives reflect varied and open communications with constituents.
And I quote… Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. Anthony J. D'Angelo
Individual Leadership Plan (ILP) Background: • The result of research of a variety of appraisal systems from many states • The result of information from DoDEA Administrator Survey, January, 2009
The reason for being… Thepurposeof the ILP: • To promote continuous learning • To foster professional growth • To reflect on professional practice • To improve leadership skills • To facilitate movement along the rating continuum
ILP Guidelines Written objective aligned to CSP and MAPA and in the S.M.A.R.T. format. • Specific • Measurable • Attainable • Results-focused • Timely
Guidelines…continued • Supervisor approval necessary • Plan may change during or at the end of the rating period or continue into next year • Reflective self-assessment completed for mid-year and end-of-year conferences • Data, strategies, etc. for objective imbedded in daily administrator responsibilities • Maintain artifacts and data as evidence
ILP Alert…Brainiacs needed! • Review your objective. Is it aligned to the CSP and MAPA ? Is it an objective that will meet a need at your school? This is an individual task. • What data are you using to assess or measure success? Is it working? Do you need to change the data collection? • What resources, strategies, research support have you chosen to help you attain your objective? • What impact do you hope to have at your school on student achievement? • What is your proposed timeline? • Share your ILP with your table group.
Scoreboard! Please turn to page 25 in your handouts. • Goals 1 and 3 carry greater values as they contain 8 objectives. • The summative rating is determined as shown. • Please note the norms.
And I quote… If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change. If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change. John A. Simone, Sr.
AUTOMATED MAPA SYSTEM(Version 1.0) • Automated System for DoDEA-wide Use • Pilot in Heidelberg District • Pilot for 2009-2010 cycle • Deploy DoDEA-wide 2010-2011 cycle • Web-based – DoDEA Intranet • Developed by HQ IT Division • Controlled access • Password protected • Secured view • CAC authentication
Automated…continued • System Features • Creates and retains performance evaluations • Supports a printed, hard copy of evaluation • Moves appraisal instrument between employee, rater, reviewer • Enter text directly into appraisal • Spell checker • Save work in progress • E-mail users on actions/status • Attach external documents (artifacts) • System Administrator Capabilities • Designate appraisal participants • Close out ratings and files • Provide reports and query capability
And I quote… Growth is the only evidence of life. John Henry Newman, Apologia pro vita sua, 1864
MAPA IMPLEMENTATION PLAN(Version 1.0) • Debut at Superintendents’ Conference, July 2009 • Present at Area Administrators’ Conferences • Use Area teams • Work with District Administrators and Superintendents • Communications • Provide tools and Helpline on DoDEA Intranet • Pecha Kucha on system • DoDEA policy guidance (Administrative Instruction)
Implementation…continued Rating Cycle • First cycle • October 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 • Ratings completed NLT July 31, 2010 • Evaluation covers accomplishments between July 2009 June 2010 • Legacy system terminated September 30, 2009 • Future cycles • July 1 – June 30 each year • Assessments based on school year accomplishments • Effective date of ratings is August 1
Implementation…continued Kaizen August - October, 2010 - survey administrators, rating officials and senior leadership after first partial-year cycle • Analyze results, strengths, and deficiencies • Refine rubric and performance indicators as needed August – September 2010 - evaluate automated, paperless application pilot • Determine improvements needed • Complete and test changes • Determine capability for DoDEA-wide implementation September – October 2011 - survey administrators, rating officials, and senior leadership again after first full-year cycle • Analyze issues and problems • Determine changes needed • Implemented enhancements
What was that all about? The MAPA is like… because…..
And I quote… When you become reluctant to change, remember the beauty of autumn. George W. Walker