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Handy Sports Vocab 4

Handy Sports Vocab 4. Adjectives with Mr Evil, Very Evil, Parsnip-Face. Sports can be…. excitant. exciting. ennuyeux. boring. extrême. extreme. fatigant. exhausting. … and the athletes can be…. en bonne santé. healthy. athlétique. athletic. rapide. fast. lent. slow. grand.

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Handy Sports Vocab 4

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Handy Sports Vocab 4 Adjectives with Mr Evil, Very Evil, Parsnip-Face

  2. Sports can be…

  3. excitant exciting

  4. ennuyeux boring

  5. extrême extreme

  6. fatigant exhausting

  7. … and the athletes can be…

  8. en bonne santé healthy

  9. athlétique athletic

  10. rapide fast

  11. lent slow

  12. grand tall

  13. petit short

  14. fort strong

  15. faible weak

  16. bon great

  17. mauvais terrible

  18. I wonder what you’re like at sports. I’m great, and I would definitely beat you.

  19. Join us again!

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