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Lucene Performance

Lucene Performance. Grant Ingersoll November 16, 2007 Atlanta, GA. Overview. Defining Performance Basics Indexing Parameters Threading Search Document Retrieval Search Quality. Defining Performance. Many factors in assessing Lucene (and search) performance Speed

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Lucene Performance

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  1. Lucene Performance Grant Ingersoll November 16, 2007 Atlanta, GA

  2. Overview • Defining Performance • Basics • Indexing • Parameters • Threading • Search • Document Retrieval • Search Quality

  3. Defining Performance • Many factors in assessing Lucene (and search) performance • Speed • Quality of results (subjective) • Precision • # relevant retrieved out of # retrieved • Recall • # relevant retrieved out of total # relevant • Size of index • Compression rate • Other Factors: • Local vs. distributed

  4. Basics • Consider latest version of Lucene • Lucene 2.3/Trunk has many performance improvements over prior versions • Consider Solr • Solr employs many Lucene best practices • contrib/benchmark can help assess many aspects of performance, including speed, precision and recall • Task based approach makes for easy extension • Sanity check your needs • Profile to identify bottlenecks

  5. Indexing Factors • Lucene indexes Documents into memory • On certain occasions, memory is flushed to the index representation (called a segment) • Segments are periodically merged • Internal Lucene models are changing and (drastically) improving performance

  6. IndexWriter factors • setMaxBufferedDocs controls minimum # of docs before merge occurs • Larger == faster • > RAM • setMergeFactor controls how often segments are merged • Smaller == less RAM, better for large # of updates • Larger == faster, better for batch • setMaxFieldLength controls the # of terms indexed from a document • setUseCompoundFile controls the file format Lucene uses. Turning off compound file format is faster, but you could run out of file descriptors

  7. Lucene 2.3 IndexWriter Changes • setRAMBufferSizeMB • New model for automagically controlling indexing factors based on the amount of memory in use • Obsoletes setMaxBufferedDocs and setMergeFactor • Takes storage and term vectors out of the merge process • Turn off auto-commit if there are stored fields and term vectors • Provides significant performance increase

  8. Analysis • An Analyzer is a Tokenizer and one or more TokenFilters • More complicated analysis, slower indexing • Many applications could use simpler Analyzers than the StandardAnalyzer • StandardTokenizer is now faster in 2.3 (thus making StandardAnalyzer faster) • Reuse in 2.3: • Re-use Token, Document and Field instances • Use the char[] API with Token instead of String API

  9. Thread Safety • Use a single IndexWriter for the duration of indexing • Share IndexWriter between threads • Parallel Indexing • Index to separate Directory instances • Merge when done with IndexWriter.addIndexes() • Distribute and collect

  10. Other Indexing Factors • NFS • Have been some improvements lately, but… • “proceed with caution” • Not as good as local filesystem • Replication • Index locally and then use rsync to replicate copies of index to other servers • Have I mentioned Solr?

  11. Benchmarking Indexing • contrib/benchmark • Try out different algorithms between Lucene 2.2 and trunk (2.3) • contrib/benchmark/conf: • indexing.alg • indexing-multithreaded.alg • Info: • Mac Pro 2 x 2GHz Dual-Core Xeon • 4 GB RAM • ant run-task -Dtask.alg=./conf/indexing.alg -Dtask.mem=1024M

  12. Benchmarking Results

  13. Search Performance • Many factors influence search speed • Query Type, size, analysis, # of occurrences, index size, index optimization, index type • Known Enemies • Search Quality also has many factors • Query formulation, synonyms, analysis, etc. • How to judge quality?

  14. Query Types • Some queries in Lucene get rewritten into simpler queries: • WildcardQuery rewrites to a BooleanQuery of all the terms that satisfy the wildcards • a* -> abe, apple, an, and, array… • Likewise with RangeQuery, especially with date ranges

  15. Query Size • Stopword removal can help reduce size • Choose expansions carefully • Consider using fewer fields to search over • When doing relevance feedback, don’t use whole document, instead focus on most important terms

  16. Index Factors for Search • Size: • more unique terms, more to search • Stopword removal and stemming can help reduce • Not a linear factor due to index compression • Type • RAMDirectory if index smaller • MMapDirectory may perform better

  17. Search Speed Tips • IndexSearcher • Thread-safe, so share • Open once and use as long as possible • Cache Filters when appropriate • Optimize if you have the time • Warm up your Searcher first by sending it some preliminary queries before making it live

  18. Known Enemies • CPU, Memory, I/O are all known enemies of performance • Can’t live without them, either! • Profile, run benchmarks, look at garbage collection policies, etc. • Check your needs • Do you need wildcards? • Do you need so many Fields?

  19. Document Retrieval • Common Search Scenario: • Many small Fields containing info about the Document • One or two big Fields storing content • Run search, display small Fields to user • User picks one result to view content

  20. FieldSelector • Gives developer greater control over how the Document is loaded • Load, Lazy, No Load, Load and Break, Size, etc. • In previous scenario, lazy load the large Fields • Easier to store original content without performance penalty

  21. Quality Queries • Evaluating search quality is difficult and subjective • Lucene provides good out of the box quality by most accounts • Can evaluate using TREC or other experiments, but these risk overtuning • Unfortunately, judging quality is a labor-intensive task

  22. Quality Experiments • Needs: • Standard collection of docs - easy • Set of queries • Query logs • Develop in-house • TREC, other conferences • Set of judgments • Labor intensive • Can use log analysis to determine estimates of which queries are relevant based on clicks, etc.

  23. Query Formulation • Invest the time in determining the proper analysis of the fields you are searching • Case sensitive search • Punctuation analysis • Strict matching • Stopword policy • Stopwords can be useful • Operator choice • Synonym choices

  24. Effective Scoring • Similarity class provides callback mechanism for controlling how some Lucene scoring factors count towards the score • tf(), idf(), coord() • Experiment with different length normalization factors • You may find Lucene is overemphasizing shorter or longer documents

  25. Effective Scoring • Can also implement your own Query class • Ask if anyone else has done it first on java-user mailing list • Go beyond the obvious: • org.apach.lucene.search.function package provides means for using values of Fields to change the scores • Geographic scoring, user ratings, others • Payloads (stay tuned for next presentation)

  26. Resources • Talk available at: http://lucene.grantingersoll.com/apachecon07/LucenePerformance.ppt • http://lucene.apache.org • Mailing List • java-user@lucene.apache.org • Lucene In Action • http://www.lucenebook.com

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