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Neutron Star Fundamental Physics with Constellation-X. Tod Strohmayer, NASA/GSFC. r ~ 1 x 10 15 g cm -3. Neutron Stars: Nature’s Extreme Physics Lab. Neutron stars, ~1.5 Solar masses compressed inside a sphere ~20 km in diameter. Highest density matter observable in universe.
Neutron Star Fundamental Physics with Constellation-X Tod Strohmayer, NASA/GSFC r ~ 1 x 1015 g cm-3
Neutron Stars: Nature’s Extreme Physics Lab • Neutron stars, ~1.5 Solar masses compressed inside a sphere ~20 km in diameter. • Highest density matter observable in universe. • Highest magnetic field strengths observable in the universe. • Among the strongest gravitational fields accessible to study. • General Relativity (GR) required to describe structure. Complex Physics!!
Neutron Stars: A (very) Brief Introduction and History • Neutron stars, existence predicted in the 1930’s, Zwicky & Baade (1933), super-nova, neutron first discovered in 1932 (Chadwick). • Theoretical properties and structure, Oppenheimer & Volkoff (1939), TOV eqns. • Cosmic X-ray sources discovered, accreting compact objects, X-ray binaries (Giacconi et al. 1962). Nobel Prize, 2002. • First firm observational detection, discovery of radio pulsars, 1967 (Bell & Hewish). Hewish wins Nobel Prize in 1974, Bell does not. • Binary Pulsar discovered, 1974, Hulse-Taylor win Nobel Prize, 1993, gravitational radiation • X-ray bursting neutron stars discovered (1976), Grindlay et al. Belian, Conner & Evans, predicted by Hansen & van Horn (1975).
Inside a Neutron Star The physical constituents of neutron star interiors remain a mystery. Superfluid neutrons ??? Pions, kaons, hyperons, quark-gluon plasma? r ~ 1 x 1015 g cm-3
The Neutron Star “Zoo” • Rotation Powered: Radio Pulsars, some also observed at other wavelengths (eg. Crab pulsar). • Accretion Powered: X-ray binaries • High Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXB): X-ray pulsars (young, high B-field) • Low Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXB): Old (~109 yr), low B-field (109 G ) some are pulsars. • Nuclear Powered: X-ray burst sources • Magnetically Powered: Magnetars: Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGR), and Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXP). Young, ultra-magnetic 1014-15 G • Thermally Powered: Isolated (cooling) neutron stars.
QCD phase diagram: New states of matter • Theory of QCD still largely unconstrained. • Recent theoretical work has explored QCD phase diagram (Alford, Wilczek, Reddy, Rajagopal, et al.) • Exotic states of Quark matter postulated, CFL, color superconducting states. • Neutron star interiors could contain such states. Can we infer its presence?? Rho (2000), thanks to Thomas Schaefer
The Neutron Star Equation of State dP/dr = -r G M(r) / r2 • Mass measurements, limits softening of EOS from hyperons, quarks, other exotic stuff. • Radius provides direct information on nuclear interactions (nuclear symmetry energy). • Other observables, such as global oscillations might also be crucial. Lattimer & Prakash 2004
Observational properties <=> Fundamental physics constraints • Mass - radius relation, maximum mass • Equation of state • Cooling behavior (Temperature vs Time) • QCD phase structure, degrees of freedom (condensates) • Maximum rotation rates • Equation of state, viscosity • Spin-down, glitches • Superfluidity
Current Tests of GR using Neutron Stars (double pulsar, PSR J0737-3039A/B) • Exquisite radio timing measurements give accurate NS masses, but no radius information. • Still at 1PN order, but future measurements (2-5 yrs) will probably be sensitive to 2PN corrections. But do not directly probe near rg • Additional data could yield direct measure of NS moment of inertia (constrains EOS). Kramer et al. (2006) r ~ 1 x 1015 g cm-3
Sources of Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts • Accreting neutron stars in low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). • Approximately 80 burst sources are known. • Concentrated in the Galactic bulge, old stars, some in GCs (distances). • Bursts triggered by thermally unstable He burning at column of few x 108 gm cm-2 • Liberates ~ 1039 – 1043 ergs. • Recurrence times of hours to a few days (or years). accreting neutron star binary Credit: Rob Hynes (binsim) Fun fact: a typical burst is equivalent to 100, 15 M-ton ‘bombs’ over each cm2 !! Accretion should spin-up the neutron star!
Why Study Bursting Neutron Stars • Surface emission! • Eemit / Eobs = (1+z) = 1/ (1 – 2GM/c2R)1/2 => m/R • Continuum spectroscopy; Lobs = 4pR2s Teff4 = 4p d2 fobs • Eddington limited bursts; LEdd = 4pR2s TEddeff4 = g(M, R) • For most likely rotation rates, line widths are rotationally dominated, measure line widths and can constrain R (if W known). • If detect several absorption lines in a series (Ha, and Hb, for example), can constrain m/R2 . • Timing (burst oscillations) can also give M – R constraints. • In principle, there are several independent methods which can be used to obtain M and R (Con-X can do several).
Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts • 10 - 200 s flares. • Thermal spectra which soften with time. • 3 - 12 hr recurrence times, sometimes quasi-periodic. • ~ 1039 ergs • H and He primary fuels 4U 1636-53 Intensity Time (sec) He ignition at a column depth of 2 x 109 g cm-2
X-ray Spectroscopy of Neutron Stars: Recent Results XMM/Newton RGS observations of X-ray bursts from an accreting neutron star (EXO 0748-676); Cottam, Paerels, & Mendez (2002). Features consistent with z=0.35
Discovery of Neutron Star Spin Rates in Bursting LMXBs • Discovered in Feb. 1996, shortly after RXTE’s launch (review in Strohmayer & Bildsten 2006). • First indication of ms spins in accreting LMXBs. • Power spectra of burst time series show significant peak at frequencies 45 – 620 Hz (unique for a given source).
Burst Oscillations reveal surface anisotropies on neutron stars Cumming (2005) Strohmayer, Zhang & Swank (1997) Surface Area Spreading hot spot. Intensity • Oscillations caused by hot spot on rotating neutron star. • Modulation amplitude drops as spot grows. • Spectra track increasing size of X-ray emitting area on star.
EXO 0748-676: Burst Oscillations, 45 Hz spin rate • 38 RXTE X-ray bursts. • Calculated Power spectra for rise and decay intervals Villarreal & Strohmayer (2004) • Averaged (stacked) all 38 burst power spectra. • 45 Hz signal detected in decay intervals.
Mass (M) Rotational Broadening of Surface Lines • Rotation broadens lines, if Spin frequency known, can constrain R (with caveats). • For Fe XXVI Ha, and 45 Hz, fine structure splitting of line is comparable to rotational effect. Need good intrinsic profile (Chang et al 2006). Chang et al. (2006)
Constellation-X Capabilities • Con-X will provide many high S/N measurements of X-ray burst absorption spectra: measure gravitational red-shift at the surface of the star for multiple sources, constrains M/R. • Relative strength of higher-order transitions provides a measure of density unique M, R. • Absorption line widths can constrain R to 5 – 10%. z = 0.35
No frame dragging Frame dragging Line Spectroscopy: Neutron Stars • Line features from NS surface will be broadened by rotational velocity. • Asymmetric and double-peaked shapes are possible, depending on the geometry of the emitting surface. • Shape of the profile is sensitive to General Relativistic frame dragging (Bhattacharyya et al. 2006).
Neutron star cooling: Isolated neutron stars • Cooling rates are sensitive to interior physics (EOS and composition). • Compare surface temps and ages with theoretical cooling curves (isolated neutron stars, SN remnant sources). • Difficulties: high B field, atmosphere complicated (how to infer T), ages are difficult to measure accurately. • Con-X will advance these efforts: • Confirm new INS candidates • Deep spectra may clarify atmosphere models, emission processes, for example in enigmatic CCOs (as in Cas A). Cumming (2005)
Cooling Neutron Star Transients Markwardt et al. KS 1731-260 Cackett et al. 2006 • Accretion heats the crust (Haensel & Zdunik, Brown et al). When it ceases the cooling of the crust can be tracked. • kT “floor” related to core temperature, neutrino emissivity, EOS Cackett et al. (2006)
Cooling transients: Surface spectra and radius constraints Cackett, Miller (2006) Simulations for MXB 1659-29 • Con-X can obtain high S/N spectra with modest exposures(20 ksec). • Yield statistical uncertainties in radii of a few tenths of a km. • Deep spectra can help to refine atmosphere models.
Pulse Profiles Probe the Structure of Neutron Stars • Pulse strength and shape depends on M/R or ‘compactness’ because of light bending (a General Relativistic effect). • More compact stars have weaker modulations. • Pulse shapes (harmonic content) also depend on relativistic effects (Doppler shifts due to rotation, which depends on R (ie. spin frequency known). GM/c2R = 0.284
Rotational Modulation of Neutron Star Emission: millisecond rotation-powered pulsars • Emission from small, thermal hot spots (pulsar polar cap heating) • Spectra consistent with non-magnetic, hydrogen atmospheres. • Modelling allows constraints on M/R (recent work by Bogdanov et al.) • Soft X-ray spectra excellent match to Con-X band-pass
Rotational Modulation of Neutron Star Emission: PSR J0437-4715 • 5.76 ms pulsar, with both parallax and kinematic distance, 157 pc • Radio timing data suggest M = 1.76 +- 0.2 Msun (Verbiest et al. 2008) • X-ray pulse profile consistent with two small, thermal spots (Bogdanov et al. 2007). • Possibility of tighter mass constraints and deep Con-X data could tightly constrain M and R.
PSR J0437-4715: Con-X simulations • 1 Msec Con-X observations could achieve few percent radius measurement (1) • Several other promising targets with possible mass measurements.
1.3 m Flight Mirror Assembly Representative XGS Gratings XGS CCD Camera X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer (XMS) Mission Implementation 4 Spectroscopy X-ray Telescopes • To meet the requirements, our technical implementation consists of: • 4 SXTs each consisting of a Flight Mirror Assembly (FMA) and a X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer (XMS) • Covers the bandpass from 0.6 to 10 keV • Two additional systems extend the bandpass: • X-ray Grating Spectrometer (XGS) – dispersive from 0.3 to 1 keV (included in one or two SXT’s) • Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT) – non-dispersive from 6 to 40 keV • Instruments operate simultaneously: • Power, telemetry, and other resources sized accordingly
Spectroscopy X-ray Telescope (SXT) • Trade-off between collecting area and angular resolution • The 0.5 arcsec angular resolution state of the art is Chandra • Small number of thick, highly polished substrates leads to a very expensive and heavy mirror with modest area • Constellation-X collecting area (~10 times larger than Chandra) combined with high efficiency microcalorimeters increases throughput for high resolution spectroscopy by a factor of 100 • 15 arcsec angular resolution required to meet science objectives (5 arcsec is goal) • Thin, replicated segments pioneered by ASCA and Suzaku provide high aperture filling factor and low 1 kg/m2 areal density
X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer (XMS) • X-ray Microcalorimeter: thermal detection of individual X-ray photons • High spectral resolution • E very nearly constant with E • High intrinsic quantum efficiency • Non-dispersive — spectral resolution not affected by source angular size • Transition Edge Sensor (TES), NTD/Ge and magnetic microcalorimeter technologies under development High filling factor 8 x8 development Transition Edge Sensor array: 250 m pixels 2.5 eV ± 0.2 eV FWHM Exposed TES Suzaku X-ray calorimeter array achieved 7 eV resolution on orbit
The Constellation-X Mission Tod Strohmayer (NASA/GSFC) • Quantum to Cosmos 3, Airlie Center, VA July 2008
Fundamental Physics: The Neutron Star Equation of State (EOS) • R weakly dependent on M for many EOSs. • Precise radii measurements alone would strongly constrain the EOS. • Radius is prop. to P1/4 at nuclear saturation density. Directly related to symmetry energy of nuclear interaction (isospin dependence). Lattimer & Prakash 2001
Why Study Bursting Neutron Stars I • X-ray bursts: we see emission directly from the neutron star surface. • “Low” magnetic fields, perhaps dynamically unimportant < 109 G (from presence of bursts, accreting ms pulsars). • Accretion supplies metals to atmosphere, spectral lines may be more abundant than in non-accreting objects. • Models suggest several tenths Msun accreted over lifetime, may allow probe of different neutron star mass range, mass – radius relation, neutron star mass limit. • However, presence of accretion may also complicate interpretation of certain phenomena.
X-ray Spectroscopy of Neutron Stars • One of the most direct methods of determining the structure of a neutron star is to measure the gravitational redshift at the surface. • Extensive searches have been conducted for gravitationally redshifted absorption features in isolated neutron stars. • Most neutron stars (so far) show no discrete spectral structure. • Several isolated neutron stars (including;1E1207.4-5209, RX J0720.4-3125, RX J1605.3+3249, RX J1308.6+2127) show broad absorption features, but these have not yet been uniquely identified. • X-ray bursting neutron stars are excellent targets for these searches: • During the bursts, the neutron star surface outshines the accretion-generated light by an order of magnitude, or more. • Continuing accretion provides a source of heavy elementsat the neutron star surface, that would otherwise gravitationally settle out quickly. • Low magnetic fields in accreting neutron star systems vastly simplify the spectral analysis.