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Time Traq. Overview. Web-based Created by TAMU Business Computing Services Group (BCS) Interfaces with Leave Traq for monthly payrolls On-line timesheets can be completed from anywhere with computer access Tutorials and FAQs available from on-screen links
Overview Web-based Created by TAMU Business Computing Services Group (BCS) Interfaces with Leave Traq for monthly payrolls On-line timesheets can be completed from anywhere with computer access Tutorials and FAQs available from on-screen links Help Screen is available at the “?” button
Roles Roles Within Departments: Employee Manager Department Approver Roles Centralized Within Payroll/Human Resources: Departmental Administrator Payroll Administrator Central Administrator
Payroll Process Overview Employee fills out on-line timesheet & submits to Manager Manager approves or rejects the timesheet Department Approver reviews & submits timesheets for the entire ADLOC to Payroll
Employee’s Role Access TimeTraq thru SSO Enter hours worked on a daily basis during a biweekly or weekly period Submit to Manager
Getting Started • Log in to SSO and select the TimeTraq link • TimeTraq will display the Employee timesheets screen on startup • TimeTraq automatically creates timesheets for employees (New employee timesheets are automatically created after EPA processes. If EPA has not processed a manual timesheet may be necessary for the first payroll. or for pay periods with accelerated due dates.) • Employees with multiple jobs can work with timesheets from either job • Select a timesheet by clicking the gray select button or its ID number • Each TimeTraq timesheet is assigned a unique ID; refer to this number if help is needed on a timesheet.
Entering Time Employees normally enter their In and Out work hours or, for Simple timesheets, the total hours worked per day Select the correct work week by clicking on the tab with the date range needed Enter time worked each day Click the green Save button to save changes. Select the next work week and enter that week’s time When all time has been entered, to exit the screen, click the Save/Exit button If ready to submit, click Submit Timesheet button
Submitting a Timesheet Employee “signs” timesheet by certifying that the time entered is true and correct (this is done by checking the box at the bottom of the screen) Press the Submit Timesheet button to send the timesheet to the employee’s manager TimeTraq will display the Timesheet Review screen showing that the timesheet was submitted
Manager • In TimeTraq, the manager’s primary responsibilites are to: • Ensure that employees submit true and accurate timesheets in a timely manner. • Approve submitted timesheets as quickly as possible. • Check TimeTraq for documents that require a manager’s approval . Timesheets show up in the Manager Inbox screen. • Ensure that Leave Traq documents have been submitted and approved, as the leave time will automatically populate into the Time Traq timesheet (after review & approval through Human Resources). Managers can configure their own Preferences so that email is received when timesheets need to be approved.
Manager (con’t) Set up a delegate to approve timesheets during absences (Assign with caution as the delegate may also receive LeaveTraq email notifications…the delegate should be in a higher position than the manager is within the chain-of-command or, if at the same level as the manager, should be in a position that can see an employee’s leave requests without violating the employee’s right to privacy under HIPPA law.) To add a delegate, search by last name or enter the other manager’s UIN, then click the green Add Delegate button To suspend another manager’s ability to act as a delegate, click the red Deactivate button. To re-activate a manager’s delegate authority, click the blue Reactive button
Manager (continued) Delegates are a ‘must’!
Manager (continued) Managers work primarily with the Manager Inbox and Timesheet Overview screens. Managers can return a timesheet to an employee for correction. (Delegates may need to change Inboxes in order to see another Manager’s employees.) If a Timesheet needs further review, it can be selected from the inbox and displayed on the Timesheet Overview screen. This screen displays detailed information about the Timesheet, including hours worked by day, adjustments, approvals, etc.
Manager (continued) • If an employee has not completed a timesheet and cannot be reached prior to the payroll due date, the manager has 2 options: • Complete the timesheet for the employee • Cancel the timesheet • If an employee did not work any hours during that pay period the manager must cancel the timesheet
Timesheet Overview Screen Approve a timesheet submitted by an employee Edit a timesheet for an employee Cancel a timesheet that is not needed Reopen a timesheet that has been canceled Reject a timesheet with errors back to an employee Recall an approved timesheet Timesheets approved by another manager or that have been paid cannot be recalled
Manager’s Outbox The Manager’s Outbox screen allows the manager to see timesheets that action has been taken on, including approvals, rejection, etc. Timesheets that have been approved can be recalled from this screen – if they haven’t been approved by another manager or sent to payroll This screen also allows a manager to review the outboxes of other managers, if set up as another manager’s delegate
Preparing for Department Approver The ADLOC’S timesheets cannot be sent to payroll until ALL timesheets within that ADLOC have been approved or canceled Once the ADLOC is complete, the Department Manager should notify the Department Approver to review, approve, and submit the TimeTraq timesheets to payroll. If the Department Approver is the same person as the Department Manager, the approver must change roles & submit the timesheets to payroll.
Department Approver The department approver role is quite specialized in that it has a single responsibility in TimeTraq; getting the ADLOC’S Timesheets submitted to payroll.
Department Approver (continued) To review the timesheets for an ADLOC, the approver must sign on to Single Sign On & select the Time Traq button. Then use the drop down box on the top right to select the Department Approver role if the role does not automatically default to that role. Click the RP Review tab to display the ADLOC’S Reporting Period Review screen
Department Approver (continued) • When timesheet managers have approved or canceled all timesheets and submitted them to the approver, the ADLOC-Rpt Period Summary screen will display a green Submit to Payroll button. Click this green button to approve the payroll The approver will be sent an email when the process is complete
Departmental Administrator Ensure employees/managers submit/approve timesheets in a timely manner Configure employee job properties appropriately Adds schedules, account allocation, timesheets, approval hierarchy
Departmental Administrator( Selecting an employee’s timesheet will display the Timesheet Overview screen • Reporting Period Review – shows an ADLOC’S timesheets in a given pay period • Employees Screen – shows employees in an ADLOC • Managers Screen – allows Time Traq user to see employees reporting to a manger
RP (reporting period) Review Screen • Timesheet Status Column can show various stages: • New-timesheet, has not been started • Open-timesheet has some time entered • Submitted-timesheet sent to manager • Approved-timesheet sent to Department Approver • Cancelled-manager deleted timesheet • Payroll-Dept. Approver sent to Payroll • OK-Payroll submitted to BPP (Budgets/Payroll/Personnel Operations Center at College Station for processing of payroll)