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Explore core skills, sub-skills, and course evaluation details for the School of Foreign Languages at Ankara University in the 2018-2019 academic year.
ANKARA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES (SFL) 2018-2019 ACADEMIC YEAR STUDENT HANDBOOK @ankunvydyo https://www.facebook.com/groups/yabdil/ @ankunvydyo http://yabdil.ankara.edu.tr/
SKILL-BASED AND PRODUCTIVE LEARNING CORE SKILLS • Listening • Reading • Writing • Speaking SUB-SKILLS • Grammar • Vocabulary
MODULAR SYSTEM • In our school, one academic year is comprised of four quarters, namely: Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring 1, and Spring 2, each of which lasts 8 weeks. In the preparatory program, courses are as follows: L1 = A1 Elementary L2 = A2 Pre-Intermediate L3 = B1 Intermediate 1 L4 = B1 Intermediate 2 L4 Plus = Preparation course for the proficiency exam for students who have succeeded in L4 • Student levels are determined based on the Placement Test administered at the beginning of the academic year and students are placed into L1, L2, and L3 classes. Those who fail to take the Placement Test are placed into L1 in Fall 1. • Students who begin in L1 must continue onto L2, L3, and L4, and take the Gateway Exam administered at the end of each course. This excludes L4 students, whotake theProficiency Exam instead of the Gateway Exam at the end of the semester.
Intermediate 2 B1 Pre-Intermediate A2 Intermediate 1 B1 Elementary A1 UNDERGRADUATE UNDERGRADUATE L3 L2 L4 L4R ONLINE UNDERGRADUATE Abbreviations: L : Level R : Repeat
COURSE EVALUATION The following assessment methods are used throughout the 8 weeks of each quarter for each course: • 2 Achievement Exams • 1 Mini Oral Exam Based on these assessments, students who score at least 60 out of 100 within the course andfulfil the attendance requirement are eligible to take the Gateway Exam. ***Students who fail to sit for exams cannot take the make-up exam unless they have a documented and valid excuse endorsed by the School’s Board of Directors. For information, go to http://oidb.ankara.edu.tr and check the ‘announcements’ and the ‘regulations and directives’ tabs. The make-up exam is given in the last week of the course to students who have a valid excuse or sick leave (The room, date and time of the make-up exam is announced only on the Academic Unit’s notice board. Students are accountable for checking the announcements). The duration of sick leave and other documented excuses cannot be subtracted from the attendance requirement.
(ACHIEVEMENT TEST) • In each course, two Achievement Tests are administered and they are comprised of the following sections: -Listening Comprehension -Reading Comprehension -Use of English (vocabulary and grammar) -Writing -Questions about the storybook/reader • The content of the test for each course is announced on the notice boards one week in advance. • The Achievement Test, assessed by teachers, is given to students so that they can check their mistakes and is taken back within the same class hour. • There are no lessons on the day of the Achievement Test. • The duration of Achievement Tests is 120 minutes in L1 and L2 courses, and 135 minutes in L3 and L4 courses.
MINI ORAL EXAM • In the fifth week of the course on Monday, a mini oral exam is administered every quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4). • The exam content is announced on the notice boards one week in advance.
GATEWAY EXAM • The Gateway Exam in L1, L2, and L3 courses, as well as in repeat courses, is prepared based on the main textbook (Pioneer) used in the main courses and administered at the end of the course. Students who score at least 60% within the course, and fulfil the attendance requirement can take this exam. There is no Gateway Exam at the end of L4 and L4R courses. Instead, the Proficiency Exam is administered. • The Gateway Exam is comprised of written and oral sections and administered on the last two days of the course. The assessment of the written section is 80%, whereas the oral section is 20%. • The Gateway Exam consists of reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing, use of English (vocabulary and grammar), and speaking. • Students who score at least 60% in this exam advance one level.
At the end of this assessment; Students in L1, L2, and L3 courses, including repeat courses, must fulfil both of the following requirements in order to advanceone level: 1. Be eligible to take the Gateway Exam (Students who score at least 60% and fulfil the attendance requirement) 2.Score at least 60% in the Gateway Exam (This is the only requirement for online repeat courses). Students who cannot fulfil these requirements repeat the same course.The first repeat course is face to face; the second and the following repeat courses are given online.
Students in the L4 course, including repeat courses,must fulfil both of the following requirements in order to start their undergraduate studies: 1.Be eligible to take the Proficiency Exam (L4 students who have scored at least 60% within the course and have fulfilled the attendance requirement, and L4 Plus students who have fulfilled the attendance requirement). 2. Score at least 60 out of 100 on the Proficiency Exam for students enrolled in undergraduate programs whose medium of instruction is 30% English; A score of at least 70 out of 100 on the Proficiency Exam is required for students enrolled in undergraduate programs whose medium of instruction is 100% English. Students who fail to fulfil these requirements repeat the L4 course. All L4 repeat courses are face to face.
IMPORTANT • Students who repeat the same course are not taught face to face except for the L4 course. Their course materials are presented online on www.harmanlanmis.ankara.edu.tr.There is no attendance requirement. Those who score at least 60%on the Gateway Exam administered at the end of the course advance one level and are taught face to face again. Students who score 59% and below on the Gateway Exam repeat the same course online.
EXAM REGULATIONS (to be applied in all exams) 1.Students must submit their phones to the teacher before the exam begins. 2. The teacher cannot be asked to explain the questions during the exam. During the exam, classroom doors are kept open, except for the listening section. 3.Students who arrive late are admitted after the listening section (the first section of the exam) is finished. However, the listening section is not repeated, latecomers are not given extra time, and their answers for the listening section are left incomplete. 4. Students cannot leave the room within the first 30 the last 15 minutes of the exam. Students who are 30 minutes late will not be admitted no matter what their excuses are. In addition, students cannot leave the room during the exam no matter what their excuses are.
5. In order to ensure security, the teacher has the right to check student IDs, to give instructions, to warn, or to organize or change the students’ seats. 6.Those who cheat, who attempt to cheat or who help someone to cheat during the exam or while their exam papers are being examined after the exam, score 0%on that exam and the Discipline Code for Higher Education is followed for these students. During the exam, the teacher does not have to warn the student who cheats,if silence is necessary in order to avoid disrupting the exam environment.
PROFICIENCY EXAMS Three Proficiency Examsare administered within one academic year. 1. The Placement Exam (at the beginning of each academic year)* 2. The Fall Proficiency Exam (at the end of the first/fall semester) 3. The Spring Proficiency Exam (at the end of the second/spring semester) On the Proficiency Exams, students enrolled in undergraduate programs whose medium of instruction is 30% English must score at least 60 out of 100; students enrolled in undergraduate programs whose medium of instruction is 100% English must score at least 70 out of 100. *The purpose of the Placement Exam, administered at the beginning of each academic year, is both to ascertain students’ levels and to exempt those who are proficient.
Only those students who fulfil the following requirements can take the Fall Proficiency Exam: 1-Of students enrolled in 2018: L4/L4 Repeat : those who fulfil the attendance requirement and score at least 60% within the course; L4 Plus : those fulfil the attendance requirement 2-Of students enrolled in 2017: *For those who have reenrolled in the prep program in their 2nd year: -the students who are eligible to take the gateway exam (It does not matter which level they are in) (those who fulfil the attendance requirement and score at least 60% within the course), -(online repeat courses) the students who score at least 60%on the gateway exam in their online repeat courses (There is no attendance requirement and within-course assessment for online repeat courses), *Students who haven’t reenrolled in the prep program in their 2nd year, and prefer to prepare for the Proficiency Exam on their own.
Course Schedule • Each course has 23 contact hours a week and the schedule is as follows:
OBJECTION TO EXAM SCORES *Article 40: (1) No changes in exam scores, except for mathematical ones, are made after student exams and score sheets are delivered to the appropriate units. (2) Students need to send an official letter to the appropriate unit within 7 work days following the announcement of exam results to complete a mathematical error objection. If the board of directors, obtaining the opinion of the teacher/teachers, discovers mathematical errors on student exams or score sheets, the necessary changes are made. The concerning student is notified of the changes within 15 days. (3) Mathematical error objections not made within the given time frame are ignored. *Ankara Üniversitesi Ön Lisans ve Lisans Eğitim Öğretim Yönetmeliği
WRITING FOLDER • Consists of paragraphand/oressaywritingandaimstohelpstudentstoregulatetheirprogress in writing. • There are two writing folders within the course. Each folder is a notebook which consists of a first draft and a second draft. 1.The firstdraft: Theteacherassignstopicsdeterminedbythe Material Development Unit as homeworkandasksstudentsto submit it by a particulardate. 2.The second draft: The teacher gives students their first draft back with feedback using correction codes. They asks students to write the second draft again by correcting their mistakes (assigned as homework) and to submit it by a particular date. This time, the teacher assesses the second draft by making the necessary corrections and gives written feedback. When the second draft is given back to students, the process is completed.
WF1 needs to be completed before Achievement Test 1, and WF2 must be completed before Achievement Test 2. No feedback is given for drafts submitted outside the time frame determined by the teacher. • In the case of plagiarism or stealing someone else’s homework, student drafts are not accepted and no feedback is given.
COURSEBOOKS • Groups who take the course for the first time: • L1 – Pioneer (MM Publications) A1 • L2 – Pioneer (MM Publications) A2 • L3 – Pioneer (MM Publications) B1 • L4 – Pioneer (MM Publications) B1 • Groups who repeat the course: • L1R – Traveller (MM Publications) A1 • L2R – Traveller (MM Publications) A2 • L3R – Traveller (MM Publications) B1 • L4R – Traveller (MM Publications) B1+ • Students in the online repeat course can use the materials at www.harmanlanmis.ankara.edu.tr. There they can find the materials used in each course designed by the Material Development Unit.
ACADEMIC CALENDAR - FALL TERM Fall 1(24 Sep2018 - 16 Nov2018) (8 weeks) 15-16 Nov2018 Gateway Exam 19-23 Nov 2018 Break Fall 2 (26 Nov2018 - 18 Jan 2019) (8 weeks) 17-18 Jan 2019 Gateway Exam 21 Jan - 08 Feb 2019 Semester Break 24 Jan 2019 10:00 am Fall ProficiencyExam -Oral 25 Jan 2019 10:00 am Fall Proficiency Exam - Written
ACADEMIC CALENDAR - SPRING TERM Spring 1 (11 Feb 2019 - 05 Apr 2019) (8 weeks) 04 - 05 Apr 2019 Gateway Exam 08-12 Apr 2019 Break Spring 2 (15 Apr 2019 - 14 Jun 2019) (9 weeks) (23 Apr, 1 May and 5-7 June are full-day official holidays, the 4th of June is a half day. Therefore the course duration has been extended to 9 weeks) 13 - 14 Jun 2019 Gateway Exam 20 Jun 2019 10:00 am Spring Proficiency Exam - Oral 21 Jun 2019 10:00 am Spring Proficiency Exam - Written
FALL 1 EXAMS Exam dates and times may change! (24 Sep 2018 - 16 Nov 2018) 19 - 23 Nov 2018 Break
FALL 1 MAKE-UP EXAMS Make-up exams are administered on the appropriate dates after classes. The make-up exam room, date and time are announced on the Academic Unit notice boards on the Friday of the 7th week. The students are accountable for checking the notice boards.
FALL 2 EXAMS Exam dates and times may change! (26 Nov 2018 – 18 Jan2019 ) 24 – 25 Jan 2019 Fall Proficiency Exam 21 Jan - 08 Feb 2019 Semester Break
FALL 2 MAKE-UP EXAMS Make-up exams are administered on the appropriate dates after classes. The make-up exam room, date and time are announced on the Academic Unit notice boards on the Friday of the 7th week. The students are accountable for checking the notice boards.
SPRING 1 EXAMS Exam dates and times may change! (11 Feb 2019 – 05 Apr 2019 ) 08 – 12 Apr 2019 Break
SPRING 1 MAKE-UP EXAMS Make-up exams are administered on the appropriate dates after classes. The make-up exam room, date and time are announced on the Academic Unit notice boards on the Friday of the 7th week. The students are accountable for checking the notice boards.
SPRING 2 EXAMS Exam dates and times may change! (15 Apr 2019 – 14 June 2019 ) 20-21 June 2019 Spring Proficiency Exam
SPRING 2 MAKE-UP EXAMS Make-up exams are administered on the appropriate dates after classes. The make-up exam room, date and time are announced on the Academic Unit notice boards on the Friday of the 7th week. The students are accountable for checking the notice boards.
ATTENTION! • Check the ‘notice boards’ to find out about the announcements and possible changes about exams and exam contents. Exam content is announced one week in advance of the exam date. • Students are accountable for checking the exam dates and exam content. • If you have a temporary or permanent disability orcondition that affects your ability to sit for exams or written tests under the prescribed conditions, you may apply to sit under special conditions which take account of the particular impairment. • There are no make-up exams for make-up exams, Gateway Exams, and the Proficiency Exams.
STUDENT SERVICES OFFICE • Office hours: 08:30 - 12:30 / 13:30 - 17:30 Lunch break: 12:30-13:30 • The Student Services Office helps you with: -Student documents/transcripts -The announcement of test scores and attendance -Handling sick leave reports -Student announcements
* SickLeavesandMake-UpExams • In order to be able to sit for make-up exams, students with sick leave reports need to write an official letter addressed to the School Management within 5 work days following the end of their sick leave; those who fail to apply within the given time frame have no right to sit for the exam. • It is up to the School’s Board of Directors to decide whether to accept or decline a sick leave. In the case of uncertainty, they are handled by the Ankara University Hospitals or the University’s Board of Directors. • The sick leave duration cannot be subtracted from attendance. • Check the website of the University’s Registrar’s Office for the validity of sick leaves and other valid excuses.http://oidb.ankara.edu.tr/files/2015/05/Haklı-ve-Geçerli-Mazeretler.pdf • Check the website of the University’s Registrar’s Office for regulations about the make-up exams.http://oidb.ankara.edu.tr/files/2015/09/lisans-önlisans-yönetmelik1.pdf
MATERIALS • The Materials Development Unitprovidesstudentswithsupplementarymaterialseveryweek. • StudentsgetrevisionmaterialsbeforeeveryAchievement Test and Gateway Exam. • In the first quarter, all students except forL1 students get a summary of the grammarcontentcovered in the previous course. Studentsareresponsibleforthepreviouscoursecontents.
USE OF COURSEBOOK / WORKBOOK • The workbook is included in class activities in addition to the coursebook. Therefore, students are responsible for all the vocabulary covered in both the coursebook and the workbook. • (Teachers’ Handbook) Due to the intensity of the program to be followed, lecturers need to follow the daily program in order to avoid disrupting the overall program. • It is highly recommended that students obtain their books as soon as possible as the program starts the first week of each course.
EXEMPTION • Students who obtain the required score on SFL Proficiency Exam or an equivalent international exam recognized by the University Senate start their undergraduate studies. These students are exempted from the compulsory undergraduate courses (YDİ) with credit. The score they obtain at the end of the prep. program is shown in the transcript in place of theseYDİ courses offered in their programs.
Students enrolled in English medium undergraduate programs are to get the required score on SFL Proficiency Exam within two years upon their admission to Ankara University. If unable to achieve the required score in their first academic year, the students may enrol in the Prep. class to attend the courses in their second year. In their second academic year, when the students get the required score on one of the following SFL Proficiency Exams, they go on to their undergraduate studies: • Placement Exam administered at the beginning of the academic year • Fall Proficiency Exam • Spring Proficiency Exam
The duration of the obligatory foreign language prep program is maximum 2 years. Those who fail the proficiency exams within this time frame and/or cannot submit a national or international foreign language test (whose equivalence has been endorsed by the University Senate) score, must drop out of the school. Dropouts can switch to an equivalent major in an another university whose medium of instruction is Turkish; Dropouts who have attended classes in the Prep Program but failed within the 2-year time frame can take, within the following 3 years, the Placement Exam administered at the beginning of the academic year. However, they have no rights as students throughout this time. **For more information, check the regulations and rules on the School’s website.
VOLUNTARY PREP.PROGRAM • The accountability of students enrolled in a voluntary prep class is the same as that for students enrolled in an obligatory prep class. They must fulfill the same requirements in order to succeed. • Voluntary prep program lasts maximum one academic year (from September to June) and cannot be extended. If students fail at the end of the academic year, they go on to pre-undergraduate / undergraduate school; however, they must take and pass the basic English classes (YDİ) offered in the first and second years of the relating faculties/schools. • If voluntary prep students fail at the end of the academic year, their scholarship/loans will be cut. • When voluntary prep students enrolled in the Prep Program in the SFL do not attend classes, they are consideredunsuccessful. Enrollment can be cancelled only in the first week of the academic year at the Student Services Office of the SFL.
On the Proficiency and Placement Exams administered by SFL • Students of undergraduate programs whose medium of instruction is 30% English must score at least 60% ; • Students of undergraduate programs whose medium of instruction is 100% English must score at least 70% ; • Students who can document a valid national or international test score (whose equivalence has been endorsed by the University Senate); • Students who have attended, in at least the last 3 years, a high school in which the medium of instruction of the school is the native language of the country and who can document their education. Students need to write an official letter to SFL documenting their national or international test (whose equivalence has been endorsed by the University Senate) scores. Students whose test scores have been decided to be valid by the Board of Directors, according to the equivalence table, are assumed to have completed the Prep Program. • * Seethe equivalence table on the School’s website
ATTENDANCE Attendance is required in the prep program. Students who attend classes 85% of the lessons in each quarter are thought to have fulfilled the attendance requirement. Those who fall behind 85% in one quarter cannot attend classes or take exams; they are regarded as unsuccessful and mustrepeat their courses. Attendance is recorded separately for each quarter. The leftover hours from one quarter cannot be transferred to another. Students are accountable for following their ownattendance status.
CASES WHEN THE TEACHER CANNOT TEACH • When the teacher is on sick leave, a substitute teacher teaches the class, or students are transferred to other classrooms to participate in those classes. Attendance is checked by the teacher of the class which the students are transferred to. • If the teacher is not in the classroom within the first 10 min. of a lesson and the management has not taken any action, the class representative, or any other student, needs to notify the School Management or the Academic Unit. Otherwise, students are regarded as absent and no make-up class is offered. If the teacher is late for class, class is not cancelled.
SUPPORT UNITS AND PROGRAMS https://harmanlanmis.ankara.edu.tr/ All students of all courses can access this website for supplementarymaterials including various skills. In addition, repeat students take the online repeat course and prepare for the Gateway Exam by studying these materials. StudentAccess (Floor: 2; Room: 83) As an extracurricular activity, students can access various resources and materials (the internet, visual/auditory materials, exercises, books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.) and study independently in the Student Access. Counselling • Counselling based on individual needs is provided by the psychologists at the Health, CultureandSport Office(SKS). Students need to apply to the Academic Unit in order to receive counselling.
CONTACT • Students can access information at OBS (Student Information System) such as exam scores and attendance by obtaining a password from the University’s Registrar’s Office. They can access general announcements and notices about exams at http://yabdil.ankara.edu.tr • Furthermore, they can follow the announcements about the school through Facebook and Twitter. Social media account information is available on the School’s website.
OFFICE HOURS FOR TEACHER & STUDENTS • Students can meet with the teacher at a specific time outside class hours. The purpose is to help students to enhance their learning.
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES • In every class a student representative is elected through voting.One representative for each level and one representative for all prep classes are then elected by being nominated among student representatives. In periodic meetings held with these representatives, student problems are discussed and suggestions are made. During the meeting, a report is prepared and given to the School Management.
SOCIAL, CULTURAL, SPORTS ACTIVITIES AND HEALTH SERVICES Check the SKS website for information about social activities, cultural activities, sports activities, student groups, coaching, application for free sports classes, part-time jobs, support programs, student health insurance and outpatient clinic services. SKS is located in the restaurant building on theGölbaşı campus. sks.ankara.edu.tr
RESTAURANT Therestaurantis openfrom 12:00 to 14:00everyday.
CONCERNING STUDENT DISCIPLINE REGULATION • The Higher Education Institutions Student Discipline Regulation can be accessed at the University’s Registrar’s Office website:http://oidb.ankara.edu.tr/?page_id=230