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Bhoomi-Online delivery of land records in Karnataka

Bhoomi-Online delivery of land records in Karnataka. Sequencing of presentation. Importance of Land Records Problem of Manual System Benefits of Bhoomi Recent development in Bhoomi Spin effect of Bhoomi Next steps in Bhoomi Recognition & Awards. Project coverage

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Bhoomi-Online delivery of land records in Karnataka

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  1. Bhoomi-Online delivery of land records in Karnataka

  2. Sequencing of presentation • Importance of Land Records • Problem of Manual System • Benefits of Bhoomi • Recent development in Bhoomi • Spin effect of Bhoomi • Next steps in Bhoomi • Recognition & Awards

  3. Project coverage 7 million farmers: 35 million beneficiaries 20 million land records (0.6 hectare average size of holding) 177 project locations serving farmers from 27000 villages The project happened in Karnataka 0.2 mn sq kms Bangalore

  4. Its all about agricultural land record reforms • Data in land records • Demographic data, Economic data, Legal rights • 47 information ‘fields’ – owners, tenants, crops, yield, irrigation sources, mortgage details, soil, bank loans etc • Critical to farmers • Basis for ownership & loan • Instrument of social justice • Poor records lead to litigation & social unrest • Ensure government gets its due returns • Critical for economic growth • McKenzie report that 2% Potential growth in GDP is lost due to bad land records

  5. The manual system had infirmities • Opaque system - not ‘out there’ in public domain • Incidence of manipulation of records • Farmers’ dependence on village accountants • Discretionary treatment • Scope for citizen harassment • Ill suited for civic needs • Cumbersome mutation (change in title) process • Not updated regularly • Desired information not readily available

  6. The essence of Bhoomi Bhoomi is a farmer friendly mechanism to access and update land records using state of art technology Services: Issue of copies of Land records to citizen Request by citizens for change (MUTATION) to their land records on account of sale or inheritance

  7. Farmers availing services

  8. Farmers availing services

  9. Land records : Then & Now Post Bhoomi Before Bhoomi Manual records Computerised Low visibility Transparency Cumbersome Easy access Dated records Up to date Harassment Citizen friendly Secured Tamper Prone

  10. The path traversed-amazing numbers • Data entry • 10000 plus officials underwent training on data preparation and validation process • 20,000 man-months legacy data entry involving 1200 operators • Validated 20 mn records through 6.7 mn farmers and 9000 Village officials

  11. The transition in documentation

  12. Transparency ensures social equity Status of mutation request available to farmers from kiosks Right to information to citizens under Bhoomi Age wise pending record status Quality assurance and monitoring in BHOOMI

  13. Transparency ensures social equity • Gone are the days when Village Accountants would be able to dole favors on extraneous considerations First in first out (FIFO) mutations in Bhoomi No more discretion to favor influential people

  14. Bhoomi has touched farmers’ lives • 61 million copies have been provided from the Bhoomi kiosks • Mutation incidence has increased 3 fold • Land based litigation down by around 50% as per revenue department officials

  15. Recent developments in Bhoomi • Using Hand held devices like Simputer for online data capture • Avoid drudgery of current manual crop collection and batch updation • Offloading distribution of records to privates sector • By providing connectivity to Bhoomi data base • 800 rural telecentres under NEMADDI project in place • Providing value added services to farmers from 800 rural telecentres • Citizen id, Government schemes details, mandi rates, weather info • Provision of bhoomi data to private sector on cost basis

  16. Recent developments in Bhoomi • Process reengineering by way of handling updation of Spatial data and non spatial data simultaneously-integrated mutation • Through I.M spatial and non-spatial data gets updated simultaneously • Pilot on PKI enabling of bhoomi • Electronic linking of lending agencies with bhoomi • Electronically request Bhoomi for mortgage entries • Electronic linking of land acquisition officers to Bhoomi • Electronically informing Bhoomi of 4(1) and 6(1) on lands

  17. Spin effects of Bhoomi • Bhoomi showed that egov projects are doable with existing bureaucracy and bring huge value to citizens • Can be made self-sustaining by having appropriate user charges • Helped in getting political and administrative support for egov projects across the country

  18. Spin effects of Bhoomi • Helped in making rural telecentres project viable across state of Karnataka by Bhoomi becoming core revenue earning service to citizens • 42 other service grew around Bhoomi • Transparency in land record administration with updated land records would help in transitioning to Torrens system at appropriate time

  19. Next steps in Bhoomi • Personalising Bhoomi for every farmer • Concept of mypage.com • To create personalised information for every farmer depending upon factors like extent of land, irrigation sources, crops grown etc • To provide information like the fertilizer he needs for the land • The crop he should grow

  20. Efforts towards Replication and recognitions • Bhoomi is now declared to be the national model for replication in all stated by MIT GOI • Detailed study of Bhoomi by World Bank made available on its website for facilitating replication. (www.worldbank.org/publicsector/egov) • World Bank and Ford foundation have got done an independent evaluation of the BHOOMI project

  21. Awards United Nation Public Service Award

  22. Thank You Rajeev Chawla Commissioner Survey settlement and land records Govt of Karnataka E-mail: rajeevchawlaias@karnataka.gov.in Website: www.bhoomi.kar.nic.in

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