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Slide 1. MCNP / X Merger Outline. Merger ProjectDemonstrationImplications. Slide 2. . MCNP / X Merger MCNP - a history of integrating codes. 1940. 1970. 1980. 1960. 1950. 1990. Slide 3. . 4A, 4B. MCNP4C. LAHET. CEM. INCL. Cinder90. LAQGSM. MCNPX. MCNP / X Merger MCNP / X ? continued history of integrating codes.
1. MCNP / X Merger
John S. Hendricks
Gregg W. McKinney
H. Grady Hughes
Richard E. Prael
John T. Goorley
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM,87545, USA
ANS Annual Meeting
Anaheim, CA
June 8 - 12, 2008
LA-UR-08-3475 Presentation Title Slide Notes
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2. Slide 1 MCNP / X Merger Outline Merger Project
3. Slide 2 MCNP / X Merger MCNP - a history of integrating codes
4. Slide 3 MCNP / X Merger MCNP / X – continued history of integrating codes
5. Slide 4 MCNP / X MergerOverview Goal – combine all features of MCNP5 and MCNPX into a single code to be released as MCNP6
Level of support: $3M
FY07: 2.5 FTE
FY08: 2.0 FTE
FY09: 2.0 FTE
Strategy: Integrate MCNPX capabilities into MCNP5 / 6 subroutine by subroutine
Planned Milestones:
MCNP6 at MCNP / MCNPX workshops (May 2008)
Alpha (internal release): October 2008
Beta (limited external release): April 2009
RSICC Release: October 2009
6. Slide 5 MCNP / X MergerChallenges ~ 1000 subroutines in 9 directories
~500 new subroutines in 8 sub-directories
~400 subroutines & modules in MCNP6
~400 subroutines in MCNPX /mcnpf/ directory
~ 55 new MCNPX subroutines
~200 subroutines nearly the same as MCNP5
~150 subroutines require careful merging
Phased approach with building & testing after each step
7. Slide 6 MCNP / X MergerChallenges – 2 Teams / 2 Cultures MCNP5 Team
Jeremy Sweezy
J. Tim Goorley
Tom Booth
Forrest B. Brown
Jeff Bull
Avneet Sood
Roger Martz
Art Forster
Richard Prael
Stepan Mashnik
Tony Zukaitis MCNPX Team
Gregg W. McKinney
Laurie S. Waters
Joseph W. Durkee
Jay Elson
Michael L. Fensin
John S. Hendricks
Michael R. James
Russell C. Johns
Denise B. Pelowitz
Franz X. Gallmeier
M. William Johnson
8. Slide 7 MCNP / X Merger Challenges - MCNPX 2.6.0 (April 2008) Integrates: CEM03, CINDER90, LAQGSM
Extends MCNPX
Beyond 34 particles to 2205 heavy ions;
Beyond static nuclides to decaying & emitting;
Beyond fixed materials to burnup / depletion / transmutation & dynamic materials;
New variance reduction, sources, tallies, graphics, data
http://mcnpx.lanl.gov Content Slide Notes
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9. Slide 8 MCNP / X MergerChallenges - MCNPX 2.6.0 – Additional Capabilities Long file names;
Tally stop on precision;
Charged ions from neutron capture in table range (in addition to light-ion recoil from elastic);
Weight-window MESH angles in radians and degrees;
Piping PTRAK results;
Spherical GRIDCONV;
Proton step size control: HSTEP on M card;
New photon emission data: PHTLIB;
New S(a,ß) scattering law;
Differential data tallies extended to table physics;
Separate printout/calculation of induced fission multiplicity;
Interrupts in electron tracking;
Extend ZAID identifiers;
Neutron models produce light (A<4) nuclei <100 MeV;
Additional enhancements and corrections.
10. Slide 9 MCNP / X MergerChallenges – MCNP5 – Additional Capabilities Shannon Entropy for criticality convergence diagnostics;
Pulse-height tallies with variance reduction, including DXTRAN;
Electron physics enhancements;
Long file names;
Mesh tallies;
Angles in radians and degrees;
Prompt fission multiplicity;
Supplemental random number generators;
Extensive benchmark test set;
Additional enhancements and corrections.
11. Slide 10 MCNP / X MergerStrategy Phase 1
Move MCNPX variables to MCNP6
(reconcile particles, common, etc.)
Phase 2
First half of IMCN (card reading)
Phase 3
Second half of IMCN
(geometry, tallies materials)
Phase 4
XACT (Read / process cross sections,
proton library, heating)
Phase 5
MCRUN - particle transport
Phase 6
MCRUN – sources and tallies
Phase 7
Tally and cross section plots
Phase 8
Geometry plot
Phase 9
MCNPX 26 C, D, E, F, … upgrade
Phase 10
Quality control
12. Slide 11 MCNP / X Merger Outline Merger Project
13. Slide 12 MCNP / X MergerDemonstration – Proton Cross Section Plot
14. Slide 13 MCNP / X Merger Demonstration – Photonuclear cross section plot
15. Slide 14 MCNP / X Merger Demonstration- Geometry plot – new interactive buttons
16. Slide 15 MCNP / X Merger Demonstration- Geometry plot – ijk indices
17. Slide 16 MCNP / X Merger Outline Merger Project
18. Slide 17 Secrets of MCNP / X Success It’s Free & Available
It Works
Gets right answers
It Meets Your Needs
Repository of physics knowledge
Reasonably easy to use
19. Slide 18 Essentials for MCNP6 Success (prioritized) Leadership:
Jeremy E. Sweezy, Gregg W. McKinney,
J. Tim Goorley, Laurie S. Waters
MCNPX Beta Testers
MCNP4 / MCNPX Expert Code Review & Integration
MCNP5 Benchmarks
MCNP5 & MCNPX Extended Regression Test Sets
Free Availability
Documentation, interactive Workshops
Features – new capabilities
20. Slide 19 MCNP / X Merger Outline Merger Project – major undertaking
Demonstration – works - mostly
Implications – can succeed if it embodies the best of both MCNP5/X