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Addressing the Vocational Crisis in Physics Education

Analyzing the decline in physics education in Spain, challenges faced by students, and strategies for improvement. Government policies, educational trends, and international rankings are explored in this comprehensive review.

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Addressing the Vocational Crisis in Physics Education

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  1. The vocational crisis of Physics – the Spanish caseD. EspriuPNFPA EPOG meeting – IFIC Valencia April 2005

  2. Government/Physicists relations Minister of Science & Education Prof. Maria Jesus San Segundo (economist) Secretary of Scientific Policy: Prof. S. Barbera (economist) • D.G of Technology Policy: • Dr. C. Alejaldre (physics) D.G. of Research: Prof. V. Demonte (linguistics) Subdirector of projects: Prof. J.L. Martinez ( physics) National Programs CERN Delegate Prof.AguilarBenitez (CIEMAT) National Program in Particle Physics: Prof. D. Espriu IP’s, Institutes

  3. The dark side of the Moon

  4. EPOG Meeting, Valencia April 2003 Undergraduate students Evolution of the number of Physics students at the Universitat de Barcelona in the last years

  5. In 5 years the number of undergraduate students enroled in Physics has decreased from 18,000 to 13,000 in Spain

  6. Gerardo Delgado (president of the RSEF, ABC 14-02-05) • The number of hours high school students take Physics is roughly half the number in neighbouring countries • Physics is badly taught… just a few formulae… content-free… • Students going to Engineering or even Physics in College typically have not taken Physics in high school, fearing that doing so might spoil their academic record. • In the last International Physics Olympics, Spanish high school students have consistently ranked amongst the worst five.

  7. Letter from the Catalan Association of Physics & Chemistry Teachers

  8. The results from ESO (comprehensive & compulsory secondary education) show that no one gets the education he/she needs; neither the students heading for the baccalaureat, nor those that choose to follow a professional education. • …the succesive changes and modifications in the baccalaureat have considerably diminished the scientific formation of students • In the baccalaureat the relation scientific/non-scientific matters is notably unfavourable, even in the ‘science’ or ‘technology’ options (12-14/31) • The baccalaureat should be extended one more year ……

  9. PISA reportOECD Program for International Student Assesment Spain ranks 22th among OECD countries in mean performance in mathematics. “statistically significantly below the OECD average” Countries above average or average: Finland, Korea, Netherlands, Japan, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand,Czech Republic,Iceland, Denmark, France, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Ireland and Slovak Republic Countries below average: Norway, Luxemburg, Poland, Hungary, Spain, US, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Mexico

  10. The bright side of the Moon ?

  11. EPOG Meeting, Valencia April 2003 Ph D students Evolution of the number of graduate students in Physics at the Universitat de Barcelona in the last years (students enroled in course or tutorial work for the obtention of the DEA)

  12. 1/0 0/1 1/0 1/1 1/0 1/0 0/1 1/1 2/2 4 1 1/2 1/0 3/3 4 3/2 1/1 1 1/1 1 1/0 1/1 0/1 1/1 1/0 Groups Theory/Exp/R+D

  13. HEP staff & students in Spain(projects supported by PNFPA)as of 31-12-04 Permanent scientific staff: 214 Temporary scientific staff: 100 Technicians (permanent): 41 Technicians (temporary): 34 Graduate students: 173 Experimentalists:181 Theorists: 133

  14. Some figures & priorities

  15. FPA Funding Year: 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 M€ 2.4 4.0 4.1 4.4 5.4 6.5 7.6 8.5 7.9 + ~5% in PGC/FIS + IN2P3, INFN agreements (0.2M€) 14 MCHF in contrast with 70 MCHF CERN quota Ratio: ~20% should be 30% Spain's GNP: 1 TCHF (0.7 T€ ) Total R&D: 10 GCHF (1%)

  16. Evolution of R+D funding for the last 10 years in Spain R+D expenditure in Spain

  17. Others HEP Research in Spain Ministry of Education and Science Universities (over 60 ) 10 with active programs in HEP Some have joint institutes with CSIC (IFIC, IFCA), others with institutes funded by regional governments IFAE Barcelona CSIC CIEMAT 120 Institutes IFIC**, IFCA IEM*, IMAFF*,IFT* are HEP Institutes (*only theory) (**partly theory) IAC LSC (Canfranc) PP & Fusion Department largest & oldest group strongest in technology

  18. Plan I+D+i 2004-07Prioridades del PNFPA • Fisica de particulas elementales • con aceleradores (LHC, Tevatron, K2K, BaBar) • sin aceleradores (busqueda de nuevos procesos, fisica de neutrinos solares o atmosfericos) • fenomenologia de las interacciones (teoria) • Fisica de astroparticulas y cosmologia • rayos cosmicos, GRB, neutrinos cosmicos • Detecccion de materia oscura y otras medidas cosmologicas • Fisica nuclear experimental • iones pesados • fisica nuclear con haces radiactivos • estructura nuclear • GRID • Tecnologias de detectores y aceleradores

  19. El éxito del LHC es la primera prioridad • GRID: LHC computing & others • Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc • Instalaciones en el Roque de los Muchachos • Proyectos conjuntos FPA-AYA-ESP • Física de neutrinos + Auger • Apoyo a física nuclear experimental • Programa experimental del GSI • Actividades post LHC • Linear collider • Neutrinos • Astropartículas • Técnicas de aceleración & imanes: CLIC, ILC, XFEL, GSI • R+D en detectores • Participación de las Politécnicas • ‘centro de servicios’ a grupos emergentes • Mejor coordinación y planificación a medio plazo

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