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to the Emerson E lementary School E nglish L earner A dvisory C ouncil. September 27, 2019 8:30 A.M. Introductions. Please review the minutes. Are there any corrections or additions?. Approval of Minutes from previous ELAC meeting. Following this presentation….
to the Emerson Elementary School English Learner Advisory Council September 27, 2019 8:30 A.M.
Please review the minutes. Are there any corrections or additions? Approval of Minutes from previous ELAC meeting
Following this presentation… Roles and Responsibilities of ELAC officers will be explained Nominations or volunteers for ELAC Officers will be accepted Ballots will be sent to all parents and guardians of English Language Learners
English Learner Identification, Assessment, and Reclassification Process Identification Initial Assessment and Placement Initial and Summative Assessments Reclassification
IDENTIFICATION Education Code Section 52164.1[a] requires that all students (in kindergarten through grade twelve) whose primary language is not English, based on the Home Language Survey (HLS) take the Initial English Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC). The HLS is completed by ALL parents or guardians when they first register their children for school.
The California Education Code contains legal requirements which direct schools to assess the English language proficiency of students. The process begins with determining the language(s) spoken in the home of each student. The responses to the home language survey will assist in determining if a student’s proficiency in English should be tested. This information is essential in order for the school to provide appropriate instructional programs and services. 1. Which language did your child learn when he/she first began to talk? (in complete phrases or sentences) 2. Which language does your child most frequently speak at home? 3. Which language do you (the parents or guardians) most frequently use when speaking with your child? 4. Which language is most often spoken by adults in the home? (parents, guardians, grandparents, or any other adults) If your child was enrolled in another California public school, we will contact that school to find out the previous language designation results. Home Language Survey
English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) testing State law and federal laws require that local educational agencies (LEAs) administer a state test of English language proficiency to newly enrolled students whose primary language is not English, as an initial assessment, and students who are English Learners (ELs), as an annual summative assessment (SA). For California’s public school students, this test is the ELPAC. • The ELPAC is used to assess and monitor EL students’ progress toward English language proficiency. EL students continue to take the ELPAC SA annually until they meet their LEA’s reclassification criteria.
What is the ELPAC and why do students take the assessment? • The ELPAC is used to assess and monitor EL students’ progress toward English language proficiency. EL students continue to take the ELPAC SA annually until they meet their LEA’s reclassification criteria. The ELPAC: • measures how well students understand English • provides information that helps your child’s teacher support him or her • provides information to parents about their child's progress in learning in English • helps us identify students who may need support in English We want to make sure all students receive the support they need to succeed!
The ELPAC - Two Assessments Initial Assessment and Placement / Annual Summative Placement Summative Assessment Initial Assessment • Given to students who are new to California schools and whose HLS indicates another language is spoken at home within 30 days of when they enroll in a California school by a member of our ELD staff. • Used to measure progress and is given to students each spring between February 1 and May 31 until a student is reclassified as English proficient. The results help us determine if a student is ready to be reclassified or if s/he needs more support. • Students take the Initial Assessment only once.
InitialELPAC Student Score Report Not ELL ELLs
How can I learn more about the tests my child is taking? • Review the Parent Guide to Understanding • Available in seven languages • Take an ELPAC Practice Test with your child at home www.elpac.org/resources/practicetests www.elpac.org/s/pdf/ELPAC_Assessment-fact-sheet-english.pdf
There are more than 20 Different Languages Spoken at Emerson
Structured English Immersion (SEI) and English Language Development (ELD) What is SEI and ELD?
What is SEI (Structured English Immersion) and ELD (English Language Development? • an incorporated academic program (just like English Language Arts and Math) that is taught by the classroom teacher during the school day • The materials and teaching techniques are specifically designed to meet the needs of children who are becoming fluent in English and are. • Students are taught in English. • Students are not held back in any way. Students receive supports throughout the day to be successful. • Students at the Emerging level may receive additional “pull out” support by an Instructional Assistant. Burbank Unified currently offers two ELD programs: Structured English Immersion (SEI) and Dual Immersion (DI).
Goals of the ELD Program Help students:
How do teachers provide instruction?Through explicit language instruction which: focuses on oral English language development in class helps students understand purposes of language (describe, explain, persuade) models correct use of words and word order (pronoun, verb, adjective, subject-verb agreement) develops vocabulary in content areas enables the practice of language in a fun and engaging way! It’s using the effective teaching strategies that help all students achieve success!
Reclassification of English language learners • Assessment of English Language Proficiency – ELPAC • Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium – SBACEnglish Language Arts (Grades 4-5) • District Assessments • Writing Prompt • Teacher Evaluation – Report Card • Parent Input
How You Can Help Support Your Child’s Success Talk to your child’s teacher. Ask: • In what areas is my child doing well? • In what areas might my child need some extra support? • How can I help support my child at home?
How You Can Help Support Your Child’s Success (cont.) • Encourage your child to keep a writing journal. • Visit the library and check out books. • Talk to your children about what they are learning in school. • Read to your child, or have your child read to you, on a regular basis. Discuss the stories, ask questions that can’t be answered with one word. • Use pictures and ask your child to tell you what he or she sees in the picture or what is happening in the picture. • Provide your child with opportunities to use both social and academic language outside of school. • Encourage your child to try their best because the tests are important.
Importance of School Attendance How to report an Absence Excused Absences and Unexcused Absences Schedule appointments after school hours Good Attendance = Success in Student Learning
English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) PURPOSE: Advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English Language Learners Advise the School Site Council on the development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement
Our Responsibilities • To review: • Instructional Programs • Data and assessment of our EL students • Services for English Learners • SPSA (Site Plan for Student Achievement) • Title III and EL-LCAP Budgets • Title I Budget as it pertains to ELLs • The School’s Needs Assessment • Annual Census • Attendance Policy
#1: Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Required by the state and federal government for funding received. Documents the process conducted at each school site throughout the year to continually monitor student achievement. Look at: the effectiveness of school programs whether all students are making continuous progress how resources are being effectively integrated into school achievement the school's improvement targets
ELPAC Goal for 2019-20: Improve overall scale score average by 3%. (Increase from 1492 to 1537)
Nominations of English Learner Advisory Committee Officers Chairperson: to organize, convene, and lead meetings of the council; attends DELAC and SSC meetings Each California public school, grades kindergarten through 12, with 21 or more English learners must form an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). Parents or guardians of English learners must have an opportunity to elect the parent members to serve on the ELAC or subcommittee. Vice-Chairperson: to serve in the absence of the chairperson; may attend DELAC and SSC meetings Secretary: to record events and actions taken at council meetings
Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Wednesday, November 20, 2019 Wednesday, December 11, 2019 Wednesday, January 29, 2020 Wednesday, March 18, 2020 Wednesday, April 29, 2020 A All meeting dates and times are subject to change Meetings are held from 9:00 to11:00 at the BUSD District Office: 1900 West Olive Ave. (unless otherwise noted) DELAC meetings for the 2019-2020 school year
Brainstorm: Topics for future meetings Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Thank you for coming! Please feel free to email me anytime with questions or ideas for future meetings: angiedmello@burbankusd.org.