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nǐ hǎo

nǐ hǎo. nǐ hǎo. 你 好 Song. dì sān kè 第 三 课 (L3). mùbiāo 目标 (Objectives) _ I can ask and answer the question W hat Is Your Nationality. _ I can ask and answer the question What Languages Can You Speak. 英国. 中国. 美国. 韩国. 西 班 牙. 墨西哥. zhōng gúo 中国.

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nǐ hǎo

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  1. nǐhǎo nǐ hǎo 你好 Song

  2. dìsān kè第 三 课 (L3) mùbiāo 目标 (Objectives) _ I can ask and answer the question What Is Your Nationality. _ I can ask and answer the question What Languages Can You Speak

  3. 英国 中国 美国 韩国 西班牙 墨西哥

  4. zhōng gúo 中国 http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk/dragon2/schools/archives/morph/A4A4.html

  5. měi gúo 美国

  6. xī bān yá 西班牙 Toronto 多伦多

  7. yīng guó 英国

  8. hán guó 韩国 

  9. rìběn 日本 

  10. mòxīgē 墨西哥

  11. http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk/dragon2/schools/archives/morph/A448.htmlhttp://www.dragonwise.hku.hk/dragon2/schools/archives/morph/A448.html rén 人

  12. nǐhǎoma A: 你好吗? wǒhěnhǎonǐshìnǎguórén B: 我 很 好 。你是哪国人? wǒshìměiguórénnǐ ne A: 我 是 人。你呢? wǒyěshìměiguórén B: 我也是 人 。

  13. nǐhǎoma A: 你好吗? wǒhěnhǎonǐshìnǎguórén B: 我 很 好 。你是哪国人? wǒshìrénnǐ ne A: 我 是 country name人。你呢? wǒshìrényě B: 我是 country name人 。(or 我也是。)

  14. Grammar Notes • 哪nǎpron. “which” • 哪国人nǎguórén • An interrogative phrase meaning “what nationality”

  15. Grammar Notes • 国 guó Placed after a single character to • form a country’s name • 人 rén Placed after a country or a • city name to indicate where people • are from.

  16. liànxí练习 (Exercise) Translation in Pinyin: A: Are you a British? NǐshìYīngguórén ma? B: No. I am an American. What is your nationality? Búshì. WǒshìMěiguórén. Nǐshìnǎguórén? A: I am a Mexican American. WǒshìMòxīgēyìMěiguórén.

  17. Based on your classmate nationality survey, use Word or Microsoft Excel to make a survey graph. Copy and paste it into your journal entry for this week. Upload your entry along with this graph into the Drop Box.

  18. pīn yīn拼 音(Pinyin) • Compound Finals: ai - like English letter I ei - like English letter A ao - like ou doubt ou -like Oh in English P. F-17: F-17 F-16 P. F-18: F-19

  19. 笔画(Bǐhuà) Strokes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEYeObzRmOM (天气) Online Resources & Tools for Learning Chinese: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN9ZMRJL0jM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wjZ_QcGlk4 www.memrise.com Online Learning Resources & Tools

  20. tiǎozhàn挑战(challenge) • 1. Listen! Which country’s national anthem is it? Please write out the • country name in Pinyin. • Listen and choose whether the statements are true. • Li Wenying’s nationality is American. DuìBúduì • Fang Laoshi is a Korean. DuìBúduì • 3. P.42 3-7

  21. tiǎozhàn挑战(Challenge) • Listen and choose whether the statement is true. • May’s Chinese name is Xiǎoměi. DuìBúduì • The teacher’s surname is Wáng. DuìBúduì • P. 23 Supplementary Practice • P. 32 Let’s Go

  22. jiāolíu交流 (Communication) • Pair up and try to find out as much information as you can about your partner, including English and Chinese names, nationality, major, etc. • Then, Introduce your partner to class with the vocabulary and sentences we learned

  23. Question sentences you may use to ask your partnerand get their info: nǐ de yīngwénmíngzishìshénme ---你的英文名字是什么? nǐ de zhōngwénmíngzishìshénme --- 你的中文名字是什么? nǐxuéshénme ---你学什么? nǐshìnǎguórén --- 你是哪国人?

  24. wén huà文化(Culture) Beijing Olympic Games Opening Ceremony (Video) This ceremony demonstrates various aspects Chinese culture. The artistic part of the ceremony comprised two parts titled "Brilliant Civilization" and "Glorious Era" respectively. The first part highlighted the Chinese civilization and the second part exhibited modern China and its dream of harmony between the people of the world. chant; movie scenes

  25. zùoyè 作业 (HOMEWORK) • MCL • Online Chinese learning tools & resources • Chinese Culture Topic

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