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Prepare for an upcoming assessment on criminality constructions and theories. Compare behavior and deviance, explore biological, psychological, and sociological theories. Understand the social norms, values, and laws shaping criminal definitions.
Today we are preparing for an assessment that will take place in the 2nd half of today’s lesson Learning Outcome 1. Understand social constructions of criminality✓ AC1.1 Compare criminal behaviour and deviance✓ AC1.2 Explain the social construction of criminality Learning Outcome 2. Know theories of criminality ✓ AC2.1 Describe biological theories of criminality✓ AC2.2 Describe individualistic (psychological) theories of criminalityAC2.3 Describe sociological theories of criminality
AC1.1 Compare criminal behaviour and deviance • Key vocab: • Legal definition of crime • Social definition crime • Deviance –societal, concealed, collective • Norms • Values • Moral • Formal • Informal sanction • Formal sanction Both
AC1.2 Explain the social construction of criminality Reasons why laws are created or repealed: • Cultural reasons • Social reasons • Religious reasons • To regulate problematic behavior • In response to a specific shocking case. • What is defined as criminal and or deviant is not fixed. • Laws differ & punishments differ across societies E.g. Sex work, Cannabis use, adultery, forced marriage, honor crime, same sex relationships, FGM, Gun laws, Jaywalking • Laws and punishments differ over timeE.g. Homosexuality, suicide, capital punishment, double jeopardy, prostitution, vagrancy murder/manslaughter – Ruth Ellis case
AC2.1 Describe biological theories of criminality • Physiological theories Genetic theories Recall Mind map, 2 minutes: What can you remember?
AC2.1 Describe biological theories of criminality • Physiological theories Genetic theories USE YOUR NOTES TO ADD TO BUILD UP YOUR MIND-MAP
AC2.1 Describe biological theories of criminality 2. Genetic theories • XYY - John Wayne Gacycase- Jacobson research • Twin Studies-Monozygotic twins-Dizygotic twins- Concordance ratesLang researchChristiansen research • Adoption studiesHutchings & Mednick research 1. Physiological theories • Atavistic form - Lombroso • Somatotypes-Sheldon-Endomorphic- Ectomorphic- Mesomorphic- Correlation study • Brain abnormalityRaine-prefrontal cortex-amygdalaPhineas Gage CaseTexas Clock tower shooter • Neurochemical-MOMA - Neurons- Serotonin- Testosterone Create a revision resource
AC2.2 Describe individual theories of criminality Learning theories Psychodynamic theory Psychological theories Recall Mind map, 2 minutes: What can you remember?
AC2.2 Describe individual theories of criminality Learning theories Psychodynamic theory Psychological theories
AC2.2 Describe individual theories of criminality Learning theories Psychodynamic theory Psychological theories Recall Mind map, 2 minutes: What can you remember?
AC2.2 Describe individualistic theories of criminality • Psychological theoriesPersonality types- Eysenck-Extraversion/ Introversion- Neuroticism/stability- Psychoticism- 700 soldiers study • KolburgStages of moral reasoning- Pre-conventional reasoning- Conventional reasoning- Post conventional reasoningMoral dilemma studies Psychodynamic theories • Id, ego & super-ego- Freud- pleasure principle- reality principle- deviant role models • Bowlby 44 thieves studyseparation in infancyjuvenile delinquents Learning theories • Social learning theory- Bandura- role models- aggression- Bobo dolls expt.- Jamie Bulger case • Differential association - Sutherland-observational learning- ‘Universities of crime’ Create a revision resource
Unit 2 exam - 1 section 30 minutes. • Tips • Use subject vocabulary • Explain clearly and detail • Support your points with evidence and cases • Link to scenario if the question direct you to.
PEER MARK • Use the mark scheme 21 A 19 B 16 C 13 D 10 E Raw marks.