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best MongoDB PPT Download free
MongoDBTraining • For More Details: • IND: +914060501418 • UK: +44(0) 203 371 00 77 • What's app: +1 516 8586242 • Visit: www.globalonlinetrainings.com
GLOBAL ONLINE TRAININGS • Global Online Trainings has proven track record of delivering successful trainings on various technologies globally to improve the bottom line of the business for competencies of the corporate and careers growth of the individuals consultants. • We are providing best online training center that provides you training on all modules of MongoDB, SQL Database for example MySQL or PostgreSQL has a relational database format for they have tables, columns and rows which are related to each other.our professional and efficient team of trainers brings out their years of expertise to let their students understand the complexities of the technology that they are training on.
Global online training offers best MongoDBtraining with most experienced professionals. Our Instructors are working in The Hadoop Journey with MongoDBand related technologies for more years in MNC’s. • Global Online Trainings provide online training through virtual classes but at no time during our training program will you feel that you are not connected to us physically. • Global Online Trainings subject matters experts will provide you online tutorials in such an engaging and engrossing way that you will never feel you are not in a physical classroom. • Global Online Trainings application sharing, remote desktop support, chat to clear doubts, virtual white board sharing and question/answer sessions are some of our prominent features that truly sets us apart from other online training provider.
MongoDB • MongoDB is a Document Oriented no SQL Database that means it is not a relational database and its non relational Database. The MongoDB is a schema free database and its binary JSON format and this special format is called BSON. BSON which means B stands for binary, and SON come from JSON. • The MongoDB organizes itself in the group of documents which are called collections. Using MongoDB auto shading in order to scale horizontally is easier and this is advanced feature. MangoDB uses query languages which is a simple query language. It has a rich document based query which is little bit different relational database queries; it’s our open source database.
Explanation of Node JSL: • Node JS is originally written in 2009 by Ryan Dahl. The initial release was supported only Linux but in the later years of Node JS. It started supporting windows, operating system and Mac OS also. Node JS is a run time which allows us to run JavaScript code on the server. The use JavaScript in the client in a browser, we use it to enhance user experience by opening up modals by providing live validations and so on. So to the make applications very reactive that is where we mostly use JavaScript and where it is very powerful. We use it either plain or plain JavaScript from use frameworks like JQuery angular. • Hadoop • Hadoop is their only revenue stream enabling them to have a complete focus in the Hadoop distribution software segment in 2012 big data revenue. This for vendors with a primary focus on Hadoop is the following Cloudera at 56 billion, MapR AT 23 Million and Hortonworks at 18 million revenue can give a glimpse into the relative popularity of each distribution.
MongoDB Pros: • MongoDB is source NoSQL database, it Managed and developed by MongoDB inc (formally 10gen). • Built with an emphasis on scalability and consistency. MongoDB Pros is a flexible database structure. It can store lots of data inexpensively. More secure than MySQL than and firebase. Exceptional performance on high traffic apps with lots of simultaneous write statements. • MySQL Pros: • It learns to easy, and can handle surprisingly large amounts of data. Its good handling complicated queries, its actually excellent handling queries. It is very stable and nobody’s going to rewrite MySQL. It is good choice for companies who have traditionally used spreadsheets to store their data. • Really good third party software in available (e,g Navigate, php,MyAdminetc..). Database is like MongoDB and firebase do not have really cool third party software and PHP folks. • MySQL Cons Potential images and branding challenges. Constant threat of SQL injection attacks. Potential question marks over how MySQL performs on very high traffic websites
Comparison between MySQL and MongoDB and Firebase: Firebase • Firebase is a NoSQL, real time database, just hired by Google and N firebase. • Queries can instantly be sent to and from various devices without page refreshes. Google have marketed firebase as being an entire ecosystem for building web and mobile apps. • Instant data updates without refreshing the WebPages. Easy to synchronize multiple computers with your database. • Let’s say for example you have got lots of computers working on solving a problem and firebase can be really cool for that type of thing. • No need to worry about your server going into meltdown if you suddenly get tones of traffic.Comes with other as firebase storage, Google cloud functions, Google auth and more. • Firebase has some very strange security protocols and very esoteric, esoteric means understood by few. • There are pricing and bandwidth concern although to be fair, Google seemed to be getting on top of that and optimistic that the pricing pretty much for hosting in general
Tools of MongoDB : • Tools and technologies that were related to MongoDB tools and services, so First part Of that is built in tools that comes with your MongoDB Downloads. The downloads section one is MongoDB profiling and Performance, here you will learn how to use the built in tools like the MangiDB profiler. Mongo top and stat and also query explainers to get best performance out of your application in section two we are going to look at MongoDB cloud services. • MongoDB provides a lot of services some are free and some for fee, which allow you to monitor configure and backup scale your clusters among to be in fact provides a database as a service. Service called atlas which will allow you to deploy a MongoDB shared cluster with just a few clicks and no administrative overhead what so ever. We can look at scale MongoDB both vertically and horizontally. The vertically meaning sculling up with larger servers and horizontally meaning scaling out with more servers. Whether those is through replication or through shredding and well look at some performance benchmarks for a micro benchmark and be able to actually some actual applications performance even though it’s synthetic.
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