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Lecture 4 Decision Making. The Essence of the Manager ’ s Job. Outline of the Lecture. The Decision-Making Process The Manager as Decision Maker. Learning Outcomes. The decision-making process ▲ Define decision and decision-making process.
Lecture 4 Decision Making The Essence of the Manager’s Job
Outline of the Lecture • The Decision-Making Process • The Manager as Decision Maker
Learning Outcomes • The decision-making process ▲Define decision and decision-making process. ▲ Describe the eight steps in the decision-making process. • The manager as decision maker ▲Discuss the assumptions of rational decision making ▲ Describe the concepts of bounded rationality, satisficing, and escalation of commitment
Learning outcomes ▲ Explain intuitive decision making ▲ Contrast programmed and nonprogrammed decisions ▲ Contrast the 3 decision-making conditions ▲ Explain maximax, maximin, and minimax decision choice approaches ▲ Discuss the 4 decision-making styles ▲ Explain the managerial decision-making model.
The Decision-Making Process • Decision A choice from 2 or more alternatives Decision-making process A set of 8 steps that include identifying a problem, selecting alternative, and evaluating the decision’s effectiveness.
Significance of decision-making *Each use it frequently ,even some are unconsciously *Outcomes are different based on the different choices. *Different level managers and operatives have their own decisions. Can you give an example? ★Decision-making is a process, not just a choice among Alternatives---《老子》第六十四章:“慎终如始,则无败事。”
瓦匠的故事 • 三个泥瓦匠都在砌墙。有人问第一个泥瓦匠:你在做什么呀?第一个泥瓦匠一脸沮丧地回答:我在砌墙,枯燥的很!第二个泥瓦匠则喜滋滋地回答:我在造房子,这座房子造好了一定很漂亮!第三个泥瓦匠则信心十足地回答:我在搞城市建设,将来我们的这座城市不但漂亮,而且生活在这里的人也一定很幸福。 • 二十年后,第一个瓦匠仍然在垒砖;第二个瓦匠成为当地第一建筑公司董事长,第三个瓦匠成为这个城市的市长。 • 这个故事说明了一个什么问题呢?
8 Steps of Decision-Making Process • Identifying a problem(界定问题) • Identification of Decision Criteria(确定决策标准) • Allocation of Weights to Criteria(确定标准的权重) • Development of Alternatives(罗列待选项) • Analysis of Alternatives(分析选项) • Selection of an Alternative(选择) • Implementation of the Alternative(实施所选) • Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness(决策效果评估)
Step1 Identifying a problem(界定问题) • What is problem? • A discrepancy between an existing state and a desired state of affairs.
Some Cautions about problem identification • A problem or a symptom of problem? • Did all discrepancies be considered ? • Is there any pressure on correcting it? • Are there any resources be assigned to solve the problem? • Is the problem subjective?
鸡贵有自知之明 我不叫太阳 就不会出来 鸡贵有自知之明
8 Steps of Decision-Making Process • Identifying a problem(界定问题) • Identification of Decision Criteria(确定决策标准) • Allocation of Weights to Criteria(确定标准的权重) • Development of Alternatives(罗列待选项) • Analysis of Alternatives(分析选项) • Selection of an Alternative(选择) • Implementation of the Alternative(实施所选) • Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness(决策效果评估)
Step2 Identifying Decision Criteria •decision criteria - what’s relevant in making a decision ★Costs that will be incurred (investments required) ★Risks likely to be encountered (chance of failure) ★Outcomes that are desired (growth of the firm): market share/time saving/customer satisfaction
盲 人 摸 象
全球幸福指数 GNH(Gross National Happiness国民幸福总值) • 是全球第一个将生态环境因素考虑进幸福程度的指数。 • 该指数不衡量一国或地区有多少资源和财富,或享有多么高的社会福利或人均收入,而是看各国在生态资源利用上是否合理、有效,是否以较少的消耗实现了较大的价值。 • “全球幸福指数”囊括三个方面的信息,包括“生态足迹”度量指标、生活满意程度和人均寿命。其中“生态足迹”度量指数是指在现有消费水平、技术发展和自然资源背景下,一定数目的人口需多少土地才能养活。用生活满意度乘以人均寿命,再除以“生态足迹”度量指标,就得出了“幸福指数”。 • “全球幸福指数”旨在衡量一个国家或地区在尊重有限的自然资源的同时,为人民赢得了多少幸福。
8 Steps of Decision-Making Process • Identifying a problem(界定问题) • Identification of Decision Criteria(确定决策标准) • Allocation of Weights to Criteria(确定标准的权重) • Development of Alternatives(罗列待选项) • Analysis of Alternatives(分析选项) • Selection of an Alternative(选择) • Implementation of the Alternative(实施所选) • Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness(决策效果评估)
Step 3 -Allocating Weights to the Criteria Assigning a weight to each item, making them in the correct priority order in the decision making process. Question: How do decision makers know what weight to assign to the decision criteria?
GDP、GNP 与GNH作为标准其权重如何确定? • GDP指标与“幸福指数”的辩证关系:“GDP是唯效率主义或独尊经济指数的发展取向;“幸福指数”关怀则体现了“以人为中心”发展理念的高级层面,标志着人本取向发展观的出现。 • 经济增长只是手段,人的幸福才是目的。 • 当经济发展到一定水平之后,健康的身体、稳定的工作、美满的婚姻、和谐的人际关系等,对于人的幸福程度的影响力不亚于收入的高低、财产的多少等经济因素。
8 Steps of Decision-Making Process • Identifying a problem(界定问题) • Identification of Decision Criteria(确定决策标准) • Allocation of Weights to Criteria(确定标准的权重) • Development of Alternatives(罗列待选项) • Analysis of Alternatives(分析选项) • Selection of an Alternative(选择) • Implementation of the Alternative(实施所选) • Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness(决策效果评估)
Step 4 - Developing Alternatives • list the viable alternatives that could resolve the problem without evaluating them • As much as possible
8 Steps of Decision-Making Process • Identifying a problem(界定问题) • Identification of Decision Criteria(确定决策标准) • Allocation of Weights to Criteria(确定标准的权重) • Development of Alternatives(罗列待选项) • Analysis of Alternatives(分析选项) • Selection of an Alternative(选择) • Implementation of the Alternative(实施所选) • Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness(决策效果评估)
Step 5 - Analyzing Alternatives • each alternative is evaluated against the criteria2 and 3. • Comparing the weaknesses and strengths of each alternatives
8 Steps of Decision-Making Process • Identifying a problem(界定问题) • Identification of Decision Criteria(确定决策标准) • Allocation of Weights to Criteria(确定标准的权重) • Development of Alternatives(罗列待选项) • Analysis of Alternatives(分析选项) • Selection of an Alternative(选择) • Implementation of the Alternative(实施所选) • Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness(决策效果评估)
Step 6 - Selecting an Alternative • Comparing with the results and select the best one from those considered
8 Steps of Decision-Making Process • Identifying a problem(界定问题) • Identification of Decision Criteria(确定决策标准) • Allocation of Weights to Criteria(确定标准的权重) • Development of Alternatives(罗列待选项) • Analysis of Alternatives(分析选项) • Selection of an Alternative(选择) • Implementation of the Alternative(实施所选) • Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness(决策效果评估)
Step 7 - Implementing the Alternative • implementation – try to get operatives’ commitment *operatives’participation in decision-making process ★Reassess the environment for any changes
8 Steps of Decision-Making Process • Identifying a problem(界定问题) • Identification of Decision Criteria(确定决策标准) • Allocation of Weights to Criteria(确定标准的权重) • Development of Alternatives(罗列待选项) • Analysis of Alternatives(分析选项) • Selection of an Alternative(选择) • Implementation of the Alternative(实施所选) • Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness(决策效果评估)
Step 8 - Evaluating Decision Effectiveness • The soundness of the decision is judged by its outcomes. • How effectively was the problem resolved by outcomes resulting from the chosen alternatives? • If the problem was not resolved, what went wrong? • After evaluation, the whole decision process will start over. Question:What if the problem isn’t solved by my decision? Did I make a bad decision?
Practice 三个和尚没水吃 请分别从小和尚、高和尚、和胖和尚的角度进行“不去挑水”的决策过程分析。
The Manager as Decision Maker How decisions are made: rationality, bounded rationality, and intuition • The types of problems and decisions managers face • Decision-making conditions • Decision-making styles
Assumption of Rationality • Rationality • Managers make consistent, value-maximizing choices with specified constraints. • Assumptions are that decision makers: • Are perfectly rational, fully objective, and logical. • Have carefully defined the problem and identified all viable alternatives. • Have a clear and specific goal • Will select the alternative that maximizes outcomes in the organization’s interests rather than in their personal interests.
Making Decisions (cont’d) • Bounded Rationality • Managers make decisions rationally, but are limited (bounded) by their ability to process information. • Assumptions are that decision makers: • Will not seek out or have knowledge of all alternatives • Will satisfice—choose the first alternative encountered that satisfactorily solves the problem—rather than maximize the outcome of their decision by considering all alternatives and choosing the best.
Influence on decision making • In accordance with reality in decision-making. • Escalation of commitment(承诺升级):an increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence that it may have been wrong.
Question • Satisficing seems like settling for second best(退而求其次). Is that true? • How to avoid the escalation of commitment?
Role of Intuition - making decisions on the basis of experience and accumulated judgment • does not rely on a systematic or thorough analysis of the problem • generally complements a rational analysis
Types of Problems and Decisions(自学) • -Structured Problems Straight forward, familiar, and easily defined problems • -the goal of the decision maker is clear • -the problem is familiar • -and information about the problem is easily defined and complete
Programmed Decisions • –A repetitive decision that can be handled by a routine approach. • -used to address structured problems • -a repetitive decision Question: give us an example.
Three Possible Programmed Decisions •procedure(程序) – a series of interrelated sequential steps used to respond to a structured problem •rule (规定)- An explicit statement of what to do or not to do •policy(政策) -A guidelines or parameters(范围) for decision making -A guide that establishes parameters for making decisions Question: Policies seem kind of wishy-washy(特征模糊). What purpose do they serve?
Unstructured problems and nonprogrammed decisions -UnStructured Problems (非结构性问题)- new, unusual problems for which information is ambiguous or incomplete –Nonprogrammed Decisions (非程序性决策)–a unique decision that requires a custom-made response -used to address unstructured problems •produce a custom-made response •more frequent among higher-level managers
Integration (自学) • at the higher levels of the organization, managers are dealing with poorly structured problems and using non-programmed decisions • at lower levels, managers are dealing with well-structured problems by using programmed decisions • Keep in mind - few decisions in the real world are either fully programmed or non-programmed