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Addressing Key Storage Objectives for Hot & Cold Data 实现冷热数据存储的主要目标. Introducing 简介. LTO Ultrium 5 Technology And Linear Tape File System LTO Ultrium 5 技术和 线性磁带文件系统.
Addressing Key Storage Objectives for Hot & Cold Data实现冷热数据存储的主要目标 Introducing 简介 LTO Ultrium 5 Technology And Linear Tape File System LTO Ultrium 5技术和 线性磁带文件系统 Linear Tape-Open, LTO, LTO Logo, Ultrium and Ultrium Logo are registered trademarks of HP, IBM and Quantum in the US and other countries. Linear Tape File System is a trademark of IBM Corp. Other symbols may be trademarks of other companies. 1
Agenda 主要议程 State of the Storage Universe 存储领域的现状 Storage Issues 存储面临的问题 Addressing performance, data protection and retention objectives 实现性能、数据保护和存储目标 Introducing LTO-5 Technology and Linear Tape File System 引入LTO-5技术和线性磁带文件系统 2
State of the Storage Universe存储领域的现状 Data stores are rapidly growing and files are huge (HD, 3D) 数据存储量急剧增长而且文件庞大 (HD、3D) Budgets are tight 预算紧张 Storage acquisition, maintenance, management and energy cost constraints 存储器购置、维护、管理和能耗成本限制 Must manage SLAs必须管理SLAs(服务水平协议) Must protect and preserve data assets 必须保护和保存数据资产 3
Issue 问题 • Data is growing faster than I can manage 数据的增长速度超出我们的应对能力 Or 或者 • It’s an avalanche 就像雪崩一样一发不可收拾
Information is beaming in from everywhere!信息从四面八方不断涌入! • 2.5 billion RFID tags sold in 2009 2009年共销售25亿个RFID(无线射频识别)标签 • 900 million GPS devices sold annually by 2013 到 2013 年,每年将销售 9 亿个 GPS 设备 • 76 million smart electric meters in 2009, 200M by 2014 2009 年共销售 7600 万个智能电表,到 2014 年将达到 2 亿个 • Text messages generate 400TB of data daily in the U.S. 在美国,每天文本消息会产生 400TB 的数据量 • MRIs will generate a petabyte of data globally this year 今年,全球 MRI(机读信息)会产生一拍字节(一千万亿字节)的数据量
Zettabytes 皆字节 Exabytes 艾字节 • Storage budgets up 1%-5% in 2010 2010 年存储预算仅增加 1%-5% Petabytes 拍字节 Terabytes 太字节 Gigabytes 吉字节 An Information Explosion Meets Budget Reality信息爆炸式增长面临预算瓶颈 • Storage requirements growing 20-40% per year 存储需求每年增加 20-40% • Backup and Archive requirements growing 40-50% per year 备份和存档需求每年增加40%-50% The information explosion meets budget reality 信息爆炸式增长面临预算瓶颈 2000 2005 2015 2010
Issue 问题 • Trying to build a house with only a hammer 这种情况就像只用一把锤子建造房屋 Or 或者 • Not eating a balanced storage diet 像饮食供给不平衡
Multiple Tools 复合型工具 Hammer Time 锤子时代To some…everything looks like a nail某种程度上,世间万物都如同钉子
Storage Hierarchy Balanced Diet存储层次数据量的均衡 DRAM Cache Solid-State Drives (SSD) Phase Change Memory DRAM 固态硬盘缓存 (SSD) 相变存储器 Build out automated tiered storage architecture to optimize performance, protect data and reduce costs FC and SAS disks SAN FC 和 SAS 磁盘 SAN SATA disks Virtual Tape NAS/iSCSI SATA 磁盘虚拟磁带 NAS/iSCSI 扩建自动分层存储架构以优化性能、保护数据并降低成本 Tape 磁带
Issue 问题 • Not all data is alike 并非所有的数据都是一样的 Or 或者 • Some like it hot 只有某些数据比较热门
Not All Data Should Be Treated the Same Way并非所有数据都以相同的方式处理 Value of Data Determines RTO 数据价值决定了RTO Mission Critical Dynamic Data 关键任务的动态数据 Seconds - Minutes Disk and DB Mirroring 磁盘和 DB 镜像 Active Online Data 有效在线数据 Recovery Time Objective 恢复时间目标(guidelines only) Minutes - Hours. Electronic Vaulting / Replication 电子传送/复制 Nearline Data 近线数据 Tape Storage 磁带存储 Hours - Days Value of Data / Financial Investment 数据价值/财务投资
Data has a lifespan . . .数据是有使用期限的… It can be hot, warm or cold 它可以“热”,可以“温”,也可以“冷” • Most data, as it ages, becomes: 大多数的数据随着时间推移而变得: • Less frequently accessed 较少被访问 • Less likely to be needed for business continuity 用于维持业务发展的可能性变小 • More likely to be archived 被存档的可能性变大 Frequency of Access 访问频率 • Some Data remains warm • 部分数据仍然比较受欢迎 • Some Data stays cold • 有些数据始终乏人问津 • Most Data starts out cold • 多数数据初始时期遭“冷待遇” Time Data Actively Used 数据频繁使用阶段 Data Archived 数据存档阶段 Data Created 数据创建阶段
Most Network Data Sits Untouched多数网络数据无人问津 Access Patterns of Data Stored on Disk. 磁盘上存储数据的访问频率分布 • Three month study of a businesses 22TB disk data access 对某企业的 22TB 磁盘数据访问量进行了为期 3 个月的研究 • Conducted by University of California, Santa Cruz 该研究由加州大学圣克鲁斯分校进行 • 90% of the data was COLD - never accessed after being stored on disk 90% 的数据为“冷”数据,即在磁盘上存储后便没有被访问过 • Another 6.5% of the data was COOL - accessed only once 另外 6.5% 的数据为偏“冷”数据,即仅被访问过一次 • U of C recommendation: move data to less expensive and less energy consuming storage units ….. Use Tape! 加州大学建议:可将网络数据转移至既经济又节能的存储设备上——使用磁带! Source: Government Computer News, July 1, 2008. “Most network data sits untouched” by Joab Jackson
Issue 问题 • Costs are out of control 成本超支 Or或者 • What does it really cost to store data 数据存储到底需要多少成本
Costs Comparison Studies 成本对比研究 Clipper Group Archive TCO Study: SATA Disk System vs. LTO-5 Tape Library System2 Clipper 集团的存档 TCO(所有成本)研究:SATA 磁盘系统对比 LTO-5 磁带库系统2 ESG Backup/DR TCO Study: Dedupe VTL vs. LTO-5 Library System1 ESG 备份/DR TCO 研究:Dedupe VTL (虚拟磁带库)对比 LTO-5 库系统1 • 5 Year TCO Backup/DR Study; VTL with 15:1 Deduplication reduction ratio vs. LTO-5 Library • 历时 5 年的 TCO 备份/DR 研究;重复数据删除率为 15:1 的 VTL对比 LTO-5 库 • Costs included hardware, maintenance, floor space, software, people and energy • 成本包括硬件购买、维护、空间占用、软件、人员和能耗 • Scenarios included various DR methods (i.e. replication, PTAM) • 方案包括各种 DR 方法(例如复制、PTAM) • Dedupe VTL was from about 2-4 times more costly than tape system • 重复数据删除VTL 比磁带系统成本高 2 至 4 倍 • 12 Year TCO Archiving Study • 历时 12 年的 TCO 存档研究 • Back-end storage costs covering hardware, mainten-ance, floor space and energy • 后端存储成本包括硬件、维护、空间占用和能耗 • Disk storage was 15x Tape TCO • 磁盘存储成本是磁带 TCO 的 15 倍 • The cost of energy alone for the average disk-based solution exceeded the entire TCO for the average tape-based solution • 基于磁盘的一般解决方案仅其能耗成本一项就已超过基于磁带的一般解决方案的整个TCO的成本 LTO-5 Cartridge is about 5 cents per GB uncompressed!3 每 GB 未压缩的 LTO-5 磁带盒存储空间约 5 美分!3 2Clipper Notes report “In Search of the Long-Term Archiving Solution - Tape Delivers Significant TCO Advantage over Disk”, The Clipper Group, Dec.23, 2010. This was a general TCO study and did not specifically focus on LTFS or video storage. 1A Comparative TCO Study: VTLs and Physical Tape, By Mark Peters, ESG, Feb. 2011. 15 3Cartridge price as of internet search March 2011.
Issue 问题 • Data is vulnerable to corruption threats 数据易于受到破坏 Or 或者 • It can’t happen here! 根本不可能发生
Numerous Threats Can Corrupt and Destroy Data无数的威胁可能损坏和摧毁数据 • More than a quarter of the companies in a Forrester Research study declared a disaster in the past five years1 • Forrester Research公司的研究显示,在过去 5 年里有超过四分之一的公司声称遭受过数据灾难。 • 76% of companies have experienced a disaster or major business disruptions1 • 76% 的公司经历过数据灾难或重大业务受损。 • ACCIDENTAL 意外事故 • Natural Disaster 自然灾害 • System Error 系统错误 • Operation Error 操作失误 • INTENTIONAL 蓄意行为 • Virus 病毒 • Theft 盗窃 • Hacker 黑客 • Sabotage 蓄意破坏 • Disgruntled employee • 员工不满情绪 • Risks of downtime数据受损的风险 • Lost revenue and market share • 收入与市场份额减少 • Lost productivity 产量降低 • Non-compliance 违约处罚 • Loss of reputation and customer trust • 丧失信誉、失去客户信任 • Loss of the business业务受损 1 “Building the Business Case for Disaster Recovery Spending,” Forrester Research, April 2008
Hard Lessons Learned 经验教训 Feb 2008: Bank lost unencrypted back-up tapes with sensitive data about 12 million customers. 2008 年 2 月:某银行丢失了未加密的备份磁带,其中含有关于 1200 万个客户的重要数据。 Jan 2010: University computer infected with a virus may have exposed the personal information of 3,500. 2010 年 1 月:某大学的计算机受到病毒感染,可能泄露 3500 人的个人信息。 Mar 2009: Large pharmacy chain pays $2.25M in fines for improper disposal of patient data. 2009 年 3 月:某大型医药连锁企业因患者数据处置不当而遭受 225 万美元的罚款。 Feb 2009: Hackers broke into government admin computers accessing 48K names and social security numbers. 2009 年 2 月:黑客闯入政府的管理计算机,并查阅了 48,000 个人名和社保编号。 May 2009: Hackers 'destroy' both production servers and there was no offline backup. 2009 年 5 月:黑客“破坏了”两台生产服务器,而这两台服务器都没有离线备份。 May 2009: Hackers 'destroy' both production servers and there was no offline backup. 2009 年 5 月:黑客“破坏了”两台生产服务器,而这两台服务器都没有离线备份。 2011: Software error corrupts many records on primary and replicated storage. Offline tape storage recovers records. 2011 年:软件错误导致主存储器和备份存储器上的许多记录被破坏。使用离线磁带存储器才恢复了记录。 2011: Software error corrupts many records on primary and replicated storage. Offline tape storage recovers records. 2011 年:软件错误导致主存储器和备份存储器上的许多记录被破坏。使用离线磁带存储器才恢复了记录。
Tape Saves the Day 磁带挽救了局面 • Ben Treynor, VP Engineering and Site Reliability Czar for Google Gmail, used the official Gmail blog to explain the situation and provided a powerful endorsement for off-line removable tape storage. Google Gmail 的研发副总裁兼网页安全主管 Ben Treynor 通过 Gmail 官方博客解释了该情况,并且非常支持使用离线移动式磁带存储器。 • “I know what some of you are thinking: how could this happen if we have multiple copies of your data, in multiple data centers...well, in some rare instances software bugs can affect several copies of the data. That’s what happened here. Some copies of mail were deleted...To protect your information from these unusual bugs, we also back it up to tape. Since the tapes are offline, they’re protected from such software bugs”. “我知道你们有些人会有这样的疑问:如果在多个数据中心有多个数据备份,怎么还会发生这种事呢。但是在极个别情况下,软件故障会影响数据的多个备份,就像现在发生的一样,有些邮件的备份也被删除了。为了保护您的信息免于受到这些特殊故障的破坏,我们还将其备份到磁带上。因为磁带是离线的,所以不会受到此类软件故障的影响。”
Flood – Brisbane, Australia - January 2011洪水—澳大利亚布里斯班—2011 年1 月 Australian floods wreaked havoc on businesses and rural communities 澳大利亚爆发的洪水对企业和乡村地区造成了巨大破坏
March 2011: Japan is Devastated2011 年3 月日本遭到了地震与海啸破坏
Have multiple copies or layers of protection: depending upon value of data, keep at least 3 copies, keep in different locations; one out of region – Use disk and tape 具有多个备份或多层保护:根据数据价值,至少保存 3 个备份,放置在不同地点;一个域外保护—使用磁盘和磁带 Isolate one copy: at least one copy offline for logical system isolation to avoid intentional or unintentional corruption that can occur with online storage - Use tape; Keep offline 隔离一个备份:至少将一个离线备份进行逻辑系统隔离,以避免遭受在线存储所受到的 有意或无意的破坏—使用磁带;保持离线 Have technology diversification: copies on different forms of media to avoid a media or system process disaster - Use disk and tape 具有技术多样性:采用不同介质进行备份,以避免介质或系统进程灾难的发生—使用磁盘和磁带 Protect access to data: at rest and in transit – Use encryption; Use WORM 保护数据访问:静止或传送时— 使用加密技术;使用 WORM(一次写入,多次读取) Manage backup differently than archive对备份与存档进行区别管理: - Backup multiple, point in time consistent copies for operational and DR recovery consistent with application specific RTO/RPO - Use disk and tape 多重备份,按时间点统一备份操作和 DR 恢复,并与应用程序专用 RTO(恢复时间目标)/RPO (恢复点目标)保持一致—使用磁盘和磁带 - Archive single instanced data for long term retention: combination of disk & tape 对单实例数据进行存档以便长期保存:磁盘和磁带组合使用 Best Practices in Data Protection数据保护方面的最佳实例 *Best Practices Source: Debbie Beech, Sylvatica Consulting / David Hill, Mesabi Group
Large Truck Express Line Survives Hurricane Flood某大型货车快运公司的数据在飓风洪水中幸免Implements Best Practice Data Protection and Retention Systems采用最佳的数据保护和保存系统 Business Challenge: 挑战 • Hurricane Gastone flooded Data Center with 5 ft. of water • Gastone 飓风所引发的洪水淹没了数据中心,水深达 5 英尺 • Total loss of hardware, networks, phone systems, generator, and utility power • 硬件、网络、电话系统、发电机和公共电源全部受损 • Good news: a tape backup of 100% of the data was made the night before – stored off site! • 好消息:前一天晚上用磁带备份了全部数据— 而且是离线存储! "You are out of your mind if you think you can live without tape" Solution: 解决方案 • Protect assets and business resilience with comprehensive best practice strategy • 采用全面的最佳实践战略保护资产和业务的恢复能力 • Create nightly disk flash copy for fast retrieval and window-less backup to tape • 每晚进行磁盘闪存备份用以进行快速恢复并无窗口备份至磁带 • Backup 100% production data to LTO tape library nightly: tapes moved offsite • 每晚将全部 的生产数据备份至 LTO 磁带库:磁带离线 • Global Mirror DR site and backup to LTO tape library – Lights out! • 对 DR 站点进行全局镜像并备份至 LTO 磁带库—可以无人值守运行! • Creates 5 copies of data (2 offline on tape in different remote locations) • 建立 5 个数据备份(其中有 2 个离线储存的磁带在相隔甚远的不同地点) Dick Crosby Systems Manager, Estes 如果你认为你用不到磁带,那你就大错特错了! Dick Crosby Estes 系统经理 Benefits: 优势 • Able to control TCO, access data and protect data with tiered storage strategy • 可以使用分层存储策略控制 TCO、访问以及保护数据 • No production system interruption无生产系统中断 • No save window-Set it & forget it 无需进行保存窗口操作—设置后自动运行 • No production cycles, no operators, lights out operations没有生产周期,无需操作员,实现无人值守运行 • Logical data protection and out of region protection 逻辑数据保护和域外保护
Issue 问题 • My backup repository is growing 我的备份库存正在增长 Or 或者 • My backups are my archive 我的备份就是我的存档
The Truth About Archives 存档的现实状况 • Facts about archived data: 存档数据的实际情况 • Long term preservation of: 长期保存 • Company Intellectual Property 公司知识产权 • Federal, State, Industry, or Company Regulations 联邦、州、行业或公司的法规 • eDiscovery and Legal Implications 电子取证和法律含义 • Data older than 1 year is very unlikely to be recalled 超过 1 年的数据几乎不会再使用 • Operational Expense of maintaining data whether archived or backed up is dependant on the hardware and software used, not the purpose.无论是维护存档数据还是备份数据,其操作成本都取决于所用的硬件和软件,而不是目的 • The size of an archive is only going to grow, regardless of retention length. 无论保存时间长短,存档的规模只会增加 • Removing static data from backups to the archive can reduce backup storage requirements, reduce costs and improve backup performance.将静态数据从备份转为存档,可以降低备份存储要求,降低成本并改善备份性能
Archive Capability 存档性能 Tape Disk Source: Tape The Digital Curator of the Information Age. By Fred Moore, President, Horison, Inc.
“The reports of tapes demise are grossly exaggerated,” “关于磁带终结的报道实在太夸张了,” (borrowing a phrase from Mark Twain) (引自马克·吐温)
WW Tape Storage Media Capacity Shipments TrendsWW 磁带存储介质出货量的发展趋势 • Record setting 4.4PBs of Tape Shipped in 4Q10 • 2010 年第 4 季度磁带出货记录达到 4.4PB • Up 12% over previous quarter • 比上季度增长 12% • Up 21% over previous year • 比去年同期增长 21% • LTO is nearly 90% of all tape format shipments • LTO 接近所有磁带存储格式产品出货量的 90%
Why Tape? Top 10 Reasons选择磁带的10大理由 1. Tape has the lowest TCO and lowest consumption of energy 磁带的 TCO 和能耗最低 2. Tape is portable off-site and off-line logical data protection from attacks that can corrupt on-line data 磁带可以离站携带,并可以离线保护逻辑数据,以免数据受到在线攻击 3. Tape is reliable: advanced servo systems, state of the are heads and media formulations, read after write verification…and more! 磁带非常可靠:具有高级伺服系统、一流的磁头和介质模式、写入验证后的读取功能等等! 4. Tape is infinitely scalable…just add more cartridges! 磁带可无限扩展…只需增加盒带即可! 5. Tape streams very fast….up to 280MB/sec with LTO-5 Drives* 磁带数据流速非常快…使用 LTO-5 驱动器可以达到 280MB/秒* 6. Tape is secure & innovative: WORM, encryption, and new LTFS 磁带非常安全并具有创新性:WORM、加密和新型 LTFS 7. Tape is easy to manage with automated tape libraries 使用自动磁带库可以轻松管理磁带 8. Tape has a long shelf life: up to 30 years 磁带的保存期很长:达到 30 年 9. Tape’s future is bright: LTO Roadmap, 35TB & 50TB demos 磁带的前景光明:LTO 发展规划、35TB 和 50TB 的演示 10. Tape is a strategic tier: A blend of disk and tape can help address the varied needs for performance, compliance, security, archive, data protection, TCO and energy efficiency 磁带是一种策略层:磁盘和磁带混合使用可以满足性能、兼容性、安全性、存档、数据保护、TCO 和能源节约的不同需求 *assumes 2:1 compression
Replication 复制 DR Tape and Disk are Complementary for Optimal Performance, Archive, Data Protection and TCO磁带和磁盘的使用对实现最佳的性能、存档、数据保护和TCO来说是一种有益的补充 Blended Tiered Storage Example With Layers of Protection 采用分层保护的混合分层存储实例 Application Servers 应用服务器 “There is no other medium that offers what tape does for archiving.” LTO tape technology continues to evolve with LTO-5, Curtis Preston, techtarget.com Feb 18, 2010 “没有其它介质可以提供和磁带一样的存档性能。”LTO-5 使磁带技术不断演进发展 Backup Server 备份服务器 Tape Library 磁带库 Virtual Tape Library Tape Library VTL虚拟磁带库 • Storage Manager Survey Results* 存储管理员调查结果* • 61% of current disk-only users plan to start using tape • 在目前仅使用磁盘的用户中有 61% 的用户打算使用磁带 *Source: Fleishman-Hillard Research Dec. 2009
LTO-5 Tape Can Handle and Preserve Large Backups and ArchivesLTO-5 磁带可以处理和保存大型备份和存档 • LTO-5 Tape is Huge and Reliable LTO-5 磁带容量巨大且可靠性高 • 1.5 TB / cartridge native: 3 TB / cartridge (2:1 compressed) • 每盒可存储 1.5 TB 原始数据,按 2:1 压缩后每盒可存储 3 TB • That’s about 30 DVD movies per cartridge • 相当于每盒可存储约 30部 DVD 电影 • Automation offerings from 20-1,000s of cartridge slots • 自动提供 20 至 1,000 个磁带存储槽 • Highly Reliable: Servo Tracking, Read after Write Verification, 250K MTBF Hours, up to 30 year shelf life • 非常可靠:伺服跟踪、写入验证后读取、250K MTBF 小时、30 年的贮藏寿命 • LTO-5 Drives are Fast LTO-5 驱动器速度非常快 • Up to 140 MB / sec. native 原始数据高达 140 MB/秒 • Up to 280 MB / sec. (2:1 compressed) 2:1 压缩后高达 280 MB/秒 • That’s > 1TB of saved data per drive / hr (2:1 compressed) • 每个驱动器每小时保存的数据超过 1TB (数据按 2:1 压缩) 31
LTO Data Security LTO 数据安全性 • WORM (Write Once Read Many) WORM(一次写入,多次读取) • LTO 3, 4 and 5 drives and WORM cartridges LTO 3、4 和 5 驱动器及 WORM 盒带 • Unalterable tape data storage 磁带存储的数据不可改变 • Can append data to cartridge 可以为盒带添加数据 • Tape Drive Encryption 磁带驱动器加密 • LTO 4 and 5 Tape Drive Hardware Encryption LTO 4 和 5 磁带驱动器硬件加密 • AES 256 bit encryption data key provided to tape drive 磁带驱动器具有 AES 256 位加密数据密匙 • Data is compressed then written to tape cartridge in encrypted form to maximize capacity and protect sensitive information 压缩后的数据以加密的形式写入盒带,以保护敏感信息 • Virtually no impact to drive performance 对驱动器性能几乎没有影响 • Helps eliminate need for encryption SW or appliance 可以免去使用加密 SW 或设备的麻烦 • Get encryption key management software from tape vendors 可以从磁带厂商处获得加密密匙管理软件 • Straight forward implementation process 简便直接的安装过程
Providence Health & Services Encrypts with LTO-4 Tape Drives普罗维登斯健康与服务机构使用 LTO-4 磁带驱动器进行数据加密 • Six data centers in five states all encrypting off-site media 5 个州的 6 个数据中心对全部离站介质进行了加密设置 • Daily backups are between 1 – 8 TB per site 每个站点每天的备份量在 1 至 8 TB 之间 • Centralized, automated data protection system eliminated manual management of backups 集中化、自动化的数据保护系统免去了手动管理备份的麻烦 • Effectively established a disk to disk to tape strategy 有效地建立了磁盘到磁盘再到磁带的策略 • Assured data is protected – LTO-4 addresses security and compliance requirements 保护确定的数据—LTO-4 可以满足安全性与兼容性要求 “…it took only 1 to 2 days to implement encryption.” Mack Kigada, Data Storage Manager, Providence Health and Services “只需一两天就可以实现加密。”Mack Kigada,普罗维登斯市健康与服务机构数据存储经理 *See white paper: Securing Sensitive Information -- with LTO-4 tape drive encryption. by Silverton Consulting at www.ultrium.com/whitepaper
Linear Tape File System (LTFS) 线性磁带文件系统 (LTFS)What is it - How does it work? 什么是 LTFS?它是如何工作的? Tape drive freeware that is downloaded on to Linux, MAC, Windows 磁带驱动器免费软件可支持下载至 Linux、MAC 和 Windows Utilizes the new LTO-5 dual-partitioning capability 采用新的 LTO-5 双分区功能 Index partition and content partition: Mount a tape as if it was a hard drive 索引分区和内容分区:像安装硬盘一样安装磁带 Creates a self describing tape; view contents in the OS browser; drag and drop! 创建自动描述磁带:在操作系统浏览器中查看内容;只需拖放即可! No additional backup applications needed; can share tapes across platforms 无需附加的备份应用程序:可以在平台间共享磁带 You can think of it as a giant 1.5TB uncompressed memory stick 可以当作容量巨大的1.5TB 未压缩的记忆棒来使用 BOT EOT F123DesrLoc1344 Partition 0 Partition 0 Guard Wraps Guard Wraps Partition 1 Partition 1 F123 • Potential Applications:潜在应用 • Video workflow, individual scene access and video asset archive • Digital video surveillance (squad car, parks, garages, etc.) • Design and drawing content for manufacturing, architecture, construction • Medical / Health imaging; Legal documents-evidence; Cloud apps…and more! 34
LTFS in Action with File Browser LTFS 和文件浏览器一同使用 • Files can be accessed on tape directly from any application 可以直接通过任意应用程序在磁带上访问文件 Tape browsing on Linux 在Linux系统中浏览磁带 Device Directory 设备目录 Tape Contents 磁带内容 "We think that LTFS could be one of the most significant developments in the tape drive space since the introduction of LTO itself.“ George Crump, Analyst, Storage Switzerland, May 2010 我们认为,自从 LTO 问世以来,LTFS 堪称磁带驱动器领域最重大的进步之一。”George Crump,分析员,Storage Switzerland 公司,2010 年 5 月 See LTFS in Action in a 1 Minute Movie Clip at: www.ultrium.com/ltfs
Client Reactions at NAB Show –After Viewing客户在美国广播电视展上对LTO-5的称赞LT0-5 Drive and Linear Tape File System in ActionLT0-5 驱动器和线性磁带文件系统在行动 “I am shocked! This is exactly what we need!” “我感到很震惊!这正是我们想要的!”“You have made my dreams come true!” “你们让我梦想成真 !”“You can‘t see it, but I am dancing inside!” “虽然你们看不到,但是我的内心已经开始手舞足蹈了!” “LTO-5 technology gives tape-less work-flow....with tape!” “第五代线性磁带开放技术减少了磁带的工作流……” “We are going to get this (LTO-5 tape and LTFS).” “我们肯定会买的(第五代线性磁带开放技术磁带和LTFS)。” “Now I can offer an LTO-5 archiving service to my movie clients.” “现在,我终于能向我的电影客户提供第五代线性磁带开放技术存档服务了。”"We have LTO-3 and are now going to go to 5 with the file system“ “我们购买了第三代线性磁带开放技术产品,现在我们要购买第五代文件系统。”
LTFS Gets Rave Reviews LTFS 反响热烈 • LTO5 with its own File System: An Enabling Technology for Archive, Backup, Simple DR - even the Cloud LTO5 及其自带的文件系统:一种支持存档、备份、简单 DR 以及云的授权技术By Eric Slack, Senior Analyst, Monday, October 18, 2010, Storage Switzerland • LTO-5 and LTFS: Shaking the Pillars of Heaven LTO-5 和 LTFS:颠覆性的壮举By Mark Ferelli, Aug 17, 2010, Computer Technology Review • LTFS: Crazy like a fox "The more I thought about this idea the more I liked it... (LTFS is) also excellent for long term storage (i.e. archiving)." LTFS:聪明的像只狐狸“我越想这个主意,就越觉得喜欢…LTFS 也非常适用于长期储存,也就是存档。”By W. Curtis Preston, Aug 12, 2010, BackupCentral.com • "The file system allows users to drag and drop files to and from tape the way they do with disk.““该文件系统支持用户从磁带或向磁带拖放文件,就像在磁盘上操作一样。”By Andrew Burton, Site Editor, Aug 2, 2010, SearchDataBackup.com • What is LTFS? …could be one of the most significant developments in the tape drive space since the introduction of LTO itself. 什么是LTFS?…自从 LTO 问世以来,堪称磁带驱动器领域最重大的进步之一。By George Crump, Storage Switzerland • LTO-5 with LTFS Gives Tape a New Lease on Life具有 LTFS 的 LTO-5 为磁带赋予了新生By Jerome M. Wendt on June 4, 2010
LTO Ultrium Roadmap to the FutureLTO Ultrium 的发展蓝图 32 16 8 3 Terabytes • Over 3.5M LTO Tape Drive Shipments • 超过 3.5M 的 LTO 磁带驱动器出货量 • Over 150M LTO Cartridge Shipments • 超过 150M 的 LTO 盒带出货量
Protect Your Data Now and Down the Road从今以后保护您的数据安全 Thank You! • LTO Ultrium technology can provide: • LTO Ultrium 技术可以提供: • Cost effective backup • 低成本的备份 • Reliable archive • 可靠的存档 • Disaster recovery • 从灾难中快速恢复的能力 • Low energy consumption • 低能耗 • Ultimate data protection • 终极的数据保护 LEARN more at TRUSTLTO.com