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Space Planning & Management. Time Frame Years 1-10. Description
Space Planning & Management Time Frame Years 1-10 Description Employ current understanding of potential of building stock (through undertaking building condition assessment and developing new standards for space management and scheduling) and use this as the basis for revising the campus master plan. Objective is to increase space and building use efficiency to limit the need for new construction. If growth rates experienced between 1980 and 2010 continue, CWRU is projected to add approximately 3.6 million new gross square footage by 2050. If this growth was limited, the capital costs, operating expenses and associated energy expenses would be avoided • Next Steps • Draft specific Space Planning & Management policy that outlines discrete steps and processes that need to be put into place to enable this abatement opportunity. Define specific projects and objectives for the next X years. • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Reduced Air Travel Time Frame Years 1-10 Description This option impacts 20% of air travel. The first 5 years will see a reduction of 10% of emissions associated with the 20% impacted air travel. Within 10 years, the above amount will be reduced by 15%. The increase use of telepresense will move this objective forward. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Green Information Technology Time Frame Years 1-10 Description The university will explore means of transitioning to centralized energy management, including the integration of asset and power management software campus-wide. This will enable energy reductions through centralized IT management. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Short-term Energy Conservation Measures Time Frame Years 1-10 Description The university will implement its already-developed program for installing campus-wide energy conservation measures. This measure targets the lowest hanging fruit of energy conservation potential. These ECM’s have the shortest payback times, often under 2 years. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Conservation Outreach & Behavior Change Time Frame Years 1-10 Description Through a targeting and aggressive marketing effort, CWRU will reduce electricity consumption by campus population by a 3% reduction in 5 years and a 5% reduction in 10 years. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Mid-term Energy Conservation Measures Time Frame Years 1-10 Description The university will implement its already-developed program for installing campus-wide energy conservation measures. This measure targets the energy conservation measures that have 2-5 year payback. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Steam Line Improvements Time Frame Years 1-10 Description The starting steam loss in the distribution network is 9%. In this measure, CWRU will invest in upgrades to the steam distribution loop, through the installation of new lines and abandoning the steam tunnel. This will lead to an improvement of steam loss by 4%. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Long-term Energy Conservation Measures Time Frame Years 10-25 Description The university will implement its already-developed program for installing campus-wide energy conservation measures. This measure targets the energy conservation measures that have 2-5 year payback. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Building Design & Construction Standards Time Frame Years 1-10 Description Create building design and construction standards to ensure that construction of all new and renovated buildings employ aggressive energy standards as prime among all aspects of sustainability. The building design and construction standards will result in a 30% reduction in Business as Usual energy use intensity. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Combined Heat & Power Time Frame Years 1-10 Description It is assumed that conversion to Natural Gas fueled Combined Heat & Power will take place in two phases. Phase I will be the additional of two new natural gas boilers; Boiler 7 & Boiler 8. It is assumed that these two boilers will be on-line at the beginning of calendar year 2014 and that the cost of these is already being incorporated into the CWRU rates. Between now and when these boilers are online no changes will take place in the fuel mix used to produce steam at the MCCo. Phase II will consist of a full conversion to a combined heat & power system. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Waste Reduction Time Frame Years 1-10 Description The campus will improve its recycling program to capture a greater proportion of materials already recycled and composted and to expand this program to include more materials. This initiative will focus on the activities of three campus entities: residential life, dining and food service, and general campus maintenance. There will be a reduction of 8% of solid waste-related emissions by 2017. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
GeoExchange Heating and Cooling Time Frame Years 1-10 Description A geoexchange heating and cooling system will installed for 2 acres and 218 wells on CWRU campus property. This analysis assumes that the fields will be sited in close proximity to a balanced heating and cooling load with vertical wells of 300 linear feet. . • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Solar Domestic Hot Water Time Frame Years 1-10 Description Solar thermal heating is a commercially available technology that employs the radiation from the sun to heat water for domestic use. This solar system is comprised of approximately 95 panels with a 3,000 gallon storage tank. This assumes a solar domestic hot water system will be installed one residential building. (Sherman Hall - North Residential Campus ). Emerson/Veale is also a candidate, but has not been modeled. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Coal to Natural Gas Conversion @ Steam Plant Time Frame Years 1-10 Description Currently coal is combusted to produced steam. The university will pursue conversion of coal to natural gas, to be accomplished through the Medical Center Company. This measure proposes the conversion of 50% of coal combustion to a cleaner fuel of natural gas. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Green Power Purchases Time Frame Years 1-10 Description $25.00 /MWh Premium per MWh . Current placeholder assumption is 50,000 MWh (roughly 20%of the current electricity purchased by Case). • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Unitary Chiller Upgrades Time Frame Years 1-10 Description This measure addresses the inefficiencies of older building level unitary chillers that can be replaced with higher efficiency systems. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Green Power Purchases – MCCo Reserve Fund Time Frame Years 1-10 Description It is assumed that the University will pay a premium of $0.005 for each kWh purchased through MCCo. The revenue from this premium will be placed into a reserve fund managed by MCCo until funds have accumulated sufficient to purchase a 2MW wind turbine and install it near Lake Erie. It is assumed that this premium will continue for 10 years and that 6 MW of wind will be installed. It is also assumed that savings from avoided electricity purchases from the grid will be reinvested into the reserve fund. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Time Frame Years 1-10 Description Solar photovoltaic panels use the sun’s radiation to create electricity. This panels on CWRU campus would be tied directly into the campus electric grid. 572 kW of PV on campus buildings : 37 kW on Kelvin Smith Library and 525 kW on Parking Lot #61. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Central Chiller Expansion Time Frame Years 1-10 Description Multiple phases of connecting additional CWRU building to MCCo central plant are anticipated. Phases I & II are underway and will result in the Millis Loop and the Crawford loop being connected. Phase III will result in the Nord Loop being connected. Phase IV will result in Bingham being connected. It is assumed that CWRU will be responsible for the “indoor work” and a portion of the soft costs and fees. The rest of the costs will flow through to CWRU in the form of rate increases. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Dish Stirling Time Frame Years 1-10 Description A Stirling engine is placed at the focal point of a large dish mirrors. 1000 kW nameplate capacity. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
Parabolic Time Frame Years 1-10 Description 890 kW nameplate capacity. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities Assumptions
On-Site Wind Time Frame Years 1-10 Description The university will continue its collaboration with industry relative to wind energy generation. This includes research and a plan to install three wind turbines on or near campus. These will support university needs and provide local companies to test and launch commercialization of their wind energy- related technologies. Currently modeled is a 100 kW wind turbine on campus with an assumed capacity factor of 20%. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities • Reinvest in plant after useful life? At what cost? • Hold cost per kwh constant? Or increase? Assumptions
Reduced Automobile Reliance Strategies Time Frame Years 10-20 Description Analyze and implement programs to reduce carbon associated with university commuting travel. This includes shifting to human-powered and mass transit and reducing work week and work-at-home opportunities. This will reduce the number of parking permits on campus. • Next Steps • Issues & Opportunities • Reinvest in plant after useful life? At what cost? • Hold cost per kwh constant? Or increase? Assumptions