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Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Tunisia : situation and prospects

NEEDS Forum 3 28-29 January 2008 Cairo - Egypt. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Tunisia : situation and prospects. Tahar ABDESSALEM Etidel LABIDI LEGI-EPT. Tunisian energy situation. Energy Resources and demand. ANME, Energy Conservation in Tunisia, horizon 2030, Tunis 2006.

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Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Tunisia : situation and prospects

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  1. NEEDS Forum 3 28-29 January 2008 Cairo - Egypt Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Tunisia : situation and prospects Tahar ABDESSALEM Etidel LABIDI LEGI-EPT

  2. Tunisian energy situation Energy Resources and demand ANME, Energy Conservation in Tunisia, horizon 2030, Tunis 2006

  3. Mtep SURPLUS DEFICITS Deficits of 0.9 Mtep in 2006 National Agency for Energy Management (ANME). Tunisian energy situation Evolution inEnergy Balance

  4. Tunisian energy situation Energy saving potential ANME, Energy Conservation in Tunisia, horizon 2030, Tunis 2006

  5. Tunisian energy situation Main measures • Creation National Agency for Energy Management (ANME) in 1985; • Regulatory framework and action plans for promotion of energy efficiency: fiscal advantages and subsidies, for efficient investments, equipment and products used for energy efficiency.. - New Law (2004) governing energy savings: enhancing energy conservation programs

  6. ANME, Energy Conservation in Tunisia, horizon 2030, Tunis 2006 Tunisian energy situation Evolution inEnergy Intensity

  7. Tunisian energy situation The Action Program for 2005–2008 National Agency for Energy Management (ANME).

  8. Tunisian energy situation The Action Program for the period 2007–2011 Energy savings during XIth Plan Mtep 3,2 Principal measures : -Wind (155 MW) - Water solar heater (540.000 m²) Renewable energy 16% Rational use of energy 84% • Principal measures : • - PC Industrie (300 PC) • Cogeneration (110 MW) • Engine check-up stations 290 National Agency for Energy Management (ANME).

  9. Renewable Energies in Tunisia Wind Energy Evolutions in Wind Installed capacity during 2000-2030 Strategic study on the development of renewable energies in Tunisia (2004)

  10. Renewable Energies in Tunisia Solar Energy Biogaz

  11. Energy Efficiency in Tunisia Energy Consumption by Sector Final energy Mtep consumption 2005 1,9 Industry 1,7 Transportation 1,0 Residential 0,6 Tertiary 0,4 Agriculture TOTAL 5,6 National Agency for Energy Management (ANME).

  12. Energy Efficiency in Tunisia Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector National Agency for Energy Management (ANME).

  13. Économe en énergie Niveau de Performance Énergétique de l'Enveloppe du Bâtiment 60% 1 (Classe 1) 65% 2 (Classe 2) 75% 3 (Classe 3) Classification Energétique de l'Enveloppe 85% 4 (Classe 4) 5(Réglementation Minimale) 100% 115% 6 (Assez Mauvais) 135% 7 (Mauvais) Pas économe en énergie 8 (Très Mauvais) Niveau de besoins Spécifique d'Energie (Chauffage + Climatisation) - [kWh / m² - an] Réglementation minimale Energy Efficiency in Tunisia Cogeneration Thermal and energy regulations in new buildings - Setting up a legal framework with minimal equirement.

  14. Energy Efficiency in Tunisia Energy Certification of Electrical Household Appliances • Implementation of the programme of energy certification of domestic refrigerators. • - Extending the programme of display of energy performance to the air-conditioners distributed on the Tunisian market.

  15. Energy Efficiency in Tunisia Engine check-up stations • Installing over 150 engine check-up stations. • Systematic control of emissions from vehicles by the technical car check-up centres at the time of the mandatory annual car check-up. • Installation of an additional 290 engine check-up stations during XIth Plan.

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