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Clean Energy Future Plan Land Sector Package This presentation provides an overview of programs under the Carbon Farming Futures Program Source of this presentation: the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry DAFF June 2013.
Clean Energy Future Plan Land Sector PackageThis presentation provides an overview of programs under the Carbon Farming Futures Program Source of this presentation: the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry DAFF June 2013
Global action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions International emission trading schemes Countries around the world are already taking action to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Examples: • New Zealand and the European Union have established emissions trading schemes • State-based schemes in the United States have been established • China is trialling emission trading and South Korea has a planned emission trading scheme Australia’s carbon commitments Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by between 5 and 25 per cent below 2000 levels by 2020 Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent below 2000 levels by 2050
Clean Energy Future Plan The Clean Energy Future Plan’s four elements • Carbon price • Renewable energy • Energy efficiency • Action on the land
Filling the Research Gap Research into abatement options and adaptation Science to underpin offset methodology development Development of a land management practices survey Investing $201 million over six years Round one (closed) is funding 57 projects from June 2012 to June 2015 Round two (closed) is funding 31 projects from July 2013 to June 2016 Future funding rounds will be announced at a later date For more information 1800 108 760 ftrg@daff.gov.au www.daff.gov.au/climatechange/carbonfarmingfutures/ftrg
Action on the Ground • Provides competitive grants to assist farmers and land managers undertake on-farm trials of emissions abatement technologies and management practices • Investing $99 million over six years – July 2011 to June 2017 • Round one (closed) is funding 59 projects worth $25.2 million • Round two applications (closed) are currently being assessed • Future funding rounds will be announced at a later date For more information 1800 025 005 aotg@daff.gov.au www.daff.gov.au/climatechange/carbonfarmingfutures/action-on-the-ground
Extension and Outreach Providing farmers, land managers and their key influencers with technical information and support about carbon farming and the CFI. This will help farmers and land managers make informed decisions about emissions management and participation in the CFI. Investing $64 million over six years 24 projects funded under the first phase For more information 1800 156 858 carbonfarminginitiative@daff.gov.au www.daff.gov.au/climatechange/carbonfarmingfutures/extension-and-outreach
Conservation Tillage Refundable Tax Offset 15 per cent refundable tax offset on the purchase of new, eligible conservation tillage equipment To encourage conservation agricultural practices that: • reduce emissions • improve productivity Investing approximately $44 million from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2015 Eligible applicants can claim the offset through their tax return from 1 July 2013 For more information 1800 108 760 rto@daff.gov.au www.daff.gov.au/climatechange/carbonfarmingfutures/rto
Methodology Development Program Converting research and development outcomes and into offset methodologies Funding both government and non-government methodology development Investing $20.0 million over six years Round one (closed) is funding five projects over three years • Future funding rounds will be announced at a later date For more information 1800 057 590 CFI.methdevProg@climatechange.gov.au
Biodiversity Fund To establish new carbon stores by: • increasing biodiverse plantings • protecting and enhancing existing native vegetation • managing threats to biodiversity Investing $946 million over six years Round one is funding 317 projects over six years, worth $271 million of grants Round two has closed with successful applicants expected to be announced in the coming months. For more information 1800 008 678 biodiversityfund@environment.gov.au www.environment.gov.au/cleanenergyfuture/biodiversity-fund
Regional Natural Resource ManagementPlanning for Climate Change Fund To support regional natural resource management (NRM) organisations incorporate climate change mitigation and adaptation into their existing NRM plans Investing $43.9 million fund over five years Round one is funding 53 projects over four years, worthover $23 million For more information 1800 008 678 nrmplanning@environment.gov.au www.environment.gov.au/cleanenergyfuture/regional-fund
Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund Investing $22.3 million over five years To help Indigenous Australians to take full advantage of the CFI by funding: • specialists to work with Indigenous communities • development and uptake of CFI activities with Indigenous participation Round one is funding 44 projects For more information 1800 008 678 cleanenergyenviro@environment.gov.au www.environment.gov.au/cleanenergyfuture/icff
Carbon Farming Skills Initiative Developing a nationally accredited qualification for carbon service providers Will provide information and training workshops for: • farm extension officers • catchment management authorities • agronomists • other rural service providers Investing $4.2 million over five years Program remains under development For more information 1800 057 590 cfi@climatechange.gov.au
Land Sector Carbon and Biodiversity Board An independent advisory board To provide independent advice to government on: • indicators of the package • the priorities for research under the package Investment of $4.4 million to establish the Board
Other Australian Government programs Clean Energy Future Plan Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program ($200 million) Carbon Farming Initiative Carbon Farming Initiative Communications Program ($4 million) Biochar Capacity Building Program (2 million)
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program To provide transitional assistance to reduce emissions and invest in clean energy Investing $200 million over six years • $150 million is dedicated to food processors Application for funding can be made at any time At June 2013, 133 projects had been successful under this program For more information 13 28 46 hotline@ausindustry.gov.au www.ausindustry.gov.au/programs/CleanTechnology/CTFFIP
Carbon Farming Initiative Communications Program The program has been raising awareness and providing information on the CFI Investing $4 million over four years Communication activities were delivered in the NRM regions across Australia by the Regional Landcare Facilitator network from 2010-11 to 2012-13. For more information 1800 156 858 carbonfarminginitiative@daff.gov.au www.daff.gov.au/climatechange/cfi/communications
Biochar Capacity Building Program To provide additional options for landholders to reduce greenhouse gas emissions The program is supporting: • research into biochar use in Australia • on–ground trialling of biochar • the development of offset methodologies Investing $2 million over two years Projects run from 2012 to 2014 For more information 1800 108 760 biocharprogram@daff.gov.au www.daff.gov.au/climatechange/cfi/biochar