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DISCOVERY AND STUDY OF RADIOACTIVITY Rikhvanov Leonid P., professor, DSc in Geology and Mineralogy Nadeina Luiza V., associate professor, PhD in Philology TOMSK -2015.
DISCOVERY AND STUDY OF RADIOACTIVITY RikhvanovLeonid P., professor,DSc in Geology and MineralogyNadeinaLuiza V., associate professor,PhD in Philology TOMSK -2015
Meeting of Russian scientists with a merchant Ryabushinsky P.P. was a historical event in radioactivity and radioactive substances study. There are interesting notes about his meeting with a famous businessman and a sponsor of science in personal archives of cofounder well-known scholar, writer and traveller, academician V. A. Obruchev. This meeting took place in P.P. Ryabushinsky Moscow flat on Thursday November 14, in 1913. VernadskyV.i., Obruchev V.A., Sokolov V.D. and other famous scientists were invited to this meeting. There were 12 persons. Saying good bye, he promised to finance search radium and radioactive elements.
After meeting with merchant Ryabushinsky in Moscow, Vladimir Afanasievich Obruchev began to organize radium search in Siberia. He sent a great article “Search radium” to his scholar, head of the department in Tomsk technological institute, professor Gudkov P.P. It was published in Tomsk newspaper “Siberian life”. In this article Obruchev V.A. told about radium, its properties and call to search minefield of radium and radioelements.
The former student of Tomsk technological institute, afterwards a famous Siberian geologist, professor N.N. Urvantsev - discoverer Norilsk ore district, told in detail how siberians searched radium those years. Student Urvantsev worked onto exploration ironstone in Kuzbuss in 1913-1917. There were no devices to search radioactive ore. Recommendations of Gudkov P.P. were used.
Special expeditionequipped by Ryabushinsky P.P. searched radioactive elements in Transbaikalia in summer and autumn in 1914. It was headed by M.N. Sobolev, economist, great scientist. He had been working at Tomsk state university and Tomsk technological institute for many years. He was a friend of professor Obruchev V.A., and Potanin G.N., a researcher of Transbaikalia and Mongolia, who investigated Siberia.
Working on radioactive element study in Transbaikalia, doctor Bagashev I.A. noted that inhabitants of Cossack villages used water from the well as drinking water and this water was of high level of radioactivity (2,25-10,22 ед. Махе).
Radioactivity was studied by a geologist Kotulsky, who carried out the investigations in Barguzin district. He tested for radioactivity Turkinskie hot sulfur water, Garginsky hot sulfur spring, Seyuiskie sulfur water, Mongoiskie hot springs, warm springs on the shore of the lake Irkano, cold spring on the left bank Of the Angara and hot spring on the right bank of the Dzhelinda (1912). Besides, V.V. Kotulsky measured radioactivity of the cave based in limestone of Pestchernaya.
The paper by D.V. Alekseev inthe newspaper “Siberian life” in 1905 was very interesting for inhabitants of Tomsk region. In which the author, an employee of chemistry department of technological institute told about radium properties and applications. Alekseev D.V. published a number of articles devoted radioactivity effect on living organisms. According to Lozovsky I.T., he had already studied radioactiviry and radioactive elements in 1904. Sorry to say, he and later Titov V.S. were sent from Tomsk as unreliable teachers, and further they did not study radioactivity.
It was very difficult to study radioactivity during World War I and Civil War. Many geologists and students served in Army. It collapsed researches. There was сhaos in Siberia. Many researchers had to leave Tomsk. Geologist Gudkov P.P. had to leave Tomsk to go to Vladivostok in 1919. and then 2 years later he came to the USAand worked and lived there until he died in 1955. Gudkov P.P. died as academician and a member of many scientific communities. He died as great geologist all over the world, very famous American scientist, but he always was and became Russian and Russian scientist. All letters sent by him from the USA told about it..
Nobody noted Vernadsky V.I. arrival in Tomsk and Irkutsk regions and Marie Curie-Sklodowska in Krasnoyarsk region in the pre-war and prerevolutionary period.
Stay Maria Curie in Siberia. Reality or myth? The regions of Siberia were known to be attractive to search ores containing radium. So, about 30 papers dealing with radium, were published, such as: - “Radium in Siberia” №2,1914,-p.36; - “Uranium ore on the Baikal area” - №12,1914,-p.257. Last work has been reported that the expedition headed by Curie onto Baikal for research of uranium ore.
О About Curie’s stay in Krasnoyarsk Prokhorov I.G. wrote in his memoirs. Starkov V.P. in his report wrote in 1936 “Prokhorov I.G. delivered samples of high radioactivity rocks in Krasnoyarsk for Sklodowska-Curie…”
Ivan Grigorievich Prokhorov (1887 -. 1963), peasant of Kazansko-Bogorodskaya village, can be called the first prospector and miner of uranium ore in Siberia. Who is that person Prokhorov I.G.?
Prokhorov I.G. wrote about his meeting with Marie Curie-Sklodowska in Siberia: «In 1914 I met a mental attentive to ordinary people woman. I was told that she is a great scientist, that she is a well-known person all over the world because she discovered radium. I was told that she would investigate our samples and would estimate them. Above this assessment there would be nothing!».
But from her personal diary it was found that Marie Curie in 1914 did not visit Russia and there is no any information about Prokhorov I.G. The idea was supposed to be that it is one of the beautiful legends. L.P. Pikhvanov, professor of Tomsk polytechnic university suggested to do in museum the exhibit called “Legends and realities about Marie Curie”. He promised to give all materials about Prokhorov I.G. and his meeting with Maria Curie in Krasnoyarsk.
In 1920s radioactivity investigations began to be regenerated in Siberia. The works of Orlov P.P. and Orlova M.P., Labazin G.S., Kurbatov S.M., Bilibin Yu.A., Shakhov F.N. had been published by that time. There were microradiographies in works of Labazin G.S. (1925,1930). They characterized radioactive substance distribution in rocks of number of objects.
Map of Labazin G.S. completed due to studied objects in Khakassia (1930)
FeliksNikolaevichShakhovfounder of the department and the fist Siberian expert in uranium deposit geology in Siberia
Today the center of radioactivity investigation in Siberia is located in Tomsk III All-Union radiochemical conference was held in Tomsk in 1991. It was considered to use radiography method to solve problems dealing with radioecology. I International conference “ Radioactivity and radioactive elements in human environment” was held in 1996. IIInternational conference “ Radioactivity and radioactive elements in human environment” was held in 2004.