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數學軟體應用. Functions of Three Variables. Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector. Tangent Planes to Level Surfaces. Maximum and Minimum Values. 圖. Thm :. 用 matlab: 畫圖 x=linspace(-2,2,25); y=linspace(-2,2,25); [xx,yy]=meshgrid(x,y); zz=xx.^2+yy.^2; mesh(xx,yy,zz);.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 數學軟體應用

  2. Functions of Three Variables Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector

  3. Tangent Planes to Level Surfaces

  4. Maximum and Minimum Values

  5. Thm : 用matlab:畫圖 x=linspace(-2,2,25); y=linspace(-2,2,25); [xx,yy]=meshgrid(x,y); zz=xx.^2+yy.^2; mesh(xx,yy,zz); F(x,y)=x^2+y^2 在(0,0)處有相對極小值

  6. Second Derivatives Test

  7. Extreme Value Theorem for Functions of Two Variable

  8. Lagrange Multiplies

  9. Method of Lagrange Multipliers

  10. Two Constrains

  11. absolute maximum value local maximum value back 用matlab 畫個peaks圖 轉到平面 標上點 local minimum value absolute minimum value

  12. 用matlab 畫‘’鞍點‘’的圖 Z =y^2-x^2 f(x,y) =y^2-x^2 在(0,0)處有鞍點 back

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