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Transformation of Agricultural Policies in Tanzania: Enhancing Productivity and Overcoming Limitations

This presentation delves into the evolution of agricultural policies in Tanzania, from state control to economic liberalization. It explores different types of policies, changes in agricultural policy, and impacts of liberalization on the sector. The limitations of state control and the rationale for planning are discussed, along with mechanisms to enhance productivity. The historical frameworks guiding policy development are also examined. This comprehensive overview aims to provide insights into the challenges and opportunities of agricultural planning in Tanzania.

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Transformation of Agricultural Policies in Tanzania: Enhancing Productivity and Overcoming Limitations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GE 341:AGRICULTURE AND RURAL SETTLEMENT PLANNING. combined slides topic 1-topic 4. prepared by James.(0757444334). “together as one”

  2. GE 341.Topic 1.



  5. Policy ….

  6. Agricultural Policy

  7. Agric. Policy …..

  8. Types of Policies Comprehensive Policies (broad policies) – sets goals for a whole economy e.g. Ujamaa policy, Liberalization Policy, privatization policy, Nationalization policy, etc Partial / Sectoralpolicies – sets goals and framework for development of a specific sector of the economy / or component of a society

  9. Changes in Agricultural Policy

  10. Change in agric. Policy ……

  11. Change in agric policy….. This change has implications to agricultural production

  12. Agricultural Policy during the era of state control Arguments for state control of the economy

  13. Agric policy during state control …

  14. What political frameworks guided the development of the sector? Enhance productivity in the agricultural sector through

  15. Frameworks …..

  16. Mechanisms used to achieve these objectives

  17. Mechanisms …..

  18. Mechanisms….

  19. Limitations of the state control system

  20. Limitations ……


  22. Limitations ….


  24. Limitations ….

  25. Era of economic liberalization

  26. Features of the economic liberalization

  27. Economic Liberalization ….

  28. Impact of liberalization policies on the agricultural sector

  29. Impact of liberalisation on agric

  30. IMPACTS ….

  31. Impacts ….

  32. others

  33. PAUSE

  34. Topic 1: agricultural planning

  35. Planning

  36. Planning ….

  37. Planning ….

  38. Planning …..

  39. Rationale for Planning

  40. Rationale ….

  41. Rationale ….

  42. Rationale ….

  43. Rationale ….

  44. Rationale …..

  45. Types of plans (basing on Types of economies)

  46. Types of planning …..

  47. Types of planning ….

  48. Types of Plans (in terms coverage of the plans)

  49. Types of plans (time aspect)

  50. Evolution of Agricultural Planning in Tanzania

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