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Explore how Ákos Domanovszky's theoretical elaborations have influenced cataloging competencies, including the management of catalogs, in the context of the Semantic Web. Discover the impact of FRBR and the evolving role of librarians in the "hybrid library" era.
From Domanovszky to metadata. Competencies of research for librarians by Mauro Guerrini University of Florence, Italy
ÁkosDomanovszky (Bratislava, October 28, 1902-Budapest, April 9, 1982), librarian and scholar of Hungarian librarianship, made an original contribution to the cataloging theory, and to the cataloging competencies of the librarian of the second half of the 20th century.
He believed that the library reaches its purpose if it has a catalog based on a logical construction capable of providing a clear and univocal response to users.
Domanovszky believed that cataloging has as its object either a work published in autonomous form or a work published as a component part of a publication; he thought that a work can be a serial or a “unique object”.
Domanovszky believed that cataloging has as its object the publication considered in its dual entity: • as a physical object or bibliographic unit • as a message or literary unit.
How have Domanovszky's theoretical elaborations influenced the thinking behind FRBR, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records?
Library and librarian: competencies in the semantic web context
The publication of FRBR has significantly influenced the definition of the cataloging competencies of the contemporary librarian.
The management of the catalog is one of the main competencies of the librarian; in fact, the catalog is at the center of the main services offered to users in the library: • reference, • reading, • loan, • new acquisitions, • creation of a functional collection.
Today, the library tends to favor a cultural and bibliographic service thatisincreasinglyintegrated with the institutes of the transmission of recorded knowledge, education and of a social nature and seeks to reconciletradition and innovation.
The “hybrid library” shows a new face starting from the tool that has always characterized the functions of each library: the catalog, the OPAC. The "hybrid library" takes note of the "enlarged library".
This new orientation has a direct effect on the librarian's competencies: today, in fact, the library offers access to resources that are not part of its strictosensu collection; what counts is access to resources, not the status of the resources themselves.
The librarian requires a particular effort in the processing of bibliographic resources. Lorcan Dempsey talks about maximise discoverability and Klaus Kempf of maximise accessibility, key word of the digital era.
The librarianhas in hiscompetencies the knowledge of information protocols; protocols are increasinglyresorting to linked data technology. Thistechnologyallows to connect data coming from different domains, reusing and enrichingexisting knowledge.
Linked data aslanguage for the communication and exchange data of semantic web
Linked data are the language for the communication and exchange data of semantic web. Their aim is to guarantee the technological, semantic and cultural interoperability of the data.
In recent years libraries have favored the dissemination of standardized bibliographic metadata, and the creation of connections between data that allow the reader to discover the resources of interest.
The catalogshaveevolved: the discovery tools guarantee an integratedsearch, whichpresents the user as a uniqueinterface for simultaneousinterrogation in all the silos to which the library provides access.
Thisiscombined with the navigationfunction, which, for Elaine Svenonius, represents the characteristic of the contemporary and future catalog.
ICP and IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) The importance of navigationfunctionisreiterated among the functions of ICP, International Cataloging Principles (2009) and in the conceptual model IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) (August 2017).
The purpose of the catalog is to provide the user with the ability to: • find bibliographic resources, • identify resources, • select resources relevant to their information needs, • obtain and access to the resource and, • navigate wisely in the catalog and explore outside it, through systems relational open.
In IFLA LRM the explore function (which incorporates the Elaine Svenonius surf function) states that the user must be able to discover the resources using the relationships between the entities which characterize the resources themselves.
In the same direction is RDA (Resource Description and Access) and softwares for data management, all oriented to the RDF model, Resource Description Framework .
RDA RDA shows a great opening towards the universe of recorded memory and it focuses on any type of resource, recognizing that from the user's point of view it is primarily important to find the resource and subsequently in which institution the resource is located and what the access conditions are.
A closercollaboration and integration field in the field of metadatizationis the creation of authority files. VIAF and ISNI
From MARC to BIBFRAME Bibliographic Framework Iniziative (BIBFRAME) a goal of this data model is to allow the reuse of the millions of MARC records in the context of the semantic web through linked data.
Wemove from a visionfocused on the creation of bibliographicrecordsto a radicallydifferentcatalogingapproach: the identification and definition of specificentities.
The objective of BIBFRAME isambitious: to allow the connection of resources from different sources; and allow the opening of bibliographic data locked up inside silos, suchascatalogs, databases, institutional repositories, making themaccessibleintegrated in the data web.
Conclusion Klaus Kempf: "The library is taken in a vice: on the one hand, Google & Co. pressurize and press with ever new services, and on the other hand, the information offer via open access becomes increasingly broad and attractive.
The situation is further accelerated by the radical change that is occurring at the same time in the immediate scientific surroundings of research libraries. The technology of information and communication, in continuous improvement, is also changing the workplace of the researcher. The attitude of the researcher towards information and the library itself does not obviously remain foreign to it.”
GRAZIE mauro.guerrini@unifi.it