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Learn how various digital devices like mobile phones, laptops, and cameras can be seamlessly connected to increase productivity. Understand bandwidth and latency in networking for optimal performance. Complete tasks & enhance your ICT knowledge.
Connectivity Year 11 GCSE ICT - Combining Technologies & Bandwidth Latency
Combining Technologies Mobile Phone • 4G • Wi-Fi • Bluetooth • Mini USB Port Laptop • Wi-Fi • USB Port • Bluetooth • Ethernet Port You can achieve a lot more with digital devices by using them together. You need to be able to describe how digital devices are compatible with each other.
Communications technologies working together • The mobile phone and laptop mentioned on the previous slide are compatible because they both have USB ports, and can communicate via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. So you can use the camera on the mobile phone to take a photograph, transfer it to a memory stick and then send via the Ethernet cable. • Many digital devices are converging: Performing functions that were originally performed by different devices. If your mobile phone has a camera and an internet connection, you could take and upload photos to a website using just one device. • A device that can perform several functions is called a multifunctional device.
Task Answer questions 1 – 3 in your student booklet. Shared Area > Mr Evans > ICT > Year 11 > Theory > Connectivity > Combining Technologies & Bandwidth and Latency > Student Booklet.
Bandwidth Bandwidth is the measurement of capacity. It is the number of bits that can go through the network connection in one second. It is measured in bits per second (bps). • 1Kbps means 1,000 bits can be transferred every second • 1 Mbps means 1,000,000 bits can be transferred every second.
Latency Latency is the measurement of delay. It is the time in milliseconds between a bit leaving one device and arriving at the other. It is measured in milliseconds (ms).
User Experience For streaming videos from YouTube you need a high bandwidth and network connection, otherwise the video will keep pausing as your computer waits for more bits to arrive. To get quick search results from Google, you need a low latency network connection. Information is travelling in both directions so it needs to arrive quickly.
Exam pointer “The best networks, including those suitable for online gaming, have high bandwidth and low latency. Remember that low bandwidth and high latency are usually bad from a users point of view”
Task You must now answer questions 4 – 7 in your student booklet. If you complete these questions, you must attempt the extension task provided.
Plenary Think, Pair and Share: • What is latency? • What is bandwidth? • How do they affect network connection speeds?