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France’s Government 1774-1804

France’s Government 1774-1804. Published by Connor L. & Hunter D. Absolute Monarchy Under Louis XVI. Louis XVI ruled from 1774-1792

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France’s Government 1774-1804

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  1. France’s Government1774-1804 Published by Connor L. & Hunter D.

  2. Absolute Monarchy Under Louis XVI • Louis XVI ruled from 1774-1792 • Louis’ financial advisor Necker supported the American Revolution which led to great debt as the result of great loans and lack of proper taxation on the people. • As Louis began to lose power he called on the Estates General to help his favor with peasants in 1788 which led to the French Revolution. • Louis was executed on January 21st, 1793 by the National Convention. • The French monarchy was in place for 1,306 years starting with Clovis King of the Franks.

  3. The National Assembly • Put in place during Louis XVI’s rule to deal with financial crisis • The National Assembly was in power from June 17, 1789 - July 9, 1789 • They vowed NOT to disband until a written constitution was completed. It would call for a Constitutional (checked) monarchy. • Jacques Necker proposed the plan to clean up his failed attempt as the financial advisor to the king by helping the estates join together. • Under the National Assembly the Tennis Court Oath was decreed by the third estate who were led by Honoré Gabriel Riquete. • The Storming of the Bastille marked the end of the National Assembly led by the Parisian Government.

  4. The Constituent Assembly • The Constituent Assembly ruled from July 9, - September 30, 1791 • The National Assembly transformed into the Constituent Assembly after they promised to form a constitution for the Third Estate • Historian Timothy Tackett states that the number of member increased to 1,177. • Among the Assembly’s leaders included Marquis de Lafayette who pushed for a common constitution • The Assembly ended after the constitution was formed on September 30th, 1791 and power was handed to the Legislative Assembly

  5. The Legislative Assembly • The Legislative Assembly ruled October 1, 1791 - September 1792 after the formation of a Constitution. • Created after the National Constituent Assembly dissolved due to its radical ideas. • Louis XVI formed a series of cabinets as conservative as the Girondists • Louis XVI vetoed enforcement of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy due to him not wanting to lose his pension. • Napoleon III dissolved the legislative Assembly because of the fact it gave too much freedom to vote.

  6. National Convention • The National Convention was in power from September 21st, 1792 to October 26, 1795 • After Louis XVI was suspended from power in 1972 the National Convention was put in place to conceive a Constitution. • In order to regulate power the Convention set up “Committees” the most famous of which was the Committee of Public Safety. • From the National Convention rose two parties the moderate Girondins and the radical Jacobins. • The biggest concern to the National Convention was what to do with the King and the Jacobin party decided on executing him on January 21st, 1793.

  7. The Directory • The directory lasted from November 2, 1795 until November 10, 1799. • The directory was a response to Robespierre reign of terror • The Directory revoking these powers is known as the Thermidorian reaction. • All people eventually resigned from the directory except for Golouand Moulan • However it was known for its military successes led by Houche

  8. The Consulate • The Consulate ruled from the fall of the Directory in 1799 until Napoleon became emperor in 1804 • Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès helped in abolishing the Directory by moving the members out of power after brutal war losses. • In 1799 Napoleon initiated a coup d'é tat that pushed the Directory officials out of office thus ending the rule of the Directory. • The Consulate was then established as a Republic but Napoleon wanted full power. • After numerous war victories and a bit of shady politics Napoleon was able to name himself Emperor of France and the Consulate ended.

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