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Work Experience

Work Experience. 2011. Aims. Purpose of Work Experience Key dates Students Own Placements Role of Connexions. Purpose of Work Experience. Work related learning – KS4 statutory requirement.

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Work Experience

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  1. Work Experience 2011

  2. Aims • Purpose of Work Experience • Key dates • Students Own Placements • Role of Connexions

  3. Purpose of Work Experience • Work related learning – KS4 statutory requirement. • Work experience provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge and understanding of work and skills for future careers. • Personal and social development eg. Responding appropriately to colleagues, business customers and general public.

  4. Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Key Dates October • Think about job areas of interest and skills required eg practical, caring, office etc • Discuss locations which you can travel to each day eg Ely, Cambridge

  5. Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Key Dates November • Placement List • List of Job titles and name & address of employer • Placement Preferences form • Indicate areas of work interest, locations, transport • List top 4 preferred jobs from placement list • Students Own Placements

  6. Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Students Own Placement (SOP) • SOP • If you have a specific type of placement in mind • If you want to arrange a placement out of county • Forms • Official Connexions Own Placement form • Connexions visit SOP to check health & safety and insurance

  7. Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Key dates December • Begin allocation of students to placements January - February • Students notified of placement • Job Description and Risk Assessment issued • Work Agreement Form (blue) • Preparation during tutor time and conference days • Write letter & contact employer • Workbook and Health & Safety

  8. Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Key dates March • Work Experience 14th – 25th March 2011 • Visit from member of College staff • Employer signs Workbook report. Possible Certificate. • Feedback • Discussion during Tutor time/PSHE days • Letter of thanks to employer • Connexions questionnaire

  9. Summary • October Think about job interests and locations • November Placement List available • December Begin allocation of placements • January/ Preparation during tutor time and February Conference Days • March 14th – 25th Work Experience

  10. “confidence and communication skills grew with this student during the two weeks. It was a pleasure to see” comment from Employer WEX 2010“working here is great and I wish I could stay” comment from student WEX 2010For any questions about work experience please contact:Mrs J MartinCareers Co-ordinatorjmartin@witchfordvillage.cambs.sch.uk

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