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Understanding Types of Computer Programming Languages and Translators

Explore machine language, symbolic languages, low-level and high-level languages, interpreters, compilers, and assemblers. Dive into programming basics and examples. Discover the world of computer programming.

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Understanding Types of Computer Programming Languages and Translators

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  1. Types of Computer/Programming Languages • Machine Language • Symbolic Languages There Are Two Types Of Symbolic Languages • Low level Language • Low level language is near to machine language. Assembly Language are example of Low level Language. • High Level Language • High level language is near to human languages that language mostly English word. C, C++ , Java, Cobol, PHP , C# , Visual Basic and have many other languages.

  2. Types of Translator • Interpreter • Computer language processor that translates a program line-by-line (statement-by-statement) • Compiler • A computer program that translates an entire set of instructions written in a higher-level symbolic language into machine language • Assembler • An assembler is a program that takes basic computer instructions and converts them into a pattern of bits that the computer's processor can use to perform its

  3. Prog.-(1)* Write a program for Display a character on the screen Algorithm steps • Store 2 to ah • Store character to dl • Call dos routine/interrupt • End program START AH=2 DL,’A’ OUTPUT A End

  4. Example Program MOV AH,2 MOV DL,41 INT 21 INT 20

  5. Sample Program MOV AH,2 MOV DL,41 INT 21 MOV AH,2 MOV DL,0A INT 21 MOV AH,2 MOV DL,0D INT 21 MOV AH,2 MOV DL,42 INT 21 INT 20

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