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Ocean Forecasting Systems Impact Assessment and Diagnostics

The use of Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) for assessing the impact on ocean forecasting systems. Analyzing forecast member uncertainties, initial, model, and measurement uncertainties. Examining observations uncertainty, data assimilation diagnostics, signal degrees of freedom, spread reduction factor, and observations-only diagnostics such as power spectra densities. Requirements for data assimilation, quantified sea surface height (SSH) accuracy, and procedures for potential NERSC HYCOM domains. Exchange of files and code, scenarios with altimeters, and direct coupling to GARCA simulator.

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Ocean Forecasting Systems Impact Assessment and Diagnostics

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  1. WP 11 J. Wickert, E. Cardellach, L. Bertino, A. Camps, N. Catarino, B. Chapron, G. Foti, C. Gommenginger, J. Hatton, M. Kern, M. Martin-Neira, H. Park, A. Rius, M. Semmling, F. Soulat, A. Sousa, J. Xie

  2. The goal:Assessing the impact on ocean forecasting systems

  3. Ocean Forecasting System(EnKF) Forecast Analysis Member1 Member2 …… 2 1 Member99 3 • Initial uncertainty • Model uncertainty (winds, surf. Tem) • Measurement uncertainty Member100 Observations

  4. Uncertainty of temp profiles on 5-Jul-2013 limited in 100 km2 of the Fram Strait

  5. Data Assimilation diagnostics • Degrees of Freedom for Signal (DFS=tr(KH)) • Spread Reduction Factor • Can be calculated locally • using surrounding observations • For each observation types independently • Examples from TOPAZ • Impact depends on location and time

  6. Observations-only diagnosticsgghh • CLS: Power spectra densities (PSD) • Global integrated statistics • Used to compare different satellite altimeter missions • Advantage: model-free

  7. Some numbers: Data assimilation requirements • In order to know the impact of observations a Kalman Filter needs to know • Quantified SSH accuracy • GARCA: „of 50 cm or better (goal: 20 cm)“ • For a given size or „observation support“: • „SSH scale 10 km across track, 100 km along track“ • SSH spatial coverage • (Lat, Lon) Coordinates of observations • No requirements regarding latency • But 1 week would be the oldest data assimilated in TOPAZ. • No requirement for formats (NetCDF is OK)

  8. Possible NERSC HYCOM domains Agulhas Current system South China Sea TOPAZ

  9. Foreseen Procedures • File exchange • NERSC receives pseudo-observations • Could be 10-20 possible scenarios • No specific targets • “We take what you have”. • NERSC calculates the DFS/SRF diagnostics • CLS calculates the PSD • Scenarios with or without conventional altimeters • Code exchange • NERSC provides both • A stand-alone Fortran 90 code for calculation of DFS/SRF • Input files: Ensembles • ~50-100 Gb of data • Advantage: direct coupling to GARCA simulator • Many more scenarios

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