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Fondi strutturali - Regionalizzazione. Le differenti fasi di applicazione dei fondi strutturali e La conseguente regionalizzazione del territorio dell’Unione Europea. Le fasi di applicazione dei fondi strutturali. Prima fase 1989-1993 Seconda fase 1994-1999 Terza fase 2000-2006
Fondi strutturali - Regionalizzazione Le differenti fasi di applicazione dei fondi strutturali e La conseguente regionalizzazione del territorio dell’Unione Europea
Le fasi di applicazione dei fondi strutturali • Prima fase 1989-1993 • Seconda fase 1994-1999 • Terza fase 2000-2006 • Quarta fase 2007-2013
1989 - 1993 Integration of the structural funds 5 common objectives Standardised administration rules Decentralised management Increase of the structural funds' budget up to 14 bn ECU p.a. (ca. 20% of EU-Budget)
1994 - 1999 Introduction of a new objective 4 Simplification of procedures New: Cohesion Fund and fisheries instruments Increase of the structural funds' budget up to 32 bn ECU p.a. (ca. 30% of EU budget)
2000 - 2006 40% to 49,9% of EU pouplation (155→224 Mio.) in eligible areas (Obj. 1&2) phasing-out for some objective 1,2 and 5b regions 3 common objectives Introduction of pre-accession instruments for candidates (ISPA) Increase of the structural funds' budget up to 38 bn Euro p.a. (ca. 33% of EU budget)
2007 - 2013 3 objectives, Community initiatives mainstreamed All regions eligible Budget increase: about Euro 50 bn p.a. (ca. 36% of the EU budget) Rural development and fisheries funds outside cohesion policy
<50 50 - 75 75 - 90 90 - 100 100 - 125 ³ 125 Part 1:The context • Regional disparities in development in EU27 GDP per head in % and in purchasing power parities EU27 average in 2003
Part 1: The context • Regional disparities • 10% of EU27 population living in the most prosperous regions (19% of total EU-27 GDP) • 1.5% of GDP for the 10% of population living in the least wealthy regions • Convergence regions: 12.5% total share in EU27 GDP with 35% population share • several regions in Romania and Bulgaria with GDP per head below 25% of the EU average GDP
Part 2: The legal basis • The Treaty • Article 2 EC TREATY "promoteeconomic and social progress as well as a high level of employment, and to achieve balanced and sustainable development" • (Art. 158 of the Treaty ): "in particular, the Community aims to reduce the disparities between the levels of development of the different regions and the backwardness of the least favoured regions or islands, including rural areas"
Part 2: The legal basis • Structural Funds legislation • “General Regulation n°1083/2006 • Regulations for each Fund : • “ERDF Regulation” n°1080/2006 • “ESF Regulation” n° 1081/2006 • “Cohesion Fund Regulation” n° 1084/2006 • Commission Implementing regulation n° 1828/2006 • (IPA Regulation n° 1085/2006, EGTC Regulation n° 1082/2006)
2000-06 Financial instruments: the 4 Structural Funds (ERDF, ESF, EAGGF, FIFG) Cohesion Fund, ISPA the EIB The priorities : Objectives 1, 2 et 3 Community initiatives Innovative Actions Part 3: The method • 2007-2013 • Financial instruments: • the 2 Structural Funds (ERDF, ESF) • Cohesion Fund, IPA • the EIB • The priorities : • 3 Objectives: • 1) Convergence, • 2) Regional Competitiveness and Employment (RCE), • 3) Territorial Co-operation
infrastructure, innovation, investments etc. vocational training, employment aids etc. environmental and transport infra- structure, renewable energy all Member States and regions MemberStates with a GNI/head below 90% Part 3: The method • Objectives, Structural Funds and instruments2007-2013 Objectives Structural Funds and instruments Convergence ERDF ESF Cohesion Fund ERDF ESF Regional Competitiveness and Employment European territorial Cooperation ERDF
Structural funds allocation by type of region 2007-13 Total: €347.4 billion Convergence: €199.3 bn. Cohesion Fund: €69.6 bn. Phasing out: €13.9 bn. Phasing in: €11.4 bn. Competitiveness: €4.5 bn. Cooperation: €7.8 bn. in current prices
Part 3: The method • The principles • Multi-annual programming • Concentration of financial resources • Partnership - shared responsabilities: Commission - Member State – regions – other partners • Additionnality – EU resources are additional to the national effort – no replacement
Part 3: The method The main tools and principles Programme cycle 2.Specific EU Programme National Role Mixed Roles
Part 4: The results • Results of EU cohesion policy • Strengthening of economic integration • Process effects – governance • EU's link with the citizen - publicity
Further information http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/index_en.htm