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In this tutorial you will be shown the main functions of the new reports. First you need to click the reports button. Now this screen will appear. This is where the reports are managed and viewed from. First ‘Clients – Completed’ needs to be selected. Now ‘all advisors’ needs to be selected.
In this tutorial you will be shown the main functions of the new reports
Now this screen will appear. This is where the reports are managed and viewed from
All reports are configurable, but some can be edited more than others. For example some reports can only be renamed whilst others can have configurable fields
First we will look at the features of a report containing a maximum of 7 fields
Reports need a date range to take data from. If one is not put in before the report is previewed, the data range is automatically set from the start of the current year to the current date
Double clicking the box under the start or end date will bring up a calendar
At the top of the calendar it tells you if you are selecting the start or end date.
To move between months click the arrows which either go forward or backwards in time
I have set my date range to be from the start of this year to today
This is the reports configuration screen. From here you can select which fields go into a report and how high their priority is.
Here you can see that the report can contain a maximum of 7 fields
If you want to include a field that is not preset into the report and you wish to add a different one in, it will appear in this box
Before a field is added, one must be removed as there is already the maximum amount of fields in the report
A field needs to be selected and this is done by clicking on it
Now the arrow facing left needs to be clicked as this will switch the category over to the left box
The ‘Solicitor fee’ has now been moved to the available categories box
Now to move a category into the report you first need to select it
Now click the arrow facing right to switch the car insurance category over to the selected fee categories box
Car insurance has now been moved across to the selected fee category box
Another useful tool is the move all button. If you click this, all of the categories, on the side the arrow is pointing away from, are moved onto the other side, so in this case, the 7 fees in selected fee categories would be moved to available fee categories
Now clicking the double arrows pointing the other way, will not move any categories in this case as there is more than 7, but if there was only 7, all would be moved across. With over 7 categories, the ones needed in the report would have to be moved singly
The priority of categories can be changed by using these arrows. Number 1 on the list is currently the top priority and number 7 the lowest priority
As an example car insurance will be moved to top priority. First it needs to be selected.
Now each time I click this up arrow, car insurance will move up a space
Now I will move the life insurance down by using the down arrow
To preview the report this button needs to be clicked. If no dates have already been selected, they will be automatically applied