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Business Analysis Tool A Powerful Business Intelligence System www.bitimpulse.com. Contents. Information about Our Company What is a BI-system? Report Module Administrative Module Architecture and Key Features Advantages of Our Reporting System over Business Rivals.
Business Analysis Tool A Powerful Business Intelligence System www.bitimpulse.com
Contents • Information about Our Company • What is a BI-system? • Report Module • Administrative Module • Architecture and Key Features • Advantages of Our Reporting System over Business Rivals
Information about Our Company Our business is: • Development of our own BI system and consulting in this area (creation of OLAP/DW/ETL) • Custom development of web/windows applications based on .NET platform Technologies that we use: • Microsoft .NET • Microsoft SQL Server, Analysis Services We do software development and consulting since autumn 2003. Our website – www.bitimpulse.com
Problem Each company, regardless of its size and scope of activity, has at least a single informational system with a database. This system contains the entire historic information about company activity – sales, orders, shipments, transactions etc. How is it possible to analyze this data?How to generate reports on this data to make decisions?
Old Model of Reporting Systems Many companies have reporting made in this way: Client Level Direct SQL queries MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, Access, etc. ERP SCM CRM Reporting systems of this type are currently unable to meet all requirements. Such systems create a set of serious problems.
Briefly on BI Business Intelligence System (BI-system) is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, providing access to, and analyzing data for the purpose of helping enterprise users make better business decisions. Data in DB BI-system Making Decisions + = A perfect analytical system is: All company data are stored in the unified format in the same “coordinate system” Reports of long time periods (a month, a year) are quickly generated Users are able to customize the reports Everything works well constantly, without involving IT personnel. We are doing our best to make our product a perfect analytical system.
Our BI System Features of our BI-system: Interactivity Stability Integration withMicrosoft Office Flexible administration Support of all version of SQL Server since 2005 Report Module Administrative Module BIT Impulse ® Business Analysis Tool Application Server AnalysisServices OLAP Fearures of Analysis Services: Powerful mechanisms of data selection Flexible algorithms of cube processing Powerful tools for cube and dimension design SQLServer Data Warehouse Integration Services CRM ERP SCM
What is an OLAP cube? Stores Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Axes contain dimensions (time, stores, products etc) Cube cells contain measures, for example “quantity of products sold” 29 March 30 Time 40 31 2013 01 53 April 02 Products Apple Juice Coca-Cola
Report Module Data analysis features: • Pivot tables, charts, treemap, scatter diagram; • Searching, filtering, sorting of data; • Easy change of report structure; • Highlight of data; • Viewing of the data source; • Offline data analysis; • Export to Excel, Word and PDF; • Printing reports.
Report Module Pivot/Chart You can: • Drill up/down an element • Select the desired level of detailing • Perform other navigation functions • Change the structure of the report using simple drag&dropoperations • Hide/Show element
Report Module Scatter Diagram The dynamic scatter diagram allows to track 4 measures at once. Each element is drawn as a circle. 2 measures define it’s position, while other 2 measures define it’s color and size.
Report Module Treemap The tree-map algorithm is a combination of a diagram and a tree. One measure corresponds to the size while the other corresponds to the color.
Report Module Dashboard Dashboard gives a possibility to combine several elements in one report. The main advantage is a possibility to see all high-level KPIs by different dimensions.
Report Module Dashboard Constructing of dashboard is quite easy: you simply drag and drop the necessary items to its place.
Report Module Dashboard At this moment the table can display values using different types of markers. Future versions will contain another ways of displaying data.
Report Module Member Selector The “Member Selector” dialog allows to toset the desired set of members. You can not only find the necessary members, but also you may search and filter them.
Charts Report Module There are more than two dozens of chart types. Each chart can be configuredwith preview.
Highlighting of Data Report Module With the help of the gradient and exception highlighting you can analyze a vast amount of data
Filtering and Sorting Report Module You can set up filtering of rows/columns of a table
Report Module Change of Report View You can change the following report parameters: • Color of text/background • Font • Number formatting (number of digits after point, currency, percentage, regional settings) • Text orientation and alignment (vertical/horizontal, right/left/center alignment)
Report Module Drilling through Details For each position in the report you can see what data is "behind" it
Report Module Reviewing Data Offline It's possible to save the report into NRP-file or to a local cube. There are special programs to view those files: ПросмотрщикNRP файлов Просмотрщик локальных кубов
Report Module Data Export The application supports export to: • Microsoft Excel • Microsoft Word • PDF • OpenOffice
Scheduler Service Report Module You can get the reports by schedule at desired days and timein any format.
Report Module Printing You can set the scale, margins, comments, select the paper size and printing. You can print in color. Preview mode is available The pages are automatically numbered
Administrative Module • Administrative functions: • Management by users, roles, reports; • Creation of the report templates; • Setting of access permissions for the reports and data in the cubes • Viewing and analyzing of all usage statistics (who has opened what reports, what actions performed, what MDX requests launched) • Subscribing users on reports by schedule • E-mail notifications • SSAS roles backups
Architecture Report Module Administrative Module HTTP + zip compression BAT Application Server Process Pool of MDX executors ASP.NET web services Repository (SQL DB) IIS .NET remoting Scheduler (Windows Service) Works on Windows 2003 and 2008 Analysis Services The following MSAS are supported:2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012 OLAP
Architecture Out GUI application is developed using .NET technology. It communicates with the application server using HTTP protocol. This gives us a set of advantages over zero footprint clients: 1) speed: .NET code works much faster than any javascript 2) visualization: rendering of chars, tables, highlightings etc. looks better when it is a GUI applicatioin if to compare it with DHTML 3) traffic: out .NET code compresses all HTTP traffic using zip compression. The level of compression is at minimum 10 times. With HTML you will never achieve this. 4) resources: we can guarrantee that we’ll free all resources in our .NET code.. 5) Stability: our code keeps everything under control. In the case of errors administrators will get a notification with logs about what really happened (what report the user was looking, what button they pressed, etc.) so we can solve the problem in a short period of time.
Key Features • One report – different access rights: the same report can be accessible for multiple users, however, each user will see only the data to which they have access. • Integration with Active Directory: BAT users and roles can optionally bound to users and groups of AD. This simplifies administration of the system. • The reports are not linked directly to the cubes: data access is performed through cube “pointers”. • User profiles: each user is assigned a profile by administrator. Dependently on this profile they gain access to certain functions in the report designer. • Intellectual application server, which executes user queries and is responsible for correct server load, for timely stopping of command execution, memory allocation, etc. • Zip-compression of transferred data from the client to server and vice-versa. • Problem tracking subsystem – we start reacting on your problems earlier than you notify us. • Client application can work both inside the browser and separately. There is a way of deployment of the client through the AD group policies.
Advantages over Rivals Technical possibilitiesTechnical possibilities of our system are higher than those of the rival systems PricingOur solution is less expensive than of competitors Adaptation for your needsIn case if it is necessary to make changes or implement new features for you, we will cope with this for a moderate price and quite quickly. The majority of other BI vendors, on the contrary, will not pay attention to the needs of an individual customer. SupportWe react to your problems before you are going to notify us. Our rivals have no such support mechanisms.
Contacts Ihor Bobak E-mail: ibobak@bitimpulse.com Phone.: +380-32-2442265 Cell.: +380-67-7493397 Address: 149,Zelenast., Lviv, Ukraine, 79035