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Staffing. Primary Purposes of Staffing. Attract. Train. Develop. Hire. Retain. Reward. Eight Elements of the Staffing Process. Human resource planning — assessing current employees, forecasting future needs, and making plans to add or remove workers.
Staffing 2002 South-Western
Primary Purposes of Staffing Attract Train Develop Hire Retain Reward 2002 South-Western
Eight Elements of the Staffing Process • Human resource planning — assessing current employees, forecasting future needs, and making plans to add or remove workers. • Recruiting — looking for qualified people inside or outside the company. • Selection — testing and interviewing candidates and hiring the best available. • Orientation — new employees learn about their surroundings. 2002 South-Western
Eight Elements of the Staffing Process (cont.) • Training and development. • Performance appraisal— establish the criteria for evaluating work. • Compensation — establishing pay and, in some cases, benefits. • Employment decisions — transfers, promotions, demotions, layoffs, and firings. 2002 South-Western
Best Defense Against Accusations of Discrimination or Bias in Hiring Practices • It is job related—that is, it is predictive of success or failure on a specific job. • It is a business necessity—the company must do what it does to provide for its continued existence. • It acknowledges a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ). • It honors a bona fide seniority system (BFSS). 2002 South-Western
Federal Guidelines List Minorities As • Hispanic-surnamed Americans • Asians and Pacific Islanders • African Americans not of Hispanic origin • Native Americans • Native Alaskans 2002 South-Western
Federal Law and the Differently Able • Have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. • Have a record of such impairment. • Are regarded as having such an impairment. 2002 South-Western
Two Basic RemediesWhen Discrimination is Proved 1. Reinstatement 2. Recovery of lost pay 2002 South-Western
Limits Placed on Punitive Damages Between 15 and 100 employees: $50,000 Between 101 and 200 employees: $100,000 Over 500 employees: $300,000 Between 201 and 500 employees: $200,000 2002 South-Western
Sexual Harassment Includes • Unwelcome sexual advances • Requests for sexual favors • Other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature 2002 South-Western
Issues for Drug Testing • Tests can reveal conditions that an employer has no business knowing about. • Drug tests can produce false positive results. 2002 South-Western
Human Resource Planning Process Employee History Strategic Plans Plans for Growth in Jobs Prepare Job Analysis Prepare Human Resource Inventory Prepare Human Resource Forecast Compare Inventory and Forecast Status Quo Plans for Reduction in Jobs 2002 South-Western
To Do Their Work Job Analysts • Observe the job holder. • Review questionnaires. • Conduct interviews. • Form a committee to analyze, review, and summarize the results. 2002 South-Western
Job Analysts Produce • A job description • A job specification 2002 South-Western
Human Resource Inventory • Provides information about an organization’s present personnel. • Is a catalog of: • Skills • Abilities • Interests • Training • Experience • Qualifications 2002 South-Western
Test • Any criterion or performance measure used as a basis for any employment decision. • Measures include: • Interviews • Application forms • Psychological and performance exams • Physical requirements for a job • Tests used for screening should attempt to measure only performance capabilities. 2002 South-Western
Reference Checks(Kleiman, “From,” 1992) • 84 percent verify education and past-employment claims. • 60 percent contact persons listed as references. • 63 percent review school transcripts. 2002 South-Western
Training • Those who design training or development programs must create needs assessments to determine what the content and objectives of the programs should be. • The people who execute the programs must know how to teach, how people learn, and what individuals need to be taught. • All participants—trainers, developers, and those receiving the training or development—must be willing participants. 2002 South-Western
Training Five Major Aims 1. Increase knowledge and skills 2. Increase motivation to succeed 3. Improve chances for advancement 4. Improve morale 5. Increase quality and productivity 2002 South-Western
Forms of In-House Training • On-the-job training • Machine-based training • Vestibule training • Job rotation • Internet-based training 2002 South-Western
Purposes of Performance Appraisals • Provide feedback. • Develop individuals’ plans for improving. • Determine whether rewards are due or whether warning or termination is required. • Identify areas for additional growth. • Develop and enhance the relationships. • Give the employee a clear understanding in relation to expectations. 2002 South-Western
Appraisal SystemsThree Major Components • The criteria (factors and standards) against which the employee’s performance is measured. • The rating that summarizes how well the employee is doing. • The methods used to determine the ratings. 2002 South-Western
Portion of an Objective Performance Appraisal System Performance Aspect Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Is very inquisitive concerning all phases of job-related assignments. Has undertaken advancement preparation. 1. Has limited interest in expanding job assignments. Has little interest in preparing for advancement. Has shown extra effort to learn additional duties. Has undertaken advancement preparation. Self-Improvement Consider the desire to expand present capabilities in both depth and breadth. No opportunity to observe. Has no interest in learning additional duties. Has demonstrated interest in additional assignments. Has shown some interest in and preparation for advancement. 2002 South-Western
Portion of an Objective Performance Appraisal System (cont.) Performance Aspect Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Frequently absent. Occasionally absent. Almost never absent. 2. Rarely absent. Attendance Consider the regularity with which the employee reports to work. Excessively absent. Frequently tardy. Occasionally tardy. Almost never tardy. 3. Rarely tardy. Punctuality Consider number of occasions late. Punctuality is not essential to this job. Excessively tardy. 2002 South-Western
Portion of an Objective Performance Appraisal System (cont.) Performance Aspect Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Fair on routine but unable to organize variations effectively. Efficient under normal conditions. Gives priority to important jobs. Exceptional efficiency. Keeps priority items in proper perspective. 4. Skillful in organizing and planning work. Meets emergencies promptly. Work Planning Consider how the work load is planned and organized for maximum efficiency. No opportunity to observe. Unsystematic, unable to organize work load. 2002 South-Western
Appraisals are Likely to be Illegal if: • The instruments used are invalid. • Standards are not job related and objective. • The results of the process have a disparate impact on women, the disabled, or minorities. • The scoring method is not standardized. • People who are performing similar jobs are evaluated differently, using different forms, factors, or processes. • Evaluative criteria are not developed according to EEOC guidelines. • Employees are not warned of declining or substandard performance. • The evaluation is not based on the employee’s current duties. 2002 South-Western