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REPORT FROM ELETTRA SINCROTRONE TRIESTE ESS ACCELERATOR COLLABORATION BOARD MEETING Daresbury, February 1,2017. Alessandro Fabris Elettra – Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. OVERVIEW. Elettra in-kind contributions for the accelerator:.
OVERVIEW Elettra in-kind contributions for the accelerator: AIK2.1, AIK7.4, AIK8.5, AIK17.2 endorsed at IKRC 10 in October 2016.
REVIEWS Reviews in 2016 • Next reviews in 2017: • PDR-2 Q5, Q6,Q7 power converters • CDR D1, Q8, C8 magnets • PDR D1, Q8, C8 magnets power converters • CDR wire scanners • Remaining CDRs to be done with manufacturers
SPOKE CAVITIES RF POWER STATIONS Scope: build twenty-six pulsed 400 kW@352 MHz RF power stations for the spoke cavities C. Pasotti • Based on combination of two 200 kW tetrodes. Each RFPS unit consists of: • Two equivalent transmitters with amplification chain composed by solid state preamplifier and tetrode amplifier. • One Modulator to supply both tetrodes. • Construction will be outsourced to industry under Elettra supervision.
SPOKE CAVITIES RF POWER STATIONS Baseline: tetrode TH 595 with input circuit TH 18595A. • Designed for 200 kW pulsed operation at the ESS RF pulse requirements. • In operation at FREIA test stand. • Technical challenges • RoE with the chosen tetrode in other facilities, as FREIA, should allow to mitigate risk in the design. • AC line flicker and harmonic content due to the pulse operation should be taken into account in the modulator design. • First RFPS unit will be extensively tested to fully evaluate compliance to requirements and implement modifications if necessary. C. Pasotti • OUTLOOK • Working with ESS RF group to optimise and freeze technical specifications in terms of performance, costs and schedule. • Writing technical specifications for tender. Final version of document by end February 2017.
MAGNETS Scope: design and build magnets installed in different parts of the ESS linac • Activities concentrated on LWU magnets (Q5, Q6, Q7 and C5, C6). • Design for quadrupoles updated following switch to dc magnets D. Castronovo Q7 Q6 C6 C5 Q5
MAGNETS LWU quadrupole magnet prototype under construction at CERN Courtesy of D. Lopez, CERN • OUTLOOK • Prototype of quadrupole magnets to be tested at CERN by mid February. • LWU magnets technical documentation update reviewed. • LWU magnets technical specifications for tender available.
POWER CONVERTERS Scope: design and build power converters for the magnets of the ESS linac Bipolars R. Visintini • STATUS • Correctors power converters based on compact Elettra design approved in CDR. • Finalization of design for industrial production (Built-to-Print Call for Tender) in progress, according to ESS requirements. 9
POWER CONVERTERS R. Visintini • STATUS • In June 2016 ESS decided to pass from “Pulsed” to “DC” (PCQ5, PCQ6, PCQ7). • Completed the re-definition of PS following the changes in the Q5, Q6, Q7 magnets. • Preliminary recognition of potentially available PC on market. • Technical documentation for Call for Tender (subject to PDR-2) almost ready. PDR-2 for DC quadrupoles power converters expected soon.
BEAM DIAGNOSTICS Scope: Wire scanner (WS) acquisition system design Analog Front End Prototype Design and Fabrication Conditions: 50uSec Pulse; 0.5uA GAIN =HI; Cable = 1m RG174 M Ferianis, R. De Monte, S. Cleva, S. Grulja Optical Front End Prototype Design and Fabrication
BEAM DIAGNOSTICS WS acquisition system simulator M Ferianis, R. De Monte, S. Cleva, S. Grulja • OUTLOOK • After the preliminary design phase, detailed design is in progress • Testing of the prototype, before CDR, will be carried out in two main steps: in house at E-ST and at a partner lab to have access at signals from wires.
SUMMARY • TA endorsed by IKRC (“Cover Pages”). • Working to complete remaining PDRs and CDRs, freeze technical specification and have technical documentation ready for when big procurement can start. • Working to clear administrative/legal aspects that prevent signing of IKAs and Schedules. • These actions involve as well INFN (Representing Entity for Italy in European Spallation Source ERIC) and ESS and the resolution is a prerequisite for the start of tendering phase.